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Messages - Otokoshi

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Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-06-01 23:51:52 »
Quote from: Qhimm
This I just whipped up using photoshop's built-in shapes and layer effects:
Wow!  If that is just something you whipped together, I'd love to see the work you put extra effort and time into.  :wink:

That looks great!  I think that would make the perfect logo for the project.

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN rmco2003
« on: 2006-06-01 23:44:39 »
Quote from: NobodyImportant
I'm not going to read this, Jari, but I've seen you post attacks on other members a couple times out in the open and I find it quite bothersome and immature. Next time, I (and probably some others too) would appreciate it if you used the private messenger.

To be fair, Jari has the right to post what he wants.  It is in the Unrelated section and the subject line states that it is for rmco2003.  My advice is that if you find this bothersome to not demand things from others when you don't have a right to in the first place.  If you do not like his actions you should PM a moderator or administrator your concerns, then they can take the appropriate actions.  If they find that the whole topic is nonsense and should be left to a PM fight, then let them do what they are here to do.  You're not a moderator, so it is equally unfair for you to dictate what others can or can't do.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-05-31 05:51:42 »
I'm glad someone noticed so quickly!  I thought since this project is basically a "reverse engineering" and reconstruction of the original, to do a kind of flip in the design was fitting.  I like the whole idea of subtle design hints, but not treading directly on then Squaresoft's original logo.  If the original comet style is more preferred that can be easily done as well.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-05-31 05:34:09 »
Well I found a picture of a gear from a "free images" site, so their shouldn't be any copyright infringement.  :-)  I messed around with it a bit, and with suggestions from halkun and Sad Jari, I put this together.

I made the base logo much larger so only resizing would be an issue for web design and such.  Here is a link to a larger, more detailed view.


This is just a work in progress so any suggestions are welcome.

Archive / Re: Zack Mod version 2
« on: 2006-05-30 14:44:20 »
404 - Not Found

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-05-30 14:39:12 »
I think this calls for more pictures of Ayumi Hamasaki!!  :-D  Just kidding...or am I?

Quote from: halkun
I like the Comet thing. It's in the rules to use elements of the logo without using the *real* logo from the game.

How about this. Mix the two ideas togeather. The green color from the single gear logo mixed with the comet-like shape. White background with black letters.

That sounds great just one suggestion.  Maybe we could give the text a little depth, not just flat text.  Maybe a little shadow such as this picture.  Another idea might be some neat emboss effects.

We are going to need much larger source files, so that it is only a matter of resizing the master logo.  If anyone has a larger gear design I can mess around with the design in Photoshop and see what I come up with.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-05-29 03:25:49 »
Quote from: NobodyImportant
I was thinking of putting the main characters from each supported game faded into the background, and then a cool looking Q-Gears text is slapped in the middle.
It might be better if we stay away from any trademarked characters in the logo.  I like the logo by RPGillespie, it makes a nice suttle hint.  I think if you use those gears, with the alpha transperancy, and using the Runic MT Condensed font, then you got yourself one sweet looking splash screen/logo.

Archive / Re: Question about Swaping Battle Animations
« on: 2006-05-25 19:17:57 »
Quote from: happsai
...the galaxy collapsing only causes a few thousand HPs in damage...  About the same as Yuffie throwing her weapon... makes sense.

I guess it would have done more damage if Sephiroth was a little more accurate.  He destroyed five planets before reaching his intended target.  :-D

Archive / Re: Speed game way too choppy
« on: 2006-05-25 10:48:19 »
Quote from: happsai
So is it fair to say that this is a problem exclusive to ATI users?
Is there anything left that we haven't tried?

Well I'll try running the speed game without using FF7Music and see if that resolves the issue.  If that doesn't work I'll be out of ideas.  :-)

This is so sad... I remember that commercial.  :-)

Archive / Re: Speed game way too choppy
« on: 2006-05-25 03:49:57 »
I actually started a fresh game a while back and haven't gotten to the submarine or snowboarding mini-games.  Thank goodness this was my last day of classes until fall!  :-D  Now I can just go to work and enjoy the pile of games that have been collecting dust.  I'll let you know when I reach to it.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Crisis Core (+screens)
« on: 2006-05-24 23:38:32 »

It's a real shame.  The other day I tried FF7 PSX on the ePSXe emulator.  I raised the resolutions to max within the emulator config and the backgrounds looked smooth as silk, though the battle and field models looked sub-par.  Ah, just to be able to get the best of both worlds.  Well with Q-Gears, the new engine will be written with some more flexibility, so I'm really looking forward to the end product, reguardless of how long it may take.  :-D

Archive / Re: Speed game way too choppy
« on: 2006-05-24 23:19:57 »
I have been experiencing the same problem with the Speed Mini-Game as well.  The only modifications made to the .exe is as follows

1) Install official 1.02 patch
2) Install SaiNt's Hi-Res patch
3) Various YAMP patches (mini-game included, set to 30fps)
4) Using FF7Music, latest version, and obviously not patched using Cetra

I am also running it on an ATI card and this is the only conflict I have run into.

