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Messages - PurpleSmurf

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19
General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-19 14:45:00 »
the only one i've seen over 3 is the "starcraft discussion thread" and that got to 5 i think.

General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-19 14:03:00 »
don't encorage him. we should try and get this to 4 pages. andyou know were just going to make a nother thread and it's going to turn in to one just like this.

General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-19 14:02:00 »

General Discussion / @#$%ing layoffs
« on: 2001-12-19 14:01:00 »
mot: optical mouses only cost like $20 or about 15£. i think thats the right curency exchange.

nice. you guys close to getting textures to work?

can you smooth the polygons out? clouds biceps are "square". pun intended
[edited] 275 2001-12-19 14:19

EdeaS:pssshhhh....quiet. why enjoy that when you could be watching he visualazation of only one of the best triliogy's in the world?
[edited] 275 2001-12-19 16:46

General Discussion / Don't cry for PC Final Fantasy IX !
« on: 2001-12-19 04:04:00 »
and ff9 didn't suck. the reason square isn't releasing it to cpu is their trying to promote psOne's and ps2 sales. people will buy these systems, like i am, to play the games.

yea. i'm trying to order tickets for LotR right now in fandango. i pretty sure they're sold out but you never know. yea i get to pick up FFX tommorow!!!  :naughty:

pyramids? this i have to see. could you post a screen shot sephiroth?

General Discussion / @#$%ing layoffs
« on: 2001-12-19 03:55:00 »
i know but you needn't pop my dream bubble

General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-19 03:54:00 »
and stupid it shall stay.  :wink:  :D  :cool:

General Discussion / Playstation 2 emu isn't possible!
« on: 2001-12-19 03:51:00 »
unless your only carrying animals (stuffed with fruit and vegtables). or you could come over in a coffe truck.

General Discussion / @#$%ing layoffs
« on: 2001-12-19 00:33:00 »
and with a pip tv you could watch the superbowl and work on ffr and stuff yea i might get one of thoes(with a wireless ketboard too. :D ) if the wireless/dely thing is too much i'm gonna take it back.
[edited] 275 2001-12-19 01:35

General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-19 00:30:00 »
hmm... i though t he was still in scholl. but ok cool.

General Discussion / FORUM MOVE COMPLETE
« on: 2001-12-19 00:28:00 »
noticably. you all have very good german.

p.s. - could you guys help me with my german?  :wink: 8)

General Discussion / @#$%ing layoffs
« on: 2001-12-18 18:38:00 »
yeah i would, like maybe a asked for computer part or something.  8)

General Discussion / Something stupid
« on: 2001-12-18 18:36:00 »
hmm.... i thinks he's funny/stupid <----compliment
anyway i haven't seen joey in 3 days now. maybe joey, unlike us,has a life.....

General Discussion / Anonymous users
« on: 2001-12-18 18:29:00 »
never heard that saying before..... i'll have to rememebr that. hehe skunk.

first - you really should look at the main site. so far the ffr has only been decoding files, remodeling things, story ideas and the like no actual playable game creation has achived as of yer. rest of the forum please correct me if i'm wrong.

second - this is not the best way to ask to become a beta tester. you should be on the forum for a whlie get ot knwo people. begging and pleading abd bragging about how good you are is going to get you no where.

hurra hurra hurra. yea another anti-microsoft forum. i'm gonna give it a shot on a school cpu....hehe opps *delets the file sysoc.inf* slipped. hehe. but wait the cpus at my school only have win98. damn
[edited] 275 2001-12-18 15:01

ok. i understand now sephiroth

darkness: your the devil, and i get my FFX on thursday. but i have the same problem, i don't get ym ps2 till christmas
 :x  :(  :weep:  :cry:  -_- . you gonna sleep out side the theatre to see LotR? cause thats the only way i can see you getting in.

General Discussion / @#$%ing layoffs
« on: 2001-12-18 13:44:00 »
yea 400,000 reallt is a lot of money. i wish i had it then i could buy nice things for all of you people for christmas.

General Discussion / Don't cry for PC Final Fantasy IX !
« on: 2001-12-18 13:42:00 »
there are other emu's out there but bleem! cam with it's own BIOS already configured. it was reallyt a nice piece of software. i'll look for a psx emu when i get home. damn school server blocks out alot of sites  :cry: .

General Discussion / FORUM MOVE COMPLETE
« on: 2001-12-18 13:20:00 »
you speak german?

np i like to actualy be of help to people :D

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