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Messages - Kudistos Megistos

Pages: 1 ... 137 138 139 140 141 [142] 143 144 145 146 147 ... 151
Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-01-20 01:24:10 »
If you're talking about Cloud's look in the Compilation of FF7, I don't think it's nostalgia. No, he's been much too girly recently; Cloud is supposed to be a badass   :mrgreen:

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VII - Clever Hack Name Here
« on: 2009-01-20 01:13:02 »
Well, I was referring to choosing which dummied lines should be out back in and which should be left out rather than making new lines, although maybe the latter would be necessary for clarifying some of the things that aren't made clear in the game.

As for the cave in the ancient forest, I have to agree (after having a look at the field script) that it's strange how little there is in there. I wonder whether Ho-Chu was meant to be there? That reminds me, will you be putting Tonberry back into the whirlwind maze? It seems odd that he was left out.

I think it's likely that nearly all of the rumours about hidden bosses in the Japanese game are false. Back when they started it was hard to communicate with Japanese gamers and verify anything. It isn't any more and I find it hard to believe that there are things as important as different bosses in the Japanese game whose existence hasn't been proven to western gamers yet; presumably there would be a few youtube videos as well as lots of mentions about these bosses on Japanese websites. Still, maybe there are some other differences that have been harder to notice...

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VII - Clever Hack Name Here
« on: 2009-01-19 22:58:20 »
Quote from: LimitBreak
I read somewhere that in the Japanese version the scene with the clock hands was this really cool and challenging puzzle with many steps, but then it was turned into this pointless exercise because "Americans are teh stupid" apparently.

Then why didn't they put it back in for the PAL version? :-P

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VII - Clever Hack Name Here
« on: 2009-01-19 21:42:02 »
I must say that I really like this idea. So, is it a one man project, or can others join? Maybe being a humanities student could actually help me out here; I don't know much about programming, but I do like my stories ;-)

Thor's hammer would be an interesting weapon for Cloud. Obviously, it would have to be a little longer for him, but still...perhaps it could be a replacement for the nail bat.

Quote from: JordieBo
The title of this thread kinda seems like the subject is HentaIUGDSGUSHODAHADSHB.

Hmmm, one might infer that there would be a little bit if yuri from the title ;-). Alas, there isn't. Well, I've never found Yuna or Lara Croft as attractive as many people do  :|.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How old is everyone? v2
« on: 2009-01-19 01:24:51 »
21 now, 22 in May.


It's like realising that we are in the 21st century.

Archive / Re: FFVIIPC MDef bug fix
« on: 2009-01-18 18:05:19 »
Finally got this working (turns out that I needed to delete the other patches from the patches folder to stop YAMP making an empty ff7.exe file).

Excellent. My thanks to all those involved, I'm now off to delete the spirit bonus from my armour...

I'm curious as to how he could make that his signature; after all, there's a one character limit...

You ought to change the "jeo" in your name to "necro":

Quote from: Forum rules
Don't resurrect old topics. When people stop posting in a topic, it's usually a sign that everything of value has been said. Thus, if nobody's posted in a topic for more than a week or two, consider it dead and don't post in it (unless you have an important follow-up or question exactly on-topic, and the topic is still recent). If you post just a comment on something somebody said ... chances are no-one will care because it's been a while since everything was posted.

Releases / Re: FFVII Psx bug fix? Here I provide
« on: 2009-01-14 23:26:50 »
Oh dear. I was worried that something like that would be the case :-(

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VII - Clever Hack Name Here
« on: 2009-01-14 20:07:41 »
And will you be leaving out the repeated dialogue? I've noticed when using loveless that every field in a certain area has all of the dialogue used in that area (i.e. every file for the Shinra building has all of the dialogue used in the Shinra building). Can this be deleted, or is there a reason why it has to be left in?

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VII - Clever Hack Name Here
« on: 2009-01-14 19:51:01 »
This is exactly what I've thought about doing quite a few times. Have you been reading this, by any chance? I too would like to see more of AVALANCHE; I think that my favourite parts of the game are near the start. I was particularly interested by some of Jessie's character development that got left out of the final game, which you can see here. I also agree that not everything should be put back in; the foreshadowing of Sephiroth here is probably better left out.

