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Messages - ff7rules

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General Discussion / Re: High Quality Crisis Core Ending?
« on: 2009-02-25 15:49:49 »
I have it i added you on msn ill send you it.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Battle text
« on: 2009-02-25 15:23:04 »
Hope you don't mind me asking but what is this program you speak off? I'm interested in it know anyway i could get it? Could be usefull for my patch.

Thought id make this thread to see what other RPGS people have enjoyed beside the Final Fantasy series.

1. Persona 4  (PS2)
2. Chrono Trigger The game that should have been remade for a next gen console not the DS! (SNES,PSX,DS)
3  The Legend Of Dragoon (PSX)
4. Lunar 2 Silver star story (PSX)
5  Grandia 1 (PSX)
6. Persona 3 FES (PS2)
7. Shadow Hearts (PS2)
8. Hack series (PS2)
9. Chrono Cross (PSX)
10. Travelers Story (PSP)

General Discussion / Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« on: 2009-02-25 15:03:47 »

Gotta say my Favourate ff is ff7 only because it was the first ff i ever played but ff8 gave it a run for its money. I really didn't like 10 and i can't still understand to this day why not? I thought the ending was absolute garbage and (yeah they made another 1 eventually) but was hoping for more from the ending i just feel it left so many questions left unanswered and it just annoyed me. Final fantasy 9s ending was, i thought a masterpiece. It was exactly how you would envision it so i was happy with that. But my favourate ending has got to be ff7 the music the way everything pans out and the fact that you fight sephiroth 3 times i thought was just epic however i was REALLY disappointed with the 3rd fight was expecting a hell of a battle to survive......but no!. Gotta say though ff8s ending is a close 2nd. I loved the final fights in that and the story was so gripping. Like to see how much Squall changes and how his love for Rinoa shows eventually. But yeah overall my Fav ff game is definitely ff7.

With the software 7mimic, you can see all this pictures (Opening and Staff roll), so, I think we can replace this.

Really? I didn't know that. I thought it was just all part of the video.

EDIT: Seems you can't on the PAL version i can't see the staff stuff in there.

Send me the files which you think the staff stuff is located in i will try extracting them for you.

Thats all a part of the FMV so thats a no I'm afraid. Its not separate.

I want to know if it's possible to modify all the pictures of the game, I mean the introduction names, the credits, and for the mini-games.

I can answer this one. Menu pictures is defo a yes (see my thread  for my patch) also the name editing pictures can be edited as well. I haven't found the Mini game pictures yet so i don't know what format there in but I'm guessing they should be .TIM like the rest. The credits is actually a FMV (i think) so that would require allot of work to probably replace. If you want to know about replacing Menu pictures id be happy to create a Tutorial for you.

Yeah, he doesn't have casting animation, does he? Unfortunately I don't know much about animating these figures so I couldn't answer this, but wouldn't it be possible to "borrow" the skeleton from the Sephiroth in the flashback to make a casting animation?

Other than that the video looks great. Sephiroth seems a good challenge when 1-1.

Personal opinion; You should add the following to Sephiroth's Death Counter script:

12 60 20
02 20 00
12 70 20
02 00 00
60 14
61 86 00

That will force Cloud to use Omnislash when Sephiroth's HP are 0. :D Then he can perform his normal dying animation. Well, I guess the only set-back to this is that Cloud MIGHT do two Omnislashes in a row. One via a command by the player, the other forced by Sephiroth's Main Script...

Thanks for this idea! Im definetly gonna add this as he has the same HP as Ruby Weapon anyway so it wouldn't matter if he did two limit breaks. Also i think it would make the fight all the more epic if i added a dialog box just before he uses the last omnislash. But i dunno what he could say i don't wanna ruin the whole moment by saying something cloud wouldn't say or sephiroth wouldn't say remember he returns in advent children so could refer to that? If people think this is a silly idea i won't do it im gonna add what you said to do now though NFITC1 thanks.  :wink: If its possible to "borrow" the flashbacks animation for casting magic im all for it if someone knows how to pull this off.

I tried the script you posted the battle works but when hes at 0 HP i got Data Error sceen 925 code 32 i might know why this is though ill edit this post if what i try works.

Archive / Re: Genesis Mod for FFVIIPC?
« on: 2009-02-23 21:46:27 »
They can be put into empty scene files (there are quite a few of them); I don't think there'd be any problem putting them in the battle arena, it's just a matter of making the scene files and editing the battle square field file so that it loads different formation IDs, unless I'm missing something...

Nope that should work just editting from the list and finding out where your new enemy is. what about replacing them stupid pyramids? What i don't get is the empty scenes are still the same size as the normal ones so what do they contain or is it literally all padding?

