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Messages - James Pond

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Archive / ATI card malfunction
« on: 2005-10-08 16:31:17 »

Archive / Re: Actually
« on: 2005-10-08 07:09:23 »
Quote from: prtyfli4naznguy
This usually occurs when there is somethig too taxing for the card to support for long periods of time with insufficient cooling.

Tell me about it.

>_> my pc actually acts as a radiator at the moment.

General Discussion / Moderators and anonymity
« on: 2005-10-06 12:22:04 »
I dont quite know what to say really.

I'll leave it as, Good luck to both Nori and Jari, I hope life treats you well in the future :)

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / making a playable CD
« on: 2005-10-02 17:39:23 »
I suppose you could technically "run" it from DVD using Daemon tools, and mounting the individual ISO's whith the DVD in the drive, but other than that, im semi certain an "all in one" disc wouldnt work, as Mark said, due to the CDChecks.

Quote from: mogster
Hey cool!, I've been warned!!!! Must be me mentioning the illegal download...

Gee... You think?  You're lucky not to be banned from the amount of crap that you've been posting -_-

Troubleshooting / Advent Children Patch?
« on: 2005-10-01 20:34:12 »
Topics like this really make me wonder some times.....

How, pray tell, Do you expect to turn a CGI movie into a playable game?

Troubleshooting / Few Suggestions
« on: 2005-10-01 20:32:57 »
Dialogue box skinning is already in there.

Camera poitns CANNOT be edited effectively for that purpose and it wouldnt work anyway, as the prerendered backgrounds are 2D.

Dont know about the other one.

General Discussion / Moderators and anonymity
« on: 2005-10-01 20:31:08 »
Jari dishes it out.

Nice to see you back Jari.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF8 Battle Formations
« on: 2005-10-01 07:50:58 »
Ahh, right.

Archive / problem, cant quite fathom it
« on: 2005-10-01 07:49:07 »
I can tell you know that having a 64 bit processor does nothing to the game, it runs perfectly for me.

That is, unless you are running windows 64?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Solid
« on: 2005-09-30 07:49:41 »
Quote from: chain907
I agree with that, its solid advice that i would follow myself.

Uhhh.. What?

Troubleshooting / Cosmo Canyon Crash
« on: 2005-09-30 07:46:55 »
Quote from: Threesixty
I bet it's mainly because the people who mess with computers, build their own. I bet everyone who has this problem are on manufactured PC's.

Fraid not, I used the game on two prebuilds (P300 64meg ram - Ragepro2 and a P4 2.6 512 Ram with a Radeon 9600) And it was fine, no crashes.  Then we have my prebuild, also no crashes :)

Archive / Frame rate?
« on: 2005-09-28 21:55:04 »
o_O who said anything about power?

Archive / New Project: Final Fantasy VII 2D remake
« on: 2005-09-28 14:38:26 »
-_- Please dont ressurect dead topics.

Troubleshooting / Triple Triad Gold
« on: 2005-09-28 14:36:14 »
As far as I know, Qhimm has sort of "shelved" the project... not sure if he intends to continure it... Best to drop him a PM :)

Troubleshooting / Problem when installing.
« on: 2005-09-28 14:35:11 »
Yep, if its a downloaded version, We wont help you.

Troubleshooting / Final Fantasy Game mod maker ?
« on: 2005-09-24 08:52:56 »
Appologies, I had the forum rules link in my clipboard, not the one I wanted.

Posted by Kero.

And We anrt trying to stop you from doing something

It just CANNOT be done at this moment in time unles you can single handedly decode and recreate walkmeshes, and program new scripted scenes.

yeah, 15 fps battle, 23 fps (I think) in game.

It hurts my eyes'es ;_;

Oh yeah, knock down hardware acceleration for sound in the DXDIAG menu... I think thats what does it.

Archive / 8-bit fail and cd thing... (ff7)
« on: 2005-09-23 13:09:49 »
Its a problem that made me think my disks were borked....

Luckily I swapped the disk to the other drive and it worked.

Archive / 8-bit fail and cd thing... (ff7)
« on: 2005-09-23 11:29:30 »
In the D3D box above Riva and TNT options, theres a software option in a dropdown box.

Troubleshooting / Final Fantasy Game mod maker ?
« on: 2005-09-23 11:03:00 »
The link I posted is an example of one such walkmesh.

Archive / FFVII .EXE'S there seems to be two being used.
« on: 2005-09-23 11:02:04 »
Quote from: Scotty
No comment ..... :z

Whats your problem buddy, Were trying to help you.

From what I know, to get rid of gridlines, turn Anti aliasing to Application Preference.

And you should only be using version 1.02 Executable file.

Archive / Will PC mods work on PSX..?
« on: 2005-09-23 06:15:50 »
Quote from: Kinseek
Actually, there is one that might work. The difficulty-mods edits scene.bin, of which both the PSX and the PC version has (same size too). So with a little know-how, you should be easily able to replace the scene.bin on the PSX-discs (and either burn it anew, or play on an emulator)

You would need to check that the files are the same.
It may have a scene.bin, doesnt mean the same files are in it though..

Archive / FFVII .EXE'S there seems to be two being used.
« on: 2005-09-23 06:11:27 »
You should only be using the FFVII V1.02 patch.

Turn down ALL forced anti aliasing in graphics card settings.

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