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Messages - obesebear

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Who is controlling who?  Is Sephiroth controlling the Jenova inside him or is Jenova controlling Sephiroth from the inside out?

I have a entirely different perspective which is that Sephiroth is Jenova.   :-o  lol

Jenova was basically a humanesque virus whose sole purpose was to spread herself across the planet and take over.  However, she had no feelings of happiness, sorrow, or guilt, just the instinct to take over.  Sephiroth, after learning about his mother being an alien began to act this way as well, but kept his feelings (for example: his arrogance when fighting Cloud, and wanting to know what Cloud treasured most so he could take it from was desire).  In a way I think Sephiroth became the next evolutionary step of Jenova... if that makes sense.  He wants to destroy life on the planet so he can use it to travel to a new planet and be it's ruler.

As a matter of fact the upcoming PSP game Final Fantasy: Dissidia, has a character using Amano's drawings.  It's hard for me to associate the drawing with who it actually is on the game but I believe it's someone from FF6...  Locke maybe?

Toss up between him and Kefka.  If Squeenix finally got around to remaking FF6... probably Kefka.  As long as he doesn't look like a transexual clown again  ::hand to face::

General Discussion / Re: Some help please...
« on: 2008-01-01 15:07:50 »
 :-o :-o :-o Cheating??!!?   

lol.  If you must cheat and ruin the game for yourself, check out  It will overload you with every secret and possible thing to do in the game.  If you STILL must know  O [] XX, unless I've finally forgotten

The maiden novel was really very helpful to me as far as shedding light on a few of FF7's concepts I didn't understand.

From my understanding of Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz though they were remnants of Sephiroth they still had personalities.  Of course they were searching for Jenova since all 3 were made up of his desire to find it, but they weren't mindless drones like the hooded drones in Nibelheim (sp?).
In the end of Advent Children, Cloud kills Kadaj... indirectly.  Since Sephiroth used Kadaj's body as his vessel to return, and Cloud defeated Sephiroth, once Sephiroth disappeared (or whatever it was he did) Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz had also been defeated since their only reason for existing had been because of Sephiroth's will.

Edit: Guess you beat me to it.  Yeah I remember Onyx weapon too but the White Chocobo must be a new one, how exciting lol.
This one almost had me going for a second there's a super secret way in the Ancient's capital to climb up the vine and inside Aerith is waiting to rejoin your party :)

Oh and it's omnislash version 5 because it's the 5th version they made and liked it the most.  Another fun fact is omnislash in the Japan version is called SUPER ULTIMATE WAR GOD CHAMPION SLASH...  i prefer omnislash.

Haha, for a second I thought you were one of those guys who thinks there's some type of Aerith revival code or a super secret fmv that contains her escaping from the northern crater.  Lol, all you have to do is beat cheese weapon.

Anyways I'll take you up on the Crisis Core explanation later, but I wanted to tell you I like your explanation of Advent Children in the other post.  Did you read that somewhere or is it your interpretation?

Sounds like maybe during one of Vista's automatic updates something happened.  If you're brave enough you could uninstall all of the security updates (using ccleaner) and test to see if it works again.  Of course this could have some terrible effects on your computer.

If it all of a sudden happened one day without you installing anything, I think that's all it really can be.
Maybe one of the technically savvy guys on here can help more.

You're welcome.

I saw all those posts you made trying different things and trying to help yourself, so I'm glad you can continue playing again!

Yes you're right about the video of the man disappearing and being "reborn".   Notice in the video that when the man dies his spirit energy is yellow and when the tree dies it's is red.  During their journey in the lifestream both lose all knowledge of their previous selves and become green.  Everything that dies in the FF7 world becomes green and when it is time for new life, be it a human, animal, or plant, there is no discerning what used to be a human or plant because it is now all part of the green lifestream.  Sort of like stem cells I guess?

