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Messages - obesebear

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General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-06 22:01:53 »
I'm not sure I follow why only the pre-homo sapiens would then go extinct and not other animals as well.

I can understand with our rapid overtaking of the Earth species are not having enough time to adapt and evolve to these conditions we are forcing them to live in, but are there any facts on what caused apes to adapt on a massive scale like that?  Why were fish forced to evolve into reptiles and/or mammals?  Or vice versa?

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-06 21:39:42 »
I understand species evolving to better adapt much like the Ibex picture you posted.  I don't understand why we no longer see half man half apes.  If this happened at one time because apes needed to adapt, why do apes no longer need to become humans?  If the evolution of all beings came from a single celled organism, shouldn't all the "in between" species that attempted to evolve still exist and be happening?   There is indeed evidence of beings existing that resemble both humans and apes, but why are they no longer around.  If evolving doesn't happen instantaneously there would have to have been a lot of neanderthals to carry on their species. Yet only the beginning neanderthal's (apes) and end neanderthals (humans) were fit enough to survive?

That seems to contradict the entire purpose behind evolution. 

Lol, maybe I should find a board based on evolution vs. creationism to get answers.  I don't think a final fantasy board is going to be too much help haha  :-D

Troubleshooting / Re: Completely Random Freezing
« on: 2008-01-06 20:23:50 »
It's just a thought.  I haven't read anywhere on these forums with someone having similar problems to what you're experiencing.  Maybe also try upgrading your gfx card driver, or even downgrading it?

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-06 20:21:33 »
The Bible states that God is an all-powerful, all-loving, and all-merciful lord that created humanity as well as the world we live in. However, if he's so merciful, why is it if we don't follow his teachings, we are condemned to eternal suffering in the pits of a fiery Hell? Is God not just a tyrannical overlord that continuously bullies his subjects? Christians follow the Bible blindly. For example, Christians will praise God for saving one survivor in the infamous World Trade Center attack, yet not blame him for killing the other three thousand. If Hurricane Katrina spared a family's home, it's clearly by God's mercy and love, yet it's Satan that brought about the destruction and pain for the thousands of others.

Just to clear some things up, being merciful doesn't mean allowing no bad or evil to happen.  It means showing mercy.. showing forgiveness or sympathy.  If you seek forgiveness and accept Jesus as being God's son, all you need do is ask for his mercy/forgiveness and there you go, you are forgiven just like that.  Christians also believe God gave people free will, which means assholes will be assholes and fly planes into buildings and God won't necessarily interfere.

Also you must lose something (or never have had it) in order to be grateful for it.  If God only allowed good things to happen at all times, there would be no appreciation of said good things.  And sometimes humanity needs the tragedies to realize what we have.  Unfortunately it seems the tragedies are what brings out the best in people.

Perhaps God doesn't exist and everything in the universe just happened by off chance.  If anyone can quickly sum up the facts evolution has brought to the table I would sincerely like to hear them.  I know evolution does happen, such as humans slowly losing wisdom teeth and animals adapting to their environment, but I still haven't seen a fish become reptile.  If it's survival of the fittest... wouldn't only humans and a few select other species still be around, or at least still evolving?  If anyone can enlighten me, I'd like to know more.

Troubleshooting / Re: Completely Random Freezing
« on: 2008-01-06 18:23:03 »
Computer virus?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Crisis Core..
« on: 2008-01-04 16:54:28 »
Thanks, but it seems like the wiki leaves out a lot of information on certain parts of the game.  Such as Genesis leaving Zack alone after he realizes Zack has been injected with Jenova and Sephiroth's cells and watching his clone transform into a monster instead of reverse deterioration.

Does anyone understand the symbolism of the wings? Or why Angeal has two white ones instead of a single black one?  The only explanation that I can think of is Jenova having a black and white wing originally before being captured.  And once a person injected with her cells allows themselves to become corrupt that is when the wings form.

Don't worry about spoiling FFXII, I will eventually play it again, thanks though  :-)

[off topic]
In Dirge the storyline is much easier to stomach if you eliminate everything that has to do with Hojo surviving and simply pretend that Weiss was behind everything and was never controlled by Hojo.  [/off topic]

Completely Unrelated / Crisis Core..
« on: 2008-01-03 16:41:22 »
If you haven't yet played the game, be forewarned that this post may contain spoilers.

