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Messages - ff7rules

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So it will do it for all the enemys in that scene then?

Thanks so-------ooo much man it worked!!! It works on the PSX version. Also is it the same place everytime for each boss?

I use HxD. It's freeware ftw!

thanks for the new hex editer its much better than what i was using before! Im not really sure if im on the right track with it, ive got a screenshot of what ive done. sorry to be such a pain.

I see. That's not where you put the ID!  :-P

It must go in the battle setup. From 0x08 to 0x048 in the scene files there are four 20-byte-long records, one for each of the formations. the first two bytes in each record tell the game what background to load, the next two tell it which formation ID to put in when the current formation is beaten (if it's FF FF, nothing will happen). Try putting 6c 01 at 0x00A of scene82 (between 0B 00 and 09 00), then fight the Guard Scorpion. Hopefully, Air Buster will show up after he dies.

AH! i see now! Thanks so much for telling me that i was really lost as to what i was doing wrong. Also what Hexediter do you use because mine crashes with some scene files.

I didn't have any crashes when I did this (although the game froze up when loading new enemies after certain enemies were beaten). Can you tell me exactly what you are doing?

Im not 100% sure what im doing to be honest i opened up the scene in Hexediter and added at the end of the dying animation the id of the next battle and it just crashes the emulator.

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VIII game text editor.
« on: 2009-02-13 13:17:16 »
This is for 8, not 7.:wink: It could be interesting, 8 doesn't have nearly enough modding tools.

Oh yeah i just noticed that im an Rtard sometimes. Also isn't garden really the only editer out there i haven't hardly seen any at all.

Archive / Re: Final Fantasy VIII game text editor.
« on: 2009-02-13 11:08:32 »
Well first of all, hello all!!! This is my first post!!! I've been trying to find a way to edit FFVIII in game text so I can tweak the existing story line a bit. I have been researching for days. I wish I new C#/C++ but I don't have a clue when it come to that. I have Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2008 and I don't even know how to use it LOL. I read here about using Wallmarket but I don't know how to find or make Kernel.bin. also when I use EIGHT.exe to view some of the FIELD files .msd all the dialogue is jibberish. and the 3,4,5,6,7 files show error this dialogue should have never been shown. I have hexeditor as well but again I'm not a programmer I don't know how to interpit code. So I was wondering if someone can steer this noob in the right direction. like maybe how to utilize the tools I have or download another program that mey simplify the text editing task. Thanks in advance for your help.

The Wiki of Final Fantasy VII tool's is located here. They have descriptions of what they do and what version they work for.

also if your wanting to get the files from the psx version. You need CDmage. Google it you will find it, and the pc version you need to find your main Final Fantasy VII directory and edit the files from there. If its dialogs you want to edit either Loveless or Hack7 is the way to go depends which version your editing.

Sorry for double posting and im really embarrassed about this....... but i can't do it for some reason it just won't work and the emulator just crashes. any chnace of a quick tutorial Leighos?? sorry to ask but i just don't get why it won't work.

You might want to read the discussion in the second half of this thread. :-) I see no reason why it shouldn't be possible for the PSX version.

Thanks for that link :) Im gonna try it on the PSX version now i know for a fact Safer sephiroth does work on the PSX version and on Disc one. But when he tries to cast super nova bad things happen. Im guessing its because super nova is a special video only on Disc 3 thats the only thing i can think off.

Quote from: NFITC1
Oh! If you want to change the camera angle at the beginning of the battle you'll have to change the formation setup at the beginning of the scene.

Whist I was trying some things out after my discoveries in the scene.bin file*, I found that there is something to do with camera angle in the section of the scene file named "battle setup 2" in the wiki (from 0x0058 to 0x0118). After I put the data from this part of the scene232 file into the scene117 file I fought Rufus with the camera angle from the Safer Sephiroth fight.

* BTW, I was able to do this! Nearly all the bosses, one after the other  :wink:

WOW......! Is that possible in the PSX version do you know? I have no clue how you did that but it was awesome! It would be awesome to have a gauntlet like that before the Final boss.Kinda like Chrono Trigger.

If you don't want Sephiroth to die in one hit you'll have to change his General Counter. That's what's causing him to die.
Also, please try to punctuate your posts better. They're really hard to read the way you're doing it.

Ok. Thanks again sorry about my English. I will try to punctuate my posts better. Im going to attempt to edit the General counter bit of the script now.

Got some news i got it to work cloud has to be on his own which isn't surprising really. I also changed the battle background just to see if it would work and it did nothing was different worked perfect which surprised me abit i don't know why just didn't expect it to be that easy. Now i do have 1 problem it seems no matter how much HP i give sephiroth he dies in 1 hit i know this is in the script but where i thought it was this

Code: [Select]
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(2060)
0x0003 | 10.PushValue(402C)
0x0006 | 80.MaskSet
0x0007 | 60.PushByte(01)
0x0009 | 90.SetAddr
0x000A | 73.ScriptEn

I guessed that pushvalue means forced to do if a certain event is met like say i don't attack sephiroth but he attacks me with "cut" cut been PushValue(2060) and then cloud automatically counterattacks with his normal attack that been PushValue(402c) not sure i thought that would be done-in or maybe clouds attack is the pushbyte im not 100% and im properly MILES off im not with ff7 script editing yet but i did alot for ff6 (ff3) anyway heres a screenshot to prove im serious about this i really want to accomplish a great final battle the way it should of been.

and yes sephiroth has no eyes lol. I know why though its obvious.