Onto the argument, if he prevented her from returning then why didn't she return after Meteor had been stopped?  Surely it would have allowed Cloud to be more at peace with himself since he feels he let her die.  The answer is simple.  She can't.  She's dead and will remain so until Squeenix invents some new way for her to come back, probably along with Zack and of course Sephiroth once again.

I think I know what part you are talking about in your quotes. 
Tifa says something like > " I don't think she thought she would die." 
and then Cloud or Tifa says > "I think she planned to return all along"  something along those lines

When Cloud says something is stopping "her"  he thinks Aerith's not being allowed to return to the planet only because Holy hasn't been summoned.  When in fact Sephiroth is stopping Holy and not Aerith. 
What makes FF7 so difficult to follow is sometimes the characters are confused, or don't know what's going on.  And that in turn confuses the player.  This is one of those cases where Cloud was making an assumption as why Holy wasn't working.

If you do know everything about Crisis Core then I have quite a few questions surrounding Project G mainly concerning Genesis birth, and "the gift of the goddess".   I think I need to replay it again because I've forgotten alot already.  I'll make a thread on it a little later.

Q-Gears / Re: First release of renewed QGears.
« on: 2007-12-31 18:09:59 »
Absolutely amazing!  I was a little worried this project had died, but I see it's still in full swing.  Great job!

I do have a question about QGears for those involved in the programming concerning the final official build.  There have been a lot of rumors as to it simply emulating exactly what the game already looks like or allowing more updated models and backgrounds.  Has there been any decision as to which route you guys will be taking in the designing of QGears?

Allowing the models to be easily textured or have a more common design than .p files could really allow this to take off and become wildly popular.  Then again, I'm not even sure if that's possible

That's very strange as the file in my save folder is 63.5kb along with my other saves, but the one on the download site is almost twice that!  Well, check your email hopefully nothing gets screwed up along the way this time.

Read The Maiden Who Travels the Planet, On the Way to a Smile: Case of Tifa, Case of Denzel, and Case of Barret  that should do a lot to clear things up for you.   If you don't feel like doing that you can read through my following quick explanation.

None of the people in the final fantasy VII world can be reborn, unless of course you have a strong will and had Jenova cells injected into you as an embryo.  That means Aerith and Zack won't be returning (at least until the creators think up a new excuse to let them come back, lol).  Anyways, in the game just before ::SPOILER:: Sephiroth kills Aerith ::END SPOILER lol::: she had already summoned holy which is why it was glowing a pale green.  The reason holy wasn't doing anything, however, was because Sephiroth's will was stopping it, not because he wasn't preventing Aerith from returning.

When you finally defeat Sephiroth at the end of the game, Holy does it's job and protects Gaia but since Sephiroth was holding it back for so long the battle between it and Meteor spilled out onto the rest of the earth and began causing more damage than Meteor would have alone.  That's when Aerith, being the sole remaining Cetra, used her knowledge of the lifestream and guided it from all across the globe to assist holy in destroying Meteor (also causing geostigma).

Aerith does indeed use Great Gospel to heal Cloud during the movie, but you must notice it didn't just happen anywhere at anytime.  During the game Aerith is only able to to really connect with the planet at places like the opening scene (notice the green coming from the vents) and the City of Ancients; she is only half Ancient.  The reason Great gospel worked in her church was because directly under it the lifestream was very close to the surface; once the floor was destroyed Aerith was able to use her lifestream guiding abilities and combine it with water to create the Great Gospel effect.  The lifestream being so close to the surface also explains why her church was the only place flowers could grow.

In Advent Children anytime you see Aerith that is simply sort of Cloud's subconscious (it's difficult to put into words as Aerith and Zack aren't just being imagined but neither are they ghosts.  They both have retained their consciousness in the lifestream and sort of exist in a different dimension).  You can argue that since Aerith is so powerful and has such a strong connection with him that's why she is able to give him that last boost in defeating Bahamut....anyways... Zack is still "alive" because of his will and strong sense of who he is.  Being the only "true" SOLDIER 1st Class (he made it there without having Jenova injected at birth) he has an incredibly strong self confidence and knows who he is.  This is what allows him to retain his form and personality in the lifestream, along with help from Aerith.  [/rant]

If you enjoy FFVII I strongly suggest reading those short novels as they have been pretty well translated and have been written quite well.

