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Messages - LordUrQuan

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Troubleshooting / Re: Step 10 problem
« on: 2019-08-23 14:47:44 »
I went by this one and I somehow ended up on this forum in its troubleshooting link. I got everything working now. But I'm not sure if I can take away the remako files and replace them with the ones in the guide you guys have on here.
Sure you can.  On the library tab, just right click the green 'Installed' button and choose uninstall.  Then download the ones from here and import as EQ2Alyza said earlier today :)

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - opening STATUS menu - CRASH
« on: 2019-08-20 19:45:36 »
Chrysalis is referring to the aali driver, not your chip's driver.  aali's last release was 0.8.1b.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - opening STATUS menu - CRASH
« on: 2019-08-19 02:31:27 »
Our ability to help is going to be somewhat limited since you're not using the 1.02 english ff7.exe.  However, this line did stand out to me:
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1280x800, output resolution 1066x800, internal resolution 1280x960
Those are some pretty funky numbers... it's generally best to leave the internal resolution at default (3840x2160), and your output window is larger than your output resolution (1280x window compared to 1066x resolution).  If you could describe what you're trying to do, and a copy of your ff7_opengl.cfg, we might be able to at least eliminate that as the cause of your troubles.

7th Heaven / Re: Error! please help!
« on: 2019-08-17 21:09:31 »
I have the exact same error as OP. Where do I set the compatibility flag you mention? I'm new to the mod or FF7 modding in general...
Compatibility flags are accessed by right-clicking on the ff7.exe (or ff7_bc.exe, or whatever exe you're using) file, then selecting 'Properties'.  Compatibility is the second (on Win10) tab option.

Troubleshooting / Re: Step 10 problem
« on: 2019-08-17 21:05:17 »
And please note that we didn't come up with Remako... CaptRobau kind of just threw some beta shots up here, said "check this out!" and left.  Whatever guide you're following wasn't written by us.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 19:03:56 »
Put ninostyle in place of (and then disable) "Battle Models - Characters"

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 18:49:50 »
Huh, I'll poke Strife about it... that's not the usual "out of bandwidth, come back later" type error we sometimes see.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 18:34:38 »
Shame, was trying to keep things consistent since not everyone has a cmh model. Thanks for the help!
If you want to keep everything consistent, consider downloading the ninostyle pack. You can pull that, along with a bunch of other significantly updated mods from Strife's Mods of the Round supplemental subscription while EQ2Alyza works on catalog v3.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 18:21:33 »
And the arm socket issue?
I vaguely recall as being something to do with which model is selected in the mod configuration... for Cloud, I personally use "cmh175 - Team Avalanche Edits" for both the battle and field models, and have never seen him in need of an orthopedic surgeon.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 18:13:08 »
A "movies" folder has been placed into the data folder of your game directory...
TYPE the path to this "movies" folder, then press ENTER.
EXAMPLE: "C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\data\movies" (parenthesis included)
It may have been typed incorrectly...
Using "C:\Games\Final Fantasy 7\movies" instead...
Movies not found...
If custom Movies are located somewhere, change the "MoviePath" Registry Key entry at:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Movies path found at...
"C:\Games\Final Fantasy 7\movies\"

Rerun the converter, selecting overwrite, and when it asks for your movies path,
Code: [Select]
"C:\Games\Final Fantasy 7\data\movies\"including the quotation marks.  I'm guessing you forgot those the first time you ran it.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 18:01:35 »
Well, keep at the very least "direct mode = on"... that's flat out required.  Post up ..\Final Fantasy VII\FF7_GC.log, wondering if your movies key was set incorrectly

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 17:44:15 »
preserve_aspect = on
You may need to change this to off... not all chip sets handle resizing gracefully.  If you do, I would also suggest switching to windowed mode (fullscreen = off) and manually setting window_size_x and _y to a 4:3 ratio (Here's a good chart to pick from)

compress_textures = yes
Suggest using no instead... compression is not lossless, and unless you're starved for VRAM, not worth the bother

direct_mode = off
This MUST be set to on for nearly any graphical mod to work properly with the current architecture (wasn't always this way, and efforts are being made to go back, but for now....)