That said, I have a few questions concerning the storyline.   
Ok so Gillian was the first test subject for the newly discovered Jenova roughly 20 years before the original FF7 starts.  She was injected with Jenova cells then one of her eggs was donated to the mayor of Banola and his wife.  Their child was named Genesis.  About a year later Hollander and Gillian had a child together which they named Angeal.  Both of these experiments were known as Project G (for Gillian I assume) and were considered failed experiments as neither child exhibit any signs of greater power.  Later on in their life both Genesis and Angeal begin exhibiting greater strength and abilities, one of which includes the ability to create copies. 

Genesis can do so by having his own cells injected into another test subject that had already been injected with Jenova cells.  This causes the person to not only look like him but gain some of his strengths.  I think Angeal is the same except when his cells are used the subjects then turn into monsters that have his face somewhere on their body.  However, if his cells are injected into someone who has not previously received Jenova cells then they will only look like him (Lazard).

For some reason this causes deterioration for both of them.  Almost like it is spreading their life through the subjects and makes their body break down exponentially.

My question is, do I have this right so far?  And if anyone understands the story of how the Tsviets keep their own identities without looking like Genesis please explain it to me.  Crisis Core is great, but damn it can get confusing.   

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-03 16:16:21 »
I think science is a large reason why a lot of orthodox churches are shrinking in numbers and followers.  Hundreds of years ago the church believed the Earth was the center of the universe, but when the Heliocentric system was proposed it was considered blasphemous. 

It's a good example of how any religion cannot be taken too literally.  The sun being the center of the universe has nothing to do with God existing, and it took some years before the church finally understood this.  It's much the same today with evolution being the forefront of disproving creationism.  Though it is possible evolution could have happened on such a massive scale over billions of years, whats to say a greater power didn't have a hand in it?

The problem is many people take their religion far too seriously causing them to be blindingly close-minded.

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-01-03 15:06:27 »
Thats good news.  Thnx for the program by the way, I've had a good time correcting mistakes in the game :-)

Edit:  In the program when you are editing the text in a certain scene, the little blue dialog box will be shadowed if the text is not used in that scene, and will be blue if it is.  Would it be easy for the program to ignore the text that isn't used in particular scenes to prevent overcrowding and repeat texts?

I don't believe that "hypothesis" that they, Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, are Sephiroth, split in 3 personalities (as there is no evidence as such and is merely pure speculation). However, there is evidence that they are being controlled or manipulated but either Sephiroth or JENOVA (I'd say the later) just like Cloud was in the original game. That being said, they are most likely survivors of those hooded "Clones" (the clones weren't really Clones but more like test subjects subjected through several Surgeries and injections to try to create another Sephiroth…in a sense but they weren't really clones.) who eventually regained some form of their Identity but were puppets to JENOVA, just like Sephiroth was.

I'm pretty sure it has been stated that they are are remnants of Sephiroth in one of the Ultimania's, the 10th anniversary one I think.  I think them having hair the exact color of Sephiroth's and being the only other left handed people in the FF7 universe aside from Sephiroth says enough.  Since they are basically Sephiroths will, they will do as he desires, which is to reunite with Jenova so he can return.

Also Sephiroth's reunion in the original game called all of the hooded people to him at the North Crater in order to kill them, even Cloud who would have been the least weak minded of all of them was drawn to him.  They all died.

I didn't know that!!  Book of Numbers does make a lot of sense though.  How did you find that out?

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-03 00:58:16 »
@ Borde

Are you sure dinosaurs and humans didn't coexist?  In one of my religion classes I remember hearing about some type of proof that they did live together.  The reasons Dinosaurs grew so large was because of a layer of ice covering the Earth's atmospere creating a sort of greenhouse effect that allowed all life to live much longer than we consider normal these days.  Which would explain the different ancient texts with accounts of humans living hundreds of years.  This layer of ice was obviously destroyed by a meteor(s) and caused a massive flood... anyways, I'm interested if anyone else has learned or at least heard of this before.

