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Messages - ff7rules

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Sorry to bother you again but i have a new problem. I added some script to sephirioth and like i expected the file got bigger so i cut down some of the padding. The file says its smaller (6 kb) however when i use scenereader to put it all back it says in Cdmage the file will be trundicated. Is there anyway around this as i thought deleting some of the padding added by the script i added would of worked? Also this IS sephiroths script right? I'm sure it is, if not I'm clueless.

EDIT: Problem solved!!! I have to delete the exact amount of FF from the bytes i added no more no less hopefully have a vid of the new final battle soon.

General Discussion / Re: HQ Awesome FFVII ACC Renders
« on: 2009-02-17 11:08:45 »
I think the Blu ray is locked to play on jap BLu rays or Jap ps3 only :S. if so how pointless!

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-02-16 21:55:21 »
[PSX] Uh-oh!

I tested my NTSC mod on the PSP and it crashes when I go onto the Equip Menu, and on the battle swirl!
Also: when I import my NTSC kernel onto a PAL image, it hangs after the Squaresoft logo.
Works fine on the emulator... interesting...

Edit: tried making a new Kernel mod, changing a small amount- yep works!
What could make my new Kernel break on the PSP I wonder? It's smaller in size and is 0-padded when imported with CDMage.

Have you tried not padding it at all?

General Discussion / Re: HQ Awesome FFVII ACC Renders
« on: 2009-02-16 18:40:01 »
Awesome, thanks for sharing the link, i was wondering when this would come out.
Why wont they just make a sequel instead of making us buy the film again

Because its an excuse to get another £20 out of us for extra high def and 30 mins of extra footage and i don't know about anyone else but ill pay it.... if just for the ff13 demo which is said to be 3 hours long. Must say nice renders though, nice find cloud1414

OH I SEE NOW! thanks alot man im pretty sure i now know what im doing :wink: Also i tried stealing form him and that ended the battle lol

I have a question about Sephiroths script how do i know which part or code is used for clouds counter when Sephiroth uses cut. I know it will be located in the general counter part aswell which helps is it this byte and offset that controls whether or not cloud counters Sephiroths cut or not?  (0x001E | 60.PushByte(00) post battle i think) im guessing its this, what can i do to change it?

Sorry to double post again but i found this too funny not to post. Well i guess this is what i get for just playing around with stuff i know nothing about. Tried to change Sephiroths general counter and well look what happened! Not what i wanted to see!

good job i backed it up haha.


LMFAO hes back oh noes! I actually

Anyway My good friend Hotdog made an amazing discover today which i think has helped us all he found the opcodes for the battles without meaning to!
Recently He found a Gameshark cheat code site for ff7 thought nothing of it. But today hotdog discovered something this list is the battle opcodes! hows this work? Well you see for example i will use safer sephiroth he has 2  battles i don't know why look at the code on the left its 039C   Safer Sephiroth Big deal right well guess what Safer Sephiroth-battle ( 00, 9C, 03 ) im sure you will get the idea how it works now and if this has been discovered before sorry i didn't know. So now we have the list thanks to Viper for these codes!

Troubleshooting / Re: party members following cloud?
« on: 2009-02-15 00:13:05 »
It IS possible, you just need the right code. I dont know what it is however.

What could you code it once for all the fields and thats it? Or would it still require alot of effort and time?

You still have to edit everything manually with a hex editor like you did before, I'm afraid. That includes changing all the pointers as well (which is a pain).

Meteor can't do anything with the world map; AFAIK very little is known about how the world map works.

Ah well maybe one day. Yeah editing them manually is hard work but very rewarding if you get the result you want im hoping to have him using 1 more attack than ususal and him not dying when cloud counter attacks or removing the counter attack altogether. I heard theres a glitch with Sephiroth that you can't change his HP im guessing this because its scripted to be that much.

Would that I could find a list of formation IDs! I had to search for battle opcodes in meteor  :-o

Have a look at Sephiroth's AI with scene edit. It's not perfect and it doesn't let you edit AI (that still has to be done with a hex editor :cry:), but it's useful for finding things like this.

Wow...... This has saved me loads of time! Do i just edit it in wordpad or whatever then dump it back in? Also how do you find the opcodes for the battles on the world map in meteor? I can view the field files after splitting and all the dialog and maps. will the battle IDs be the same for both the PSX and PC version im guessing so.

I didn't mean it to sound as violent as it came out. I'm just at a loss to explain how that could be happening. It's more denial on my part than anything. You didn't offend. :) I want people to tell me if there ARE bugs, I'm just assuring Ultraman that this isn't one of them. ;) Peace?

Peace ;) Yeah man no worries im just glad i didn't offend you, anyway Hope you resolve your problem soon Ultraman.

Ok thanks ill ask him if giving him transform doesn't work although im sure it will. Do you have a list of the Battle IDs or know where i can get 1? Also im gonna start work on rescripting Sephiroth soon i think i now have a vague idea what im doing after looking at wiki. Im just not sure for certain where sephiroths General Counter bit is. i know its located at offset  0x04 General Counter but im not certain which byte controls clouds counter attack, and i just wanna say dude thanks for helping me and answering all my questions.

The Cactuar in Corel Prison (about whom I'd completely forgotten) is also much weaker than the one on the World Map.

The one in this video is definitely the one from scene58, and I'd imagine that the size increase might have something to do with Cait Sith's "Transform" attack, since he starts off normal size and then gets bigger, but maybe not.  gjoerulv did something similar with the Cactuer, maybe you could ask him how he did it?

I found the other Cactuar its in scene 65 so that clears that up. You think Gjoeruly would mind if i asked him?