Archive / Re: Genesis Mod for FFVIIPC?
« on: 2009-02-23 18:15:49 »
Not fitting in with the story at all didn't stop Squeenix putting him where he wasn't wanted  :x

Maybe we could put CC characters in the battle arena? We could fight Zack, then Angeal, then Genesis, then Sephiroth.  :mrgreen:

I 2nd this idea! Would be awesome to fight them all again like turn Battle Arena into liike flashbacks from clouds past  :lol:

Video coming up! ill edit it in when its uploaded

EDIT Video is uploaded waiting for it to process.
Vids done

EDIT: After looking at the scene in Hex editor I'm really confused. It looks like you deleted all the other headers except the 1 to tell it to go to done-In animation?
As far as i can see heres how it goes

Use cut if attacked or wait an amount of time to use cut anyway
after cut use done- in then game over instead of end the battle. Is it just done- in = end of the battle no matter what? i will try changing it to cut and let you know what happens.

EDIT: Some bad news I'm afraid i now know whats happening after changing done-in casting magic to cut i see whats going on. I had 20 fights in a row 6 of them Sephiroth just died the other 4 he used cut over and over again. But then he did actual damage and killed me in one swoop I'm guessing that damage was "Deen"(hit me for 1565) and another time hit me for alot more(Ultima). So that's it folks sephiroth can only use the damage value in his cut. No magic animations since cut is classed as a "cut" attack if i was to change this might i get a different result? I will try now.

Out of luck sephiroths Cut is not a cut attack.

Thinking what about the other sephiroth the one from the flashback would replacing the two be hard?

Well with what i got to work with heres a vid

ok, quick feedback on the scene. You did not add the attacks (Deen and Ultima) to Sephiroth's data, but you did add some extra IDs to the attack ID list and names including Deen which was already there, so I removed 'em. Deen was also added at the end of Attack data (which I also removed). You don't have to add an attack to the lists if it's already there.
I added 04h at offset 0x38A and 0x38B to tie an animation to the attacks. Look at 0x39C - 0x39F to see the attack ID I added there. (talking offset now I mean the scene as a whole, not just the AI). The animation added are the same as Sephy's done in lol, but You can change 'em back to 03h to use the Cut animation (offset  0x38A and 0x38B).

The pointers at 0xE80 was correct but Sephiroth's header was again messed up. The header is always 32 bytes long, or 20h, and need to start where those main pointers point at (the ones at 0xE80). I think you thought correctly, but the sections start offsets was all mess up because of the extra bytes at the start.

Here is the scene

Thanks NFITC1 for that info i had no idea that was the case. GJ i tried that scene out and well something really werid happened i either attack sephiroth with braver then he cut me twice then he like does his done in animation but drops his sword and flys away (no joke) Then i get Game Over ill have alook at it now see if i can figure out whats wrong thanks for doing having alook at it i guess its still trial and error for me still oh well :)

Ah i see now its like how many bytes it needs to jump to get to that start of the AI? 0000 = Start of headers for that enemy like in Gjoerulvs pic? If thats so how the hell do you work out E80 + 480 = 1200 does E80 have a special number or something or do you literally have to count how many bytes seprates em?

For some reason post repeated twice  :? ill edit this 1 when i next reply unless theres away to delete it?

I have no idea how to add his other body animations for his magic attacks but heres the file of what Ive done so far If i made any mistakes could you let me know i just wanna learn everything i can thanks man. EDIT: changed the link it was the wrong version.

How does the headers work at 0xE80 in what way are they connected with the AI?

06 00 6C 03 FF FF 20 00 7F 01 FF FF 2B 03 FF FF
 Thats what i have

You're missing 4 bytes. The 1st pointer must always point to offset 0x0020. Insert FF FF FF FF before AC 00. As it is now your setup starts at 0x0027 which should be main. The header is always 32 bytes long (or 20h). As it is now, the bytes from 0x1C to 0x26 are useless.

The inside jump doesn't make any sense, It simply jumps to the next byte. Now Seph may cast Ultima (1/8 chance), attack Cloud and then Cloud will attack himself lol. You need to swap the bytes at 0x66 and 0x67 to 12 70 20 (not 12 20 70), then Cloud will attack Sephiroth again.

If you make the AI exactly like in my pics you won't have any probs I hope.

I copied everything you did from the pic you showed me just to see if it would work and i get the same result as before sephy does nothing just stands there. Maybe hes not meant to cast magic  :lol: At least he doesn't die in one hit now lol. Also in SceneEdit i can't view his script its just blank  :?

Hey man thanks for these pics really helped me out. Ive just literally been playing around tonight in hex editor and managed to do something pretty funny. Sephiroth uses cut on cloud. Cloud then counter attacks himself the script isn't finished yet though so i was just testing it really see if the headers worked and such. Heres what i have so far Only thing I'm not sure about is IfZeroGoTo bit but ill post a video of cloud owning himself tommorrow. Its 4 am and I'm tired  :lol: thats how decicated i am to this.

Oh yeah and......