So the series of camera angles at the start is classed as an attack? thats whats confusing me since when i tried just for the hell of it to replace another bos with sephiroth since i don't have any disc 3 data yet and wanted to see if my changes worked with the boss it loaded. Showed sephiroth the black screen but it looked like when it goes to the camera screens it froze and crashed could be because i had 2 people in my party i dunno.

Oh! If you want to change the camera angle at the beginning of the battle you'll have to change the formation setup at the beginning of the scene. I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about the "Done-In" animation. For that battle those will appear somewhere in this range of bytes in that scene:

0x01C - 0x02F
0x044 - 0x057
0x088 - 0x0B7
0x0E8 - 0x117

Unfortunately, there's not a lot of public documentation on these pieces so I'm not sure what they do. Regardless I believe that intro camera angles exist somewhere in there.

Thanks again man! i managed to give him deen and an attack that makes cloud HP 1(called Fallen Angel) so its already alot more harder and interesting im sure its possible so im also gonna make sephiroth taunt cloud. Im also gonna try and make him counter attack cloud whenever he uses his sword which will be difficult but ill be adding that towards tyhe end of my mod.

The animation and camera are completely controlled by the attack itself. Don't change any of that. Also don't forget that the 32 bytes preceding that script will need to be updated to reflect the beginning point of each script section.

So the series of camera angles at the start is classed as an attack? thats whats confusing me since when i tried just for the hell of it to replace another bos with sephiroth since i don't have any disc 3 data yet and wanted to see if my changes worked with the boss it loaded. Showed sephiroth the black screen but it looked like when it goes to the camera screens it froze and crashed could be because i had 2 people in my party i dunno.

Troubleshooting / Re: [PSX] Final Fantasy VII Videos
« on: 2009-02-12 14:34:48 »
I'm using PSXMC to convert my videos in AVI. But the problem is : videos with sound are in MOV format, and videos with no sound are in STR format. So, I havn't found a tool which convert in MOV format. For the reinsertion, I will see after this.

Haven't tried it myself but try this if it does what it says that should do.

Sorry to double post but i have some news i think i managed to get his AI script im not sure if its all off it it though

Code: [Select]
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(2060)
0x0003 | 10.PushValue(402C)
0x0006 | 80.MaskSet
0x0007 | 60.PushByte(01)
0x0009 | 90.SetAddr
0x000A | 73.ScriptEnd
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(0000)
0x0003 | 02.LoadAddr(2060)
0x0006 | 90.SetAddr
0x0007 | 12.PushValue(0020)
0x000A | 02.LoadAddr(2050)
0x000D | 01.LoadAddr(4060)
0x0010 | 80.MaskSet
0x0011 | 60.PushByte(10)
0x0013 | 40.IfEqual
0x0014 | 90.SetAddr
0x0015 | 12.PushValue(2070)
0x0018 | 02.LoadAddr(0020)
0x001B | 90.SetAddr
0x001C | 60.PushByte(20)
0x001E | 61.PushWord(03BF)
0x0021 | 92.RunCmd
0x0022 | 12.PushValue(2060)
0x0025 | 02.LoadAddr(0020)
0x0028 | 90.SetAddr
0x0029 | 12.PushValue(2070)
0x002C | 02.LoadAddr(0000)
0x002F | 90.SetAddr
0x0030 | 60.PushByte(01)
0x0032 | 60.PushByte(00)
0x0034 | 92.RunCmd
0x0035 | 73.ScriptEnd
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(2070)
0x0003 | 02.LoadAddr(2060)
0x0006 | 90.SetAddr
0x0007 | 60.PushByte(20)
0x0009 | 61.PushWord(03C0)
0x000C | 92.RunCmd
0x000D | 12.PushValue(2060)
0x0010 | 10.PushValue(4023)
0x0013 | 80.MaskSet
0x0014 | 60.PushByte(00)
0x0016 | 90.SetAddr
0x0017 | 12.PushValue(2060)
0x001A | 10.PushValue(4024)
0x001D | 80.MaskSet
0x001E | 60.PushByte(00)
0x0020 | 90.SetAddr
0x0021 | 60.PushByte(22)
0x0023 | 60.PushByte(0F)
0x0025 | 92.RunCmd
0x0026 | 73.ScriptEnd
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(2070)
0x0003 | 02.LoadAddr(2060)
0x0006 | 90.SetAddr
0x0007 | 60.PushByte(20)
0x0009 | 61.PushWord(03C0)
0x000C | 92.RunCmd
0x000D | 60.PushByte(22)
0x000F | 60.PushByte(0F)
0x0011 | 92.RunCmd
0x0012 | 73.ScriptEnd
0x0000 | 12.PushValue(2110)
0x0003 | 02.LoadAddr(2110)
0x0006 | 60.PushByte(08)
0x0008 | 36.Or
0x0009 | 90.SetAddr
0x000A | 73.ScriptEnd

If this is his script i can see where the done-in animation is  im guessing the camera work is alot of the script too so where can i start making changes since done-in is right at the start or doesn't that matter?