Releases / Re: FFVII Psx bug fix? Here I provide
« on: 2009-01-14 19:16:34 »
So, has anyone worked out how to make a PC version of this yet? I forgot to make ISOs of my FF7 PSX discs when I was home over Christmas *facepalm* and I don't take my PSX games to uni, so I can't really find out what it changes. Would making a PC fix be as easy as comparing the modded and unmodded files from the PSX game in a hex editor and then searching for the hex values that were changed in the PSX version in ff7.exe, or is that stupid, n00bish nonsense?

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Game Help
« on: 2009-01-11 13:17:21 »
That happens to me sometimes. Have you tried pressing the menu button after seeing the text box (I take it that you're talking about "C'mon newcomer, follow me").

Completely Unrelated / Re: Anticipation
« on: 2009-01-11 13:15:22 »
If that actually happened, I think that I'd need some delicious cake.

Archive / Re: dissidia
« on: 2009-01-11 13:13:17 »
I don't  :-P

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-01-10 17:42:23 »
So, do you think that your work would be able to translate into an enemy AI editor? Of course, we have stat and attack editors, but editing the AI is what makes  the best mods ;-)

Releases / Re: FFVII Psx bug fix? Here I provide
« on: 2009-01-10 16:39:03 »
This looks promising; I'm going to try it. Of course, one can use wall market to add spirit to armour, but this way is much nicer and neater ;-)

Completely Unrelated / Anticipation
« on: 2009-01-10 00:15:41 »
Whilst browsing a certain board on a certain website, I came across this and thought I'd leave it here:

Quote from: Anonymous
You've finally recieved your banging new copy of the Final Fantasy Remake.

Once again, you will be able to play the game of your childhood joys, not only reliving the great moments but staring in awe at the beautiful graphics.

You pop that bad boy into your PS3 and watch as the game starts up and the PS3 logo flashes on its screen.

The starting screen comes up and you eagerly hit new game. You observe the lifestream until the game closes in on Aerith's face. She backs away from the alley wall and heads out into the streets.
The game zooms out to show all of Midgar and the Final Fantasy over 9000 logo flashes across the screen. The nostalgia brings a tear to your eye when suddenly everything goes black. Suddenly, Rick Astley appears on your screen singing "Never gonna give you up"!

Archive / Re: dissidia
« on: 2009-01-09 16:29:42 »
The forum isn't dead; it's just that, due to the nature of the things we discuss here we don't have many posts and probably never shall. Modding takes time, after all.

And I'm not sure about that "it will be in the next month" comment. Are you being pessimistic or are you plotting something?

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-01-09 03:20:26 »
Quote from: apz freak
And life is dealing such bad news lately.  :cry: My innocent brother's being thrown in jail, my mother's house got foreclosed on, last summer a friend of mine passed away, and another's slowing succumbing to kidney disease. I think I keep working to keep from falling into depression. Probably. I know other people have had way worse lives and I try to remember that, gotta keep on trucking.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that; you can have some strong tea. I'm impressed that you're able to keep on working with all that going on; keep on trucking :-)

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-01-09 01:05:16 »
There seem to be an awful lot of us here from Dear Old Blighty ;-). I wouldn't be surprised if we actually outnumbered the Americans. Tea, anyone?

Archive / Re: dissidia
« on: 2009-01-08 23:45:31 »
I saw an admin around earlier today, but there seems to be little moderation most of the time, since a lot of the mods don't visit any more.

Archive / Re: dissidia
« on: 2009-01-08 19:04:59 »
i've found a blog that gives information and tools for the savegame editing...very nice!! i've seen they speak about dissidia..
hope it's usefull... :-D

You are posting that link in every topic.. It is not useful.

Methinks he may be advertising his product rather than trying to help anyone.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Plot question
« on: 2009-01-05 14:31:18 »
Erm, have you finished FFVII and Crisis Core? If you haven't, then do so, because it will make everything much clearer...

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