I think the problem might have been that you jumped to the the offset in the scene as a whole, not starting counting at the beginning of the section. The 1st byte of each section must be treated as offset 0x0000 when calculating a jump. If you understand this it's pretty obvious you where miles of with 0x8601. No AI is that long. The jump can't find the location 0x8601.

That was just me been a rtard i didn't actually realize i had done that until i looked tonight. I added Ultima right after Done-In but haven't got sephy to use it yet I'm looking forward to what strange animation he will have when he uses it. He might just use cut. He might break dance he might just stand there i don't mind long as its a good fight.

I'm sure ill have done something wrong but hopefully it won't be as critical as last time :-P

If the headers are wrong it might of been because i was tired either that or I'm dumb. I now know its after 73 then the 12 which you read from the offset like Gjoerulv showed in his pics. sorry if i didn't explain that very well.

#1. Do not multi-post unless the topic you're posting in is NOT on the first page of topics.

#2. That first image isn't even showing the same scene. If that's OK then don't worry about it, but I thought you wanted to change the final 1-1 battle. If that's the case it'll need to be in the same scene.

Yes your headers are wrong. You need each section to point to the byte AFTER the previous section's 73h.

20 00 50 00 91 00 5B 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

Your script is all wrong too. You've got a jump in there to script address 0x8601?! You also have an absolute jump back to the beginning of the script. Basically, your jumps are all wrong.
Jumps are, unlike the header, script-relative addresses stored in Big-Endian (Most significant [greatest] value last). It's better for you to write all the script out and see the actual addresses within the script. Those are the addresses you'll want to jump to.
Init Script:
0x00: 12 60 20
0x03: 10 A0 20
Main Script:
0x00 12 70 20
0x03 10 A0 20
0x06 60 01
0x08 80

These are the addresses you'll want to jump to. Not "jump this many bytes ahead" or "jump to this address within the collective script". You can't jump scripts and do not create a loop you can't get out of. You put that "Jump to beginning" in your init script. Bad idea. The battle will never get farther than Sephiroth performing something over and over. That is assuming, of course, that it gets past that "JZ 0x8601".
I don't really have the time at the moment to attempt to correct it. Just know for now that it's wrong.

Thanks for all this help NFITIC1 and sorry about posting multiple times i won't do it again. I got really confused with the "86 01" bit i thought i had to put the offset where the attack ID was but now i know thats definitely not the case lol. I see this is gonna be one of those things that takes months to grasp, All i get now is a black screen no battle i can't understand why though should i quit trying and try something else? Just a bit dishearted by all this thought i really had it  :|

Sorry to triple post but i have some news on sephiroth. I have managed to do 2 things i wanted to do 1 make it so he dies like a regular enemy which is good and make it so he doesn't use cut. I'm now in the process of wanting to give him Ultima and Deen. Gjoerulv (sorry if i spelt your name wrong) has been helping me alot with this so big thanks goes out to him and everyone else who's helped me thus far. I have a new problem and i know exactly why it is i think, the headers are wrong again. I thought i got how you worked them out but i guess not. Anyway back to the sephiroth script i have it so i want to cast either deen or ultima at random but it doesn't work he just does nothing just like Cactuar did. So thought id post what Ive done so far and see if anyone can tell me if I'm doing the right things or not. I will produce a video of what i have done so far if it is requested :)

This is all confusing stuff to me but I'm gonna do it.

Well when i made cactuar jumbo he just stood there and danced away didn't attack. I know now this is because the headers where pointing at nothing nd not the next part of the script (i think)

Yeah, glad someone brought this up as im aiming to have all these fixed for my PSX patch so this will be a great help to me. There's so many mistranslations in ff7 it really shouldn't have been released untill they were ironed out like "this guy are sick" thats just terrible. Also don't know if you noticed but theres also the fact of Aeris (Aeriths) name. In Crisis Core she is called Aerith. So why did they decide to change it you would think they would cover there mistake? I can't bring myself to call her Aerith i don't know why it just doesn't sound right.

Yep, the headers are wrong now :-P

this would work with the headers I used; the script you were using before would work with the headers gjoerulv and NFITC1 suggested.

WHEY!!! it finally works! thanks so much for all your help guys! Think i might make a Big Tonberry aswell lol. Thanks LKM for saying that i feel better now lol it is hard to grasp but i bet once you do the rewards are defo worth it ;)

Thanks for pointing that out LKM! I have NO idea how that happened i deleted them and it works he grows big but when hes about to attack me it freezes  :? Heres what i have now. My guess is the headers are wrong.

I think I get it now! so its referring to what byte in the enemy's AI so if you move it any at all its best to make a note of how much its moved by then add it to what it once was is this correct? Sorry if i seem thick but this is all new to me.

Ok i get where the headers are and everything and they mostly consist of FFs however how do you work out where the new header is like the hex value? thats what i don't get sorry if this is really obvious. Does it always point to the starty of a new script or something?

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