@ Squeeble

I'm glad you don't need a higher force dictating the way you act because of the threat of extreme punishment.  That's great.  I grew up in middle class America and was force fed religion until I was 18, so I had very little interaction with Atheists.  While I consider myself open minded in all things, it doesn't mean I completely understand other religions (or lack thereof).  But I do have trouble comprehending how Atheists don't believe in a higher power/being, though being Agnostic does make a lot of sense...

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-01-03 00:44:54 »
When using it I found if you look through too much text, the program will say it encountered an error and close.

Last I remember... I think I entered a temple and as I walked in, a moving wall with spikes attacked and crushed me.  I dont think I'll be finishing XII mainly because even the men look like women.  Running around with a female as a main character is no problem, but playing with with a male who looks and sounds like a female... that I havea  problem with.

I have big hopes for XIII because it looks like the men will not only look, but also act like men.

Big thanks to Tsetra for the spoilers, I never did finish X but am now kinda glad I know how it ends  :-D .   Probably my fault for not finishing a 4 year old game lol.  If only someone would spoil XII for me so I can toss it in a fire.

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-01-02 08:19:34 »
I've seen the episode so I know what you're talking about squeeble, and I agree to an extent.  Though there are differences in all religions, most have a common background and largely believe the same things.  And once World War III is over the world will most likely turn all Atheistic and fight each other.
But without the belief in something (flying spaghetti monster?) what's the point to living?  If there's no point to life why not just kill yourself or commit whatever crimes as you see fit since there really is no ultimate punishment?  The belief in something greather is what drives us to do good.

I don't know if FF7 has influenced my life in any way, except buying that damned crisis core psp.

I do find it strange that The Black Caped Man bases his religion off of a game, but really how much different is it than developing a religion off of a book, or being influenced because you heard an amazing speaker preaching his beliefs?

I'm just a regular ol' Christian btw

This summer for Japan...  I think I read that somewhere.  So maybe late 2010 or mid 2015 for NA and the rest of the world.

As you can tell during the Nibelheim scenes and certain parts of Crisis Core, Sephiroth has feelings.  With his arrogance towards Cloud I was implying that because I don't think Cloud would have a chance in hell if Sephiroth was to truly fight him instead of toying with him.

I like to think of the entire compilation series as a better telling of the story.  The example of Sephiroth suddenly wanting to travel to a new planet to "create a shining future" is a perfect.  As the writers are making more spin-offs, they delve into the story and add little bits here and there to help it make more sense. 

Since you've played Crisis Core, I especially like the addition(s) to the Nibelheim scene and think this game is one of the best I've played.  Even to the point I'd declare I like it more than the original game.

General Discussion / Re: Square translation mistakes
« on: 2008-01-02 04:37:49 »
In Final Fantasy 7 during the escape from Shinra FMV the truck has Midgal instead of Midgar written on the side
Haha! Score one for me lol

Completely Unrelated / Re: Advent Children?
« on: 2008-01-01 23:41:06 »
Did you denounce Catholicism?  just wondering

The world punishment was a cool concept, no doubt.  I just struggle to stay awake during FFX's storyline.  Same with 12, i think i have 3 hours logged in that game from over a year ago.

Right click on FF7.exe > click the compatibility tab > check the box that says "run this program in compatibility mode for" > and select windows 98/me.

If it still doesn't work and you have dual processor, run ff7.exe then open up your task manager with ctrl+alt+del  and right click on ff7.exe and choose set affinity > then select either cpu 0 or cpu 1 but not both.  Try either or and check the results.

Archive / Re: Has anyone ever heard/seen one of these....
« on: 2008-01-01 23:29:33 »
The Vincent / Sephiroth swap is very possible on the PSX.  I'll see if I can't run the code there and move my saved game to the PC and see what happens.  I'll post my results.

General Discussion / Re: Some help please...
« on: 2008-01-01 23:27:28 »
Good luck with the Chocobos, I haven't messed around with those since my very 1st play through.

I think you have to be on disc 3 to get the Death Penalty and Chaos.  But I may be wrong since you already had the flashback.  That being the case you simply have to fight 1 battle and return to the cave.

Sorry, but if this isn't your 2540357234th play through I can't ruin the game for you anymore.  It's just more fun playing it and getting frustrated before figuring it out  :wink:

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