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Messages - LordUrQuan

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7th Heaven / Re: Crashing when I download a mod
« on: 2019-08-13 03:49:35 »
Strife just reverted the FAQ to point to a slightly earlier revision, which should be functional.  Delete everything 7H related (except the IRO files themselves, you can manually re-import them and save the download) and start back at step 1 of the FAQ

Could you post a screenshot (via imgur or the like) and a copy of your ff7_opengl.cfg file?  Pretty sure you're seeing the fps counter (which isn't on by default, but whatever), while for your menu stuff, I'm afraid you're kind of stuck for the moment... the "completely reworked" menu comes with Reunion R03, which is a part of the current 7H catalog.  There is work on a "very nice looking but true to the original" menu overhaul by Chrysalis and others which will probably be part of the upcoming v3 catalog.  Finally, don't go around renaming your exe files unless specifically told to... you see what happens ;)  For now, it sounds like the best thing (besides a screenie so we can verify if it's the fps you're seeing) for you to do is play straight vanilla ff7.exe with the Reunion mod disabled, but including all the other graphical work (like satsuki's field remasters)

Code:5 ->  In the compatibility flags of the .exe you're using (typically ff7.exe), enable "Run in 640x480"

Edit add:  If that alone doesn't work, and since you mentioned a recent Windows Update, you may also need to re-run the converter, selecting "Overwrite" at the beginning.

7th Heaven / Re: Crashing when I download a mod
« on: 2019-08-12 14:24:51 »
Did a Windows Update just hit?  I swear I've seen this before, but can't remember if it's a WU issue that re-running the converter (and choosing 'Overwrite') fixes.

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven Media Movies not working
« on: 2019-08-11 16:04:19 »
Post up a screen shot of your General Settings page, I have a feeling your paths might not be set correctly.

Does this happen with all mods, or just really big ones (like the field upscales)?

7th Heaven / Re: FF7 MOD HELP
« on: 2019-08-09 00:10:40 »
Your answer is halfway down the FAQ's big list of bugs

7th Heaven / Re: Game just will not launch
« on: 2019-08-08 03:51:46 »
In the compatibility settings of the exe you're trying to run (should be ff7.exe or ff7_bc.exe), enable "Run in 640x480"

7th Heaven / Re: Game only starting about 1 in 30 tries
« on: 2019-08-06 17:27:28 »
DraVzoL, CQZFOBU, zvwr9Do, YmeexDV - These look ok.

TxSM5dJ - Your resolution settings are borked.  It appears as if you're trying to run at 1980x1080 full screen.  If that's the case, you should change your X and Y window resolutions to 1980x1080, and return the internal resolution back to the default 3840x2160.  You may also need to disable the aspect ratio "preserve to fit" option as well... not all video chips handle that gracefully.  Personally, I'd recommend running in windowed mode and selecting something along the 4:3 (red) line on this chart (1280x960 should work pretty well).

Each time I try to launch FF7 and it fails, it creates an extra instance each of 'direct' and 'music' in extra folders.
This is a known bug.  You can safely delete the extras when your load times start getting bogged down.

Releases / Re: [PSX] Final Fantasy VIII (MFS Edit)
« on: 2019-08-01 14:51:30 »
I dunno... Rinoa looks possessed before she's possessed, and Quistis doesn't strike me as the type to go flaunting cleavage.

7th Heaven / Re: Cannot update catalog
« on: 2019-08-01 13:54:12 »
As noted previously, all these subscription links rely on free hosting, and when the bandwidth for a set time period is consumed, just have to wait for the timer to reset.

7th Heaven / Re: Menus Mod
« on: 2019-08-01 13:52:34 »
When applying mods like Remako, include only one of each type.  That is, if you use Remako's world textures, then don't also load the catalog version.  Same for other potential duplication like battle textures (don't use Remako plus Team Avalanche, for example), and be sure to follow the load order given in the FAQ.

Troubleshooting / Re: Black Chocobo Warp Location
« on: 2019-07-28 13:43:21 »
Are you suggesting you want to start the game in Rocket Village instead of the Reactor 1 platform?

7th Heaven / Re: Game only starting about 1 in 30 tries
« on: 2019-07-27 01:14:22 »
Trying to launch the game in the 640x480 mode causes my monitor to say "input not supported" and then i have to do a full hard reset of my pc. if anyone can help me solve the issue it would be greatly appreciated T_T
If your monitor doesn't support 640x480, you have bigger problems than a game that doesn't want to run.  Of course, since this is the first post you've ever made here, it might be nice to have the usual diagnostic info... game converter output, opengl config settings, mod profile... y'know, stuff that's actually helpful?

