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Messages - Tenko Kuugen

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Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Chocobo Stats
« on: 2013-04-27 13:14:00 »
Gold and Black ignore specific 'slowdown' areas like the space-area on the short course and the underwater-area on the long course
I think Green ignores the uphill-slowdown ( or the space area, I dont remember ) on the short course and Blue ignores the slowdown in underwater on the long course
Yellow obv ignores nothing

General Discussion / Re: removing cloud from party
« on: 2013-04-26 07:39:49 »
Unless you manually edit every single story scene:
there isn't

General Discussion / Re: removing cloud from party
« on: 2013-04-25 07:21:51 »
Careful though.  I don't know how it works on the PC version, but on the PSX version you can get yourself into a situation where you won't be able to advance the game because Cloud's field model just won't show up.  I don't know the cause of this, but it has happened to me more than a few times (when swapping Cloud out for too long).

thats simply because of the way the game handles 'party member slots' so to speak
the top slot is not automatically 'party member #1'
so if you switch out cloud member #2 becomes #1 ( iirc ) and so on. so you have to do a lot of switching to make Cloud back into member #1, which is necessary as member #1 is the on-field display model and unless the on-field display model is in the actual field data, nothing will show up.

in theory this should always be fixable by making a cloud-only party ( cloud, empty, empty ) I never tested that however.

I use FF7 Re-release latest update with version 1.0.6 of your mod.

Edit : Reached the Turks at Midgar raid and they are...  unkillable ?

Spoiler : They start the battle with a Grenade (3000+) & the 3 of them CritHit 9999 each of my party member, i died instantly.

Is there some sort of trick\Strat ? This battle seem impossible to me and i can't exit Midgar.

higher def gear, install something for break hp / dmg limit and HP plus materia, permanent wall + haste, one or two dedicated healers

Numlock keys are used for default controls
if your keyboard doesn't have them, well

I'm not holding my breath for what can and can't QGears do
who knows when it'll be done and even then, who knows how difficult it will be to operate and create new content.
I think I pretty much answered your question in my first post.

possible yes
feasible, no
tl;dr at the end

in theory you could recycle a lot of fields ( with a LOT of work ) and omit a few others ( again, with a lot of work ) to make space in the flevel for those 'bonus dungeon' maps
then, someone would have to design these maps first. making a map from scratch is absurd work. I'm not sure anyone has even done it because so far all the maps are basically reworks of existing ones so they didn't have to make the entire walkmesh, scripting and god knows what else. And of course you need to do those. For every map. I'm actually not sure how the over-head camera is designed to work in the script code, so thats something you need to figure out.
and then obviously, new enemies, which all need models made, AI made and so on. And then there is the limitation of space in the kernel, where you would likely have to omit some items to make space for new ones. And there is the same problem but much more severe with the weapon and armors, too.

tl;dr: it's too much work for anyone or even any small team. Maybe when QGears is complete. Some day.

Gameplay / Re: (Edit) Sephiroth mod compilation plans
« on: 2013-04-13 01:47:19 »
piece of advice
dont try to do animation states by hand
if you want a chest to open and then stay open, just copy a chest that already does that and change the items or results
ff7 scripting is easiest learned by copying existing code

Gameplay / Re: (Edit) Sephiroth mod compilation plans
« on: 2013-04-12 19:15:03 »
Get Makou reactor and invest roughly 300 hours into making scripts and scenes and fixing them repeatedly because you will be breaking them constantly. A sizable mod that works will eat that much at least.

Pay attention to the spawn coordinates. and it's often but not always a bad idea to make a gateway only one-way if it's a standard gateway and not a scripted map jump.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Thief - Out of the Shadows
« on: 2013-04-03 00:29:05 »
lol you people
> Published on Apr 1, 2013
>2 videos on the account

if it's still a thing in a month I'll believe it
joke websites and stuff are nothing new either

If one has an expensive computer, one could purchase an external Blu-Ray player and install a Playstation 3 emulator. I shall provide the web page link to the emulator.

even if there were emulators
2 cores at 3,2ghz each won't run FFX-2 Int. at full fps most of the time
you'd need such absurd CPU and GPU power for a PS3 emulator that we won't see one for another DECADE. And after that decade, welcome to 5 fps get-to-the-menu emulators for another half a decade.

and there are great games on PS3 and 360. Dragons Dogma, Disgaea, Dark and Demon Souls ( granted, on PC now, too ) and obviously Monster Hunter
saying that there aren't any great games is about as accurate as drilling in your nose, pulling out a bogger and proclaiming you've found a diamond.

Apparently they're blaming their western studios... never mind that Tomb Raider was a massive success. I guess >3mil sales in one month isn't enough.

That's because they're japanese. The japanese always blame oversea markets.

FFX-2 int. was never released in NTSC-U and PAL regions
so yeah, thats one reason to buy it
there is an english patch as of today but thats not a full TL

Completely Unrelated / Re: EA CEO Resigns
« on: 2013-03-19 21:56:27 »
I guess sim city 5 was an unstable


updated flevel ( just a few bugfixes and included a credits readme )
usual place

Misc. Gameplay Releases / Re: Final Fantasy X Punishment
« on: 2013-03-09 00:52:37 »
Personal opinion but it's a waste of effort to mod the clearly inferior version of FF10
I'd rather play the int. version than this.

Please try to find it out on your own. It's supposed to be very difficult. If you absolutely cannot find out, I'll tell you via PM.

The AI is largely unchanged from Gjoes mod. The stats and attacks are different and so is the battle system.

General Discussion / Re: Help to make the FF movie real!
« on: 2013-03-05 15:45:11 »
Now for sale!

Same thing as FF13 and onwards except the console titles have bigger upfront payments than 3,99 and still milk you for dlc

Final fantasy 17 - now with 28 hours of cutscenes and 20 minutes of gameplay that isn't running down hallways

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-01-19 17:34:16 »
It smells of
a) the custom models are not installed and thus the game can't find the asked for models and crashes while using the hardcore mod
b) Same thing but using the N7 mod

I had completely forgotten about trainer. Thankfully I had that installed as well with bootleg so I don't have to reinstall, I appreciate it!

The trainer doesn't have to installed as it's a simple utility program. You can really just dl it and use it right away

I did all the jumps with MK1.5.1 so they're correct. To begin with, the only way this counter can get messed up is if it either falls off memory ( which absolutely shouldn't happen ever ) for some reason or gets altered by something else ( which also should never happen unless another mod introduces something like that )
I found neither in my code for the full level. I just now went through a global search for the variable and it is only ever used by me
I Played through the entire midgar section before I released this, using many saves and never ran into HI counter corruption so my only guess is that this is something related to bootleg.
Can you try to patch your game manually ( install aerith revival, hardcore mod, then N7 on top ) and see if it still happens?

Note: by the time you hit the checkpoint, you can only have 9/10 items as the last item is in the reactor core room and only available after you fight guard scorpion

Is there a way to make the save anywhere mod work with this? I'm having a memory leak problem with bootleg, and the removed save points are making it impossible for me to get passed the point where I have to lead Aerith to sector 7. It locks up every time in the construction area before the park, mainly in fights.

In theory you can, but I'm not accountable for any glitches you will encounter ( and oh boy you will using save anywhere )
You download the trainer for the game and simply enable 'full menu options' ( Q+0 or Q+1 iirc ) and that lets you save anywhere.
Just make sure to never save in a room where an event just started and always go back one room at least.

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