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-24 01:51:25 »
Quote from: VINCENTVAL
Did i need to? Its in the scource!

Right...and every website that I, and everyone else for that matter visit, checks the source first.  :roll:

Quote from: VINCENTVAL
it IS in the head

Wow, for someone who doesn't know who ButBut is, you sure talk like him.  I remember a thread a while back where someone got yelled at for trying to help out but2002...

Completely Unrelated / Re: Thank You WIRELESS
« on: 2006-05-24 01:38:09 »
Quote from: Midgar
I have never bought internet yet...

Well consider it a good long ride while it lasted.  You can get affordable DSL in the US for like $20 a month.  Don't mooch off your neighbors, it sucks.  Once my neighbor right next to me was stealing my digital cable TV.  I would be watching TV, and then the channels would suddenly change like someone was channel surfing.  I called Comcast and they came out and found my neighbor spliced the line.  You might save a couple of bucks a month, but now everybody in the neighborhood looks at this guy like a crook.  What price should be put on respect?

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-24 01:06:02 »
Quote from: VINCENTVAL
OK! Fine I admit it, It wasn't my template, but I never said it was mine either

And you never cited the original designer.  So does that make it online plagerism:-D

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-24 00:57:09 »
Very nice layout VINCENTVAL.  The color scheme looks great also.
Abhishek Sukhadia, you mean?  :-D

<! This template is designed and coded by Abhishek Sukhadia>
<! and>
<! DO NOT Remove these lines or the images on the design>
...says the source. :-P

Oh crap and I didn't even look at that.  Edited my post, thanks Jari.  :-D

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-24 00:44:38 »
Quote from: Covarr
For the record, you don't need to PM me with this stuff.

Couldn't you have just told him that in a PM?  The whole point of a private message is to keep it private.  Instead you go on and quote it.  He was just making a reccomendation directed at you,(a nice idea by the way  :-)) not the forum.  I don't really see the problem with PMing you ideas, especially if he wanted to just keep it private.

Just some advice.  As a developer, if you go around quoting your PMs people will be reluctant to give you their input or advice.  Without those, you may not achieve the best overall product.  In the end we all just want a great looking website for this great project, right?  :-)

Very nice layout VIN.., oh I mean Abhishek Sukhadia.  The color scheme looks great also.

Q-Gears / Re: How about OGRE3D?
« on: 2006-05-21 00:31:03 »
Well if you do run into any roadblocks with OGRE or your own 3D engine the forum at has a lot of great resources.  Everything from DirectX programming, OGRE 3D, to post production.  They are even starting forum classes, the first one being an intro into C++.  I've seen a lot of cool projects come from the OGRE engine.  The "Your Announcements" section previews many of the current projects with free demos.  From just looking at the OGRE wiki, it looks as though it has many of today's top notch visual features as well.

Q-Gears / Re: Help with the Q-gears website.
« on: 2006-05-19 14:09:58 »
Quote from: NobodyImportant
If you're using Firefox you get some really nice looking "quick link" effects.
Great idea!  Now you just need those menu sounds from the game when you select a link...just kidding.  :-)  It looks like a very clean interface and I like the tabs.  I think a cool banner design may be to mix the gear design by Covarr with a 3d art style that the old Qhimm forum banner had.  Just my opinion though, progress is looking good.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Crisis Core (+screens)
« on: 2006-05-18 13:12:33 »
Haven't seen anything about the story yet, but here are some larger screenshots.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-05-18 04:11:57 »
What font are you currently using?  I think the font used by the Final Fantasy series is called "Onyx."  By the way, great looking screen.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-05-16 19:35:51 »
Quote from: Thrashamatrix
Covarr: Just leave it.... and to let you know you are wrong...
I believe Covarr was just agreeing with your standpoint to not take a shot at Reunion's patch.  They are one in the same and Reunion's was the predicessor that made all of this possible.  It is very much like arguing over if Debian is better than Linux.

Quote from: Cyph3r
Awesome work here guys! Alot better than the reuinion patch IMO. Keep it up!
Remember Cyph3r wrote this, not Covarr.  :-)

Archive / Re: can somebody clear this up for me?
« on: 2006-05-16 17:51:17 »
With the newer version of the NPC patch, you no longer need the Reunion patch.  If you have the Reunion patch already installed, the NPC patch will overwrite the files and it will work fine.  The latest version of the NPC patch recommends you use an unaltered char.lgp file from your CD.  If you don't have a clue what I mean, it may be easier to backup your save file, reinstall the game, then apply the NPC patch.  You can also use the high res cloud patch as it patches in a different .lgp alltogether.  Short answer, yes they all work fine together.  :-)

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