My only concern is the R06 modding framework, I feel it may split the community with some modders supporting reunion and others 7th heaven, as right now 7th heaven I feel is an excellent tool, one can just add mods to it, remove it, all without manual fiddling, its click and play almost.  The only real issue is the main catalog has been allowed to get out of date.

Also you use precompiled exe's which is probably the main reason 7th heaven has been problematic with reunion, hext loading would likely make it work so much better.   It allows much more modularity in selective use of features and co existence with other mods.  But I accept this isnt a 7th heaven thread.  So will stop there, but maybe to hope one day you reconsider your stance on allowing the two to be used together with your support.
I don't really think there'll be a split... sure, maybe some grumbling and grousing, but in software the better solution typically wins (n.b. I am specifically disclaiming the systemd abomination here).  I'm looking forward to seeing what DLPB has in mind as a mod management system since turBoss seems to have lost interest in 7H.  7H has its warts, but as long as mod authors split their work into sensible pieces (one of the very few things I think Remako did right), it's still a pretty user-friendly solution to what would otherwise be a very user-unfriendly task.

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-07-25 00:36:12 »
I've also gotten the impression that aali was compensated for it in some way

General Discussion / Re: [FFVII-R] 03.2020 - New Trailer
« on: 2019-07-24 16:02:33 »
I think a lost opportunity for them tho was on the PS4 version to not use any of the mods from this site in that build.
Doing so would require lawyers, royalties, and all that other fun stuff.

7th Heaven / Re: Cannot update catalog
« on: 2019-07-24 16:01:41 »
Could just be that the servers have maxed out their bandwidth for the day (they're freebies, after all), so apart from checking to make sure the URL is correct, just sit tight for a day or two and see if your next attempt succeeds.

7th Heaven / Re: Game only starting about 1 in 30 tries
« on: 2019-07-23 01:53:36 »
In the compatibility settings of ff7.exe (and ff7_bc.exe if you're using reunion/menu overhaul/beacause), enable the tickbox for "Run in 6480x480"

This is proving difficult.

I dont think I will be able to do all my wanted improvements to the menu overhaul but there is good news.
KISS principle... Keep It Stupid Simple ;)  Or rather, in this case, release what's reasonable and easy to do (and it sounds like you've already got a huge amount done), then go back and do the nutso parts later in an update to the original mod, or as a second stand-alone.  I'm not sure what EQ2Alyza has in mind for v3.0, but I *think* an easier update mechanism is part of it.  From what he's posted publicly, I think whatever DLPB has in mind for his mod management method makes updates something the author can push (or at least advertise) themselves, rather than sending them through a catalog "gatekeeper."

7th Heaven / Re: Crashes upon launching
« on: 2019-07-22 13:14:26 »
In the "Compatibility" settings of whichever .exe you're using (ff7.exe or ff7_bc.exe), enable the "Run at 640x480" flag.

7th Heaven / Re: Some mods have randomly stopped working
« on: 2019-07-20 14:24:48 »
In your deletions and reinstalls, did the tick box for "Direct mode" get unchecked?

For reference, this is what I see in the FINAL FANTASY VII\shaders\ directory, and this is what I see when I open up FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe. Is that what it's supposed to look like? If so, is 7thHeaven 1.56RC6 looking in the right place, for the right files? If so, can someone explain to me how that works, because I'm obviously missing some knowledge that would make this all make sense.
I haven't played with the shaders myself (yet, anyways...), but my folders (both game and archive) are identical.  Apart from the forward/backslash issue EQ2 already pointed out in the .xml, there's also this little piece in ff7_opengl.cfg that might have somehow been borked by a previous mod/install, which the converter isn't automatically repairing:
Code: [Select]
# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/
enable_postprocessing = no
As I said, I have shaders turned off right now (hence enable = no), but perhaps the source line got munged?

why use the 1.54 version?
Because the 1.56RCx series suffers from a multitude of various and sundry bugs

I would suggest running the registry cleaning tool mentioned in the FAQ first, then the converter.  There may be old keys hanging around and getting in the way just like another fine person I helped a couple days ago who was also coming back to FF7 after an extended period away.

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