If anyone on this board has any questions about the storyline or plot in the FFVII universe, feel free to ask.  I think I may know this game better than the creators lol  :roll:

In FFVI Terra's hair was made to look green in-game because with her hair blonde she too closely resembled Celes because of the limited 16-bit design.  Also of note... Terra's name was/is Tina, but was changed during the translation from Japan.

Hmmm, I wish I knew what was wrong with the save...  If I could play yours you should be able to play mine.   Anyways is the simplest emulator to use because it requires no plugins and is also very compatible with most games. 

I personally use epsxe because the different plugins can cause nice added effects to the games.  And with the use of psxmemtool I'm able to load my game from my PC version over to it if I need to do a quick play through.

Its now save file 4.  If you have the PS1 version of FFVII I recommend ripping the CD's to ISO's and using an emulator.  At least this way you can enjoy the game without all the glitches caused by different OS's and video cards.


FF7 Tools / Mirror for old tools
« on: 2007-12-30 00:54:19 »
A backup of multiple tools made by Qhimm, Alhexx, Ficedula and others

Even if you didn't "turn on" AA or AF your video card by default probably runs them.  Open up your video card configuration utility and make sure it isn't "always on" or the other option where it turns it on if the game supports it.  That will fix your blocky graphics.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Game Freezes
« on: 2007-12-23 02:25:39 »
If you still can't get past it, you can try posting your savegame to see if someone will do a play through for you.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 problem
« on: 2007-12-20 18:56:49 »
I run mine on XP pro and it runs beautifully as long as I run it in compatibility mode for windows98/ME.  If you really want Windows 98 though all you have to do is insert the disc with the computer off, turn the computer on and at the DOS prompt screen you delete the C: (or something to that affect).

Once it's finished doing that it will return you to the same screen, this time opt to install your Windows 98 OS.  If your 98 disc won't work just use the XP disc to delete the C:, turn the computer off and insert the 98 CD.

Like I said though, XP works perfectly, plus I can play newer games.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Game Freezes
« on: 2007-12-20 16:34:40 »
What are your computer specs and what OS are you using?  What type of patches are you using and do you have the ultima version?

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 problem
« on: 2007-12-18 21:11:06 »
yeah I meant 1.02, sorry about that.

I also installed the 1.4 patch before finding this forum but when I uninstalled and reinstalled the game everything worked normally, so unless you got a newer 1.4  patch with some kind of virus on it, I doubt it has anything to do with it.

In your original post you said the game immediately went to the new game/continue screen and then wouldn't start once you clicked new game.  It sounds like your computer isn't reading or finding the fmv's.  For help with that all I can think of is to copy all the movies to your hard drive and have the registry read them from there.

For other help with the videos you'll have to search through the many posts of video problems.

Then again, the videos may not be the problem at all... :|

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 problem
« on: 2007-12-18 17:11:08 »
You might try double checking your registry to make sure it's searching for the movies in the correct place.
Start >> Run>> type in "regedit">> open "hkey local machine">> open "software">> open "squaresoft inc">> click on "final fantasy vii" and check the contents in the right window pane and make sure everything is correct.   Once you do that then install the 1.2 patch.  But DO NOT use the 1.4/XP patch, it's unofficial and will just ruin your game.
Hope this helps.

Troubleshooting / Re: Looking for ModelViewerWX
« on: 2007-12-18 01:45:43 »
You guys really have to start searching on your own...

General Discussion / Re: Zack has a wing?
« on: 2007-12-18 01:33:50 »
He says "give them to me too".

Possible spoiler??...
No, Zack doesn't have or get a wing.

End spoiler.

Outstanding game by the way, I used the translations off of to help understand it a little better.  I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind importing it.

In the playstation version it's possible with a codebreaker...

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