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Messages - Tenko Kuugen

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Gameplay / Re: The BIG secret of Shinra soldiers
« on: 2013-01-19 15:25:22 »
Note: the first 5 minutes of the video are totally irrelevant

the code is very simple
pick up a hidden item, set variable 14 202 = 14 202 +1
check the number of hidden items you have at save point
set variable 14 202 to display in window 1

thats pretty much it

my only guess is that this is a bootleg introduced bug in some way. because i never had this happen with a manual install. and I got no explanation either.

Mimetts never held up long, not even in vanilla. your memory serves you wrong
the cheapest ones hold out the longest

I have no idea what causes the HI counter to get messed up. Like I said, nothing in the game should touch that variable. ever.
The megalixir glitch I think I figured out. There was a gamemoment check containing a label jump before the check that would disable the item ran. so it never ran the check I put in.

In fact, you need to always install Bootleg on a fresh install of FFVII, or stuff like this will happen.

Edit: Ok, so I decided to try this mod for the first time. Error in the first screen, in the menu, it says "Plattform"

Edit2: While I'm at it, the "Hidden Items" function at the save point is somehow broken. Earlier it said I had 2 of 10 items. I was like "what? I took at least 5-6 of them. guess it only counts rare items" but then just now it said I had 1 of 10 items, and I had picked at least another thing, maybe two. (Edit: At first reactor) There's also the Mega Lixir glitch, but I recall this has been pointed out already.

Sorry if this has been already reported.

jesus christ the mega lixir glitch is still there? what else do I need to do to fix this?

I had never any problems with the hidden item counter being screwed up. weird. nor did my testers.
I use 14 202 as variable to store the hidden item count and nothing in the game should ever touch that unless some other mod introduces it. ( and other mods are incompatible with N7 anyway )

I just went over the code and can't find anything in the full flevel that would cause this. ( the hidden item counter )

Can you explain in detail what you are doing when the HI counter resets or gets messed up? Also explain the mega lixir glitch in detail again. I found one possible issue with it and will see if this fixes it.

I haven't heard of a problem like this. It's recommended to install this via bootleg because of the dependencies it has.

Also, I need your app.log to actually see what is happening there.

I found one small bug. Not game breaking or entirely bad, but i'm pretty sure it shouldn't happen so I figured I should post it. When you are in the first reactor, and are first introduced to ladders, and about hitting start if you get stuck. If you hit start after Jessie finishes talking it teleports you to the point it's supposed to. I think it skips out on a point where you can talk to Barret, and it keeps him solid so you can talk to him. I didn't notice this until I tried to get back up the ladder and couldn't get through Barret, so I talked to him, and after the dialogue box cleared Cloud did a super jump to the top of the ladder and started to climb down. Like I said, not game breaking, but just wanted to point it out.

edit: Ok, so it happens whenever you go back to the area where Jessie is just chillin.

edit: Also, I was wondering if you could go more in depth about the classes of each person. I mean, I can probably guess most of them:
Cloud: Kinda like a battle mage. Well rounded in almost everything, but doesn't really stand out.
Barret: Tank. Lots of hit points, best person to put the cover materia on (if it's still in game) High in defense. Decent in attack, but low on magic.
Tifa: Powerhouse. Does a lot of physical damage, but low on magic damage.
Aeris: Mage. Lots of magic damage, and a great healer. Does low physical damage, and has little health and defense.
Red XIII: I can't really think of anything, maybe something like Cloud is, but with a bit more magic?
Yuffie: Ninja. High speed, high chance to not get hit. Medium amount of health, and decent damage
Vincent: Not sure either, but at just a guess maybe, high attack low defense so it's best to keep him in the back. Kind of like the opposite of Barret with a bit more magic ability then Cloud.
Cid: I'm really not sure with him, maybe just another melee person. I honestly don't know.

Though like I said those are just guesses that I made from my personal perspective so I could be completely off. Especially since I'm still in the first reactor.

edit: Also, in the area when you get barret, it doesn't let you go back to the section where Wedge is.
      edit: nevermind, I think that was just me being stupid and not going far enough back.

Cloud is an all-rounder but his offensive capabilities grow further than his defensive ones. He is also reasonably fast. He needs the most XP to reach lvl 99.

Barret has the highest HP out of everyone and has very high physical attributes but is rather slow and weak to magic.

Tifa has good HP, very high power and good speed but her magic stats aren't the best.

Aerith is the exclusive mage who has the lowest HP, the highest MP, the lowest physical stats and highest magical stats out of everyone. She isn't very quick at first but she improves towards the end.

Red 13 is the opposite of Cloud, also an all-rounder but his defensive stats grow further than his offensive ones. He is also faster than Cloud. His HP is a little lower than Clouds but his MP is higher.

Yuffie has decent physical and magical attack but only moderate defenses. She has the highest speed and luck stats out of everyone. Her HP is not very good but her MP is the second highest in the game

Cait Sith can do a bit of everything but is very slow, the slowest character in the game unless you get very unlucky with Barrets growth. His stats all range between decent and good, and his HP total is very high. He can substitute for most others. He is also quite lucky. He, Vincent and Cid need the least XP to 99.