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 17:25:05 »
Post a copy of your ..\Final Fantasy VII\ff7_opengl.cfg file
Edit:  Garrickus is also right about your library path being wrong... / needs to be changed to \

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 15:30:36 »
In your general settings, uncheck 'bypass compatibility locks' (they're there for your protection), and in the "Extra Folders" box, change your second instance of 'music' to 'direct'.

7th Heaven / Re: Opening cutscene wont play.
« on: 2019-08-14 14:09:46 »
Post your mod list along with a screen shot of \Workshop\General Settings

Problem is now I can't load the game again because every time I do I get the same
Code: [Select]
System.ApplicationException: STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR:unknown error in injected assembler code. (Code 5)
Code:5 errors are generally resolved by setting the "Run in 640x480" compatibility flag on whichever ff7.exe you're loading.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7] Tifa's Final Heaven Issues
« on: 2019-08-14 02:40:53 »
Don't rush meaning, things are getting out of hand with all the RC releases, and everyone is rushing to use whatever build others are suggesting. We're creating our own implosion because there just isn't enough testing with the RC versions yet. I personally use a 1.56 build from 2017, and don't face these issues, so I'm thinking we'll need to revert back to that and forget all the small, picky features that have been added in the RC builds until they're ironed out and ready for release.

I'll look at it tonight when I get home and get back to you.
I'd suggest going back to 1.54 and having done with it until we're ready for a real, well-tested release... the more TurBoss and others are digging in, the more they're finding things that are out of date, deprecated, or just plain wonky. 

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7] Tifa's Final Heaven Issues
« on: 2019-08-13 18:07:21 »
Any estimate how long that will take? a week or something?
When it's done ;)  You can always follow the github page, but realize that what's there might not have been put through the wringer yet.

Try this:
Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
Miscellaneous - Jessie Mod
Battle Models - Weapons
Field Models - Objects
NinoStyle Models
Battle Models - Enemies
Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Battle Textures (battle)
Ninostyle Chibi
Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Pre-Rendered Backgrounds (field + char + minigames)
FF7 NT IRO 5th July 2019
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
Media - Music and Sound
*****Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Menu Avatars (menu)
*****Menu - Avatars and Backdrops

Minigames Collection
Spell Textures
World Models - Enemies
World Models - Vehicles
Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - World Textures (world)

You need to pick just one of the menu avatar mods... two mods affecting the same object can cause Strange Things(tm) to happen.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7] Tifa's Final Heaven Issues
« on: 2019-08-13 17:17:18 »
I got a note from turBoss saying a version leaked out that didn't include the decompression library.  Working on getting that fixed...

Post your mod load order and I'll give it a look-over.  I don't know where strife hails from, but the error you're seeing comes from the person who built that revision

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-08-13 13:44:31 »
As for Bahamut Zero, I did get it from the Huge Materia and now have 2, I just didn't realise that getting two was possible in the Vanilla game :)
It probably wasn't intentional, but it isn't as if it's a bug-free game (::cough:: w-item ::cough:: )

Can't say I've seen that one before... are you sure you nuked everything having to do with 7H (except for the .iro files), and there's no stray .xml, .cfg, or other detritus?

Strife just reverted the FAQ to point to a slightly earlier revision, which should be functional.  Delete everything 7H related (except the IRO files themselves, you can manually re-import them and save the download) and start back at step 1 of the FAQ

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7] Tifa's Final Heaven Issues
« on: 2019-08-13 03:52:34 »
Strife just reverted the FAQ to point to a slightly earlier revision, which should be functional.  Delete everything 7H related (except the IRO files themselves, you can manually re-import them and save the download) and start back at step 1 of the FAQ

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