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Messages - Tsetra

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 [14]
Troubleshooting / Re: Requesting FF7.exe
« on: 2007-11-21 03:36:22 »
It will be possible to still use a modified exe to patch though, no?
I ask because my current exe file as an example, has been given the High-Res and YAMP treatment, as have many others.

Archive / Re: FFVI (III) Hacking help
« on: 2007-11-16 23:27:53 »
This might be a question better asked at, as there are several individuals there familiar with this game's mechanics.

Archive / Re: Regarding NPC Positioning...
« on: 2007-10-30 19:59:50 »
Hey, "possible" is all I need, I've got nothing but time to deal with trial and error. Thanks for the tip, I'll hunt down Meteor and see what I can do.

EDIT - Having a little trouble finding Meteor, but I'm anxious to start playing with it. Does anyone know where I might find a copy?

Archive / Opening Sequence Redux Project
« on: 2007-10-30 19:42:27 »
Hello, I've been lurking here for a little over a year now, and have been fascinated by the work you guys do, so I just want to say thanks before anything.
Now then, I'm looking to do some tweaking myself finally, and the project I had in mind requires that I change the beginning of the game. Basically, I need the gameplay after the first cutscene to begin with Cloud already on the ground and the two guards knocked out. Is there an editor that will allow me to do this?
I tried to check out Meteor to see what it could do, but the downloads for it seem to be out at the moment.

So this makes more sense, here's the (hopeful) plan:
Blend the PS3 tech demo intro and the Crisis Core ending to achieve a new intro cutscene. I want the high quality train to pull into the station just as in the tech demo, but then I'm going to fade to a fraps clip of the guards being taken out and Barret running off the train. When he waves to Cloud, the cutscene will fade to the PS3 demo of Cloud jumping off the train, ending with his face shot. After this cutscene finishes, my idea is to have cloud on the ground and Barret telling the newcomer to follow him. Make sense?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks again for all your work!  :-D

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