Vincent is an oddball in that his stats follow no clear pattern as those before. His power is high and his spirit even higher. His speed and physical defense are only moderate but his magic is decent. His HP and MP are not as high as some of the others but his true strenght lies in his weapons.

Cid is more speedy version of Barret with not quite as bad magic values but lower HP.

As for the issues in the first reactor, considering how small a problem it proves as you can't get permanently stuck, the required coding changes would be extremely annoying, so I left it as is. That part comes from the OVA, which did not let you go back at all ( not through the entire thing, not even 1 screen ), which makes this a slightly difficult section to work at

I just tried to download part 3 of the ost and it won't let me.
This is the error:
Sorry, this file is infected with a virus.
Only the owner is allowed to download infected files.

wow google. seriously? man that's stupid. false positives are annoying.
and its only 15MB or so lol
uploading to depositfiles for now since mediafire is being stupid

there is no virus in the OST
also, can someone confirm that ost3 is not accessible by the public?

There is a link to the flevel right in my twitter profile. the profile! not the main page of my twitter.

Gameplay / Re: Final Fantasy VII+
« on: 2013-01-02 01:49:15 »
ATE isn't too difficult. set a location, if location is hit, set a bit and activate a scene change and an automated scene ( there are many in the game already ) and then back to the initial location. since the bit is now set, and the location checks against this it wont trigger again

this sounds like Nightmare done differently, more like a total conversion than just an enhancement.

Cloudless party works if you add animations and models and stuff to every field but thats a massively boring thing to actually do.

battle square I have no idea.

you used the mediafire links again instead of googledocs :p

I'm curious as to what was changed in the Aeris patch :)

Mostly broken scripts where jumps didn't work properly anymore or pointed to the wrong thing.

PitBrat, you need to / should link the googledocs files since they're the most updated ones ( for nightmare )

Um, really? Since when? I think "squeenix" and "Square-Enix Holdings Co., Ltd." both will not get mad because they have plenty to worry about when it comes to piracy. That is why they made it hard to illegally get a serial number for the 2012 version of Final Fantasy VII for the personal computer. Also, my sympathies to Mike Fisher, because he has allot to deal with every day.

getting a pirated copy of the 2012 FF7 release is the single easiest thing ever.
The only way to stop piracy, and that only with mediocre success, is the diablo 3 way. no local gaming.
and even then there are server emulators then.

My pc runs on quantum cardboard!
Feel free to prove me wrong by posting a screen from CPUZ and a textfile with your name in it

64 GB RAM? Excuse me but I'm gonna go with "you're mistaking 64 bit OS for 64 GB ram" here

Gameplay / Re: Equipment Switching Event
« on: 2012-12-20 06:53:16 »
It's easier to make a new game than do what you said
Also, we barely know anything about FF9 coding, what makes you think we can just go and 'look at FF10 coding' like its an issue of looking up a book

Gameplay / Re: Equipment Switching Event
« on: 2012-12-20 05:31:13 »
There is functionality that removes accessoires and materia but none that changes equipment. At least in all my time editing opcodes I haven't come across it.
In theory you can force a player to switch equipment for you by:
Saving the existing number of weapons ( you will need 1 variable for each so thats a lot of variables ) to variables
Then setting the numbers all to 0 ( not the variables you saved them to ) and giving them only the one weapon you want them to equip
then run a check. If that weapon count is NOT zero, lock them in a dialogue that removes movability but not menu access until the count IS zero i.e. they changed equip.

very roundabout, very stupid but the only way I can think of doing it

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2012-12-18 14:58:51 »
firefox doesnt interfere, no
this is most likely related to WHAT you installed so post your applog

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2012-12-18 14:04:04 »
Not sure if I post this here but,

Just finished installing everything seems good, BUT, I get to the start screen and the white hand sits on "continue?" and not "new game" and my keyboard wont allow me to do anything!

Any ideas?

activate numlock, press keys

I'll need to test them ingame for a lack of knowing a better method.

expect an edit in this post

edit: sounds good, keep going

If you upload the tracks you looped, I will use them instead of the mp3s I use right now

I could make a list of which music ID the original game plays and which Nightmare plays but if you want to make them loop better you will need to edit the actual music files itself to loop ( like, convert to .ogg, set looping points. not hard just extremely tedious ) properly
I couldn't find the time to do this though

Most of the OST is replaced.
I replaced ALL music EXCEPT these: ( And I might replace some of these when I get to CD2 and CD3 )
( I'm getting lazy of typing .mp3 so just assume that everything beneath here has .mp3 at the end )

that is 34 intact of 94 total
so I replaced 60 tracks of the original OST with the Nightmare OST

>1gig ram
how the heck does this even run windows?
and jesus christ, a ten year old DELL desktop? even cheap ass second-hand laptops are better than that now.
I'd be surprised if ff7 would even run with any graphic mods on that old thing

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