No, the one on the world map is spelt with an er instead of ar and he's in scene58. I only found out myself half an hour ago. So hes the one on the world map then, hes that one. So wheres the one in corel prison :S Just a thought you can only go in the prison at Corel on Disc 1 yeah? you can't access Cactuar Island untill disc 2. what if its the same one but because you can't access it on disc 1? You would never know because you can't get on the Island untill disc 2. I Might test this and spawn the highwind on disc 1 with gameshark codes and see if i get my modded beast of a cactuar on the Island. Also what code edits the enemys size or is that unknown?

Small snag.

Turns out that's the Cactuar from the Corel Prison and not the Cactuer from the world map (which, I assume, is the one you'll want to fight). The ID for the latter is 00 E4

Wait thats the only Cactuar enemy in the scenes so it must be the same 1 used on the world map.
Thanks for the ID code.

I don' know for certain. When encounters happen on the field screen, it's possible to find the ID by looking in meteor (that's how I found the IDs for my mod). However there is no way to find the corresponding information for the world map AFAIK.

Nevertheless, it should be possible to find the ID for Cactuar by finding the scene file he is in an looking at the formation data there and finding a nearby scene with some formation IDs that are known (since the formation IDs are in the order in which they appear in the scene.bin, and nearly every file has four formations). Ultimate Weapon in Mideel has a formation ID of 0118 and is in scene71. Cactuar is in scene65 and is the first formation in that scene, so if I counted correctly his ID would be 0100.

And it was!

AWESOME! glad to know your theory worked! I wonder would this work for every monster in the game. If so this could get very interesting, im gonna try now since im adding Cactuar as an optional boss aswell as the random encounter.

Troubleshooting / Re: party members following cloud?
« on: 2009-02-14 18:02:30 »
i've searched this forum up and down and cant seem to find anything about this. hopefully its somewhat original and not just annoying. anyway, are there any mods for this game that allow the party members to follow cloud around? i love that they started adding that to the later games. it makes the game seem so much more realistic.

I highly doubt it and i highly doubt there will ever be one as i think you would have to mod every single Field scene in the game to show the animations and if thats so it would be extremely difficult.

This is where you should be changing things:

If you do this, beating the first formation (against Guard Scorion) will take you to formation 01 6c (Air Buster).

This is what you meant by 0x0A and 0x0B! I thought you meant that offset of the record, not the absolute address in the scene. It has been updated in the wiki now. I'm glad you clarified this. :)

Yeah thats what was confusing me too untill i saw that picture. I had no idea what to do i assumed it was where the background was loaded, well how wrong was i haha. I have another question. How do i find out the battle IDs for say, Cactuer so i can have the encounter where ever i want? I looked on the PC version (which i recently purchased cost me £40 off Ebay!) and found a battle ID in the encounters bit in Meteor but what can i do with this?

Hold it hold it hold it!

This is NOT a bug with WallMarket,

Sorry NFITC1 didn't mean to offend you. I know you work really hard on these programs and i can assure you we all truly appreciate it and it was wrong of me to assume it to be a bug. I tried what Dziugo said and indeed it works refreshes the KERNAL.BIN completely so thanks to him for the heads up.

Thats really strange. Only thing i can suggest is getting a brand new kernal and not editing it then trying that maybe its a bug with wallmarket i don't know.

well ive uninstalled and reinstalled more than once now. i would have thought id get a fresh kernal each time i did this, however every time i use wallmarket to open the kernal, the changes i made before are still right there (i changed materia slot numbers etc as well as changing sound effects). since ive screwed all the default values, if someone could somehow get me the original attack tex, hit sound and critical sound values of both the buster sword and the masamune, i should in theory be able to restore/ tweak them and find out where i went wrong. thanks for speedy reply :D

EDIT: i found cloud's slash sound again after i changed the hit sound to 12 (the same sound effect as vincent's shotgun!?!?) does anyone know how the hell this works??? lol

Ok i can do that for ya.

Buster Sword FBFF00
Attack Tex 09
Hit sound 12
Crit sound 1B
miss sound 05

Masamune 00FFFB
attack Tex 0B
Hit sound 7A
Crit sound 78
Miss sound 05

EDIT wrong version! edited with PC version.

Well if its a default KERNAL.bin file you need send me a pm and ill mail you 1, or have you tried that?

Yeah its first time anything like THAT ever happened to me. When i edit the General Counter move of sephiroth what can i edit it to just FF? What i want to do is make it so cloud doesn't counter attack because Sephiroth now has 9999 HP,  and its scripted for the battle to end as soon as the counter attack is done.

Sorry to double post again but i found this too funny not to post. Well i guess this is what i get for just playing around with stuff i know nothing about. Tried to change Sephiroths general counter and well look what happened! Not what i wanted to see!

good job i backed it up haha.

No. There are up to four formations in each scene (most of which are never used in the game), each with 20 bytes of battle setup data in this section of the file. Putting an ID in at 0x0A will only make the enemies appear after the first formation in the file is beaten. You can tell what the formations are by looking at the data from 0x0118 - 0x0297 (they are in the same order in both parts of the file. To make enemies appear after the other formations in the file are beaten, you have to put IDs in their battle setup section.

So, the two bytes at 0x0A of the file are the formation that appears after the first formation defined in the file is beaten, the bytes at 0x01E are the one that appears after the second formation in the file is beaten, 0x032 for the third formation in the file and 0x046 for the last one. You can put in the IDs of formations that are in the same file as well; this is actually done in scene 116, which has the Hundred Gunner and the Heligunner (IIRC); in the setup for the Hundred Gunner formation that is used there is the ID for the Heligunner fight, so the Heligunner turns up when the Hundred Gunner is beaten.

I fear that I might not be explaining this very well, so experiment and see what happens.

Nah you explained yourself well, i understand what you mean. Thats good then because it would be pretty bad if it was for every scene it would have to be a one off thing.

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