The battle is in the scene.bin file scene232.

The field file that takes you to the battle is called las4_0. Towards the end of the very first script in the file there is a pointer to battle 39D, the formation ID for this fight.

thanks very much dude :)  Also do you know if theres a list of where to get the battle IDs i looked on qhimm wiki but no luck if there isn't one i will do 1.

1. Yes, it's totally possible to make him a better final-battle. There's room for 32 attacks in any scene and his scene only uses 17. Don't touch Done-In. It's very specific attack that needs to stay the same. Feel free to add more attacks.
2. Yes, his AI will need significant re-writing. From TFergusson's Enemy Mechanics guide this is his script:

Code: [Select]
AI: Setup
   Sephiroth's [402C] = 1
AI: Main
   Choose Cloud
   Use <Cut> on Target
   Set Cloud as Self
   Choose Sephiroth
   Use Attack Command on Target
AI: Counter - General
   Choose Self
   Use <Done-in> on Target
   Remove Self
   RunCmd 0x22/0x0F
AI: Counter - Death
   Choose Self
   Use <Done-in> on Target
   RunCmd 0x22/0x0F
AI: Counter - 13 [Post-Defeat/Battle]
   [2110] = [2110] OR 0x08

There's plenty of things that could be changed, but don't leave out the Initialize script, RunCmd 22h/0Fh in the Counter-Death script or the Post-Battle script. Since we don't know for sure what they do.
402C is almost certainly "Don't allow death visual". ie, when target "dies" it flashes red and disappears. If this is set then the target won't do that. It's mostly only used in boss battles when the boss has a specific run-away animation.
Command 22/0F and the 2110 OR 08 have unknown functions.
Still, shouldn't be too hard to do.

WOW man thanks this helps me sooooo much im gonna do it then im gonna make him a hard SOB :) Also do you know which field file contains the battle and field script because i can't find it anywhere?

Well i wanted to know is it possible to actually make a battle out of it ive looked at him in hexediter and he has two attacks done- in(which im guessing is his animation when you  beat him if so i best not touch that) and cut if i were to change these im sure it would mean bad things for sure, also he has 1 hp ....... right couldn't Squaresoft be abit more creative with that. Well anyway i see the battle has huge potential and if possible i wanna do something with it my questions are 1 is it even possible and 2 i know id need to edit the AI alot thats fine but would it be possible to completely redo his script and make a battle out of it? I think ive seen this done on youtube saintdragon i think was his name.

Troubleshooting / Re: [PSX] Final Fantasy VII Videos
« on: 2009-02-11 22:38:13 »
I'm re-translating Final Fantasy VII for PSX with lasyan3's tools, and I would like to translate the two videos with text. I have succeded to extract this videos, and I can modify them with VirtualDub. But this videos are not in STR format, but in MOV format. I can convert my AVI modify videos in STR but not in MOV. And also, I don't know how to reinsert the videos.
Thanks !

The method mentioned should let you reinsert the videos and i know this can be done because ive seen ripped copies of ff7 about (the game without the movies i think they just replace them with a black screen or something so yes it can be done, thats not to say it won't be alot of work. first you will have to make sure you convert it to the right format i saw a STR to AVI converter somewhere i think it was in zophars tools or something like that.

I was thinking i could have either loads of soldiers who are elites like head of security or leave it as schizo but i had plans for him as an optional boss on disc 3 but i could use him twice i guess i was thinking possibly swapping him for reno and rude but it would create a problem later on in the disc as you do fight them both on disc 1 so i couldn't alter them.

Actually you would be using him three times, [Gaia's Cliff] or did you think of that?
and what are you planning with the Guard Scorpion?

I might be replacing him at Gaias cliff who knows!:P and just wait and see:P you will be shocked trust me.

Sorry to double post but as i promised the video sorry about the quality!

Ultima Weapon! :lol:
how about Rude, or, if you wanted it to die, than why not tone down one of the elevator bosses ?

I was thinking i could have either loads of soldiers who are elites like head of security or leave it as schizo but i had plans for him as an optional boss on disc 3 but i could use him twice i guess i was thinking possibly swapping him for reno and rude but it would create a problem later on in the disc as you do fight them both on disc 1 so i couldn't alter them. Anymore ideas id love to hear! Thanks Darkvenomandcarnage for the reply. I will have a video of the schizo battle up tonight and well you can see how exciting the battle really is.

sorry to TRIPLE POST but i have big progress! and i don't want people to think this thing is dead because its anything but! heres proof!

New first boss for now im open to suggestions for a different boss to be used.

I'd say that nearly all of the enemies could do with being a bit stronger. I don't mean that every battle should be a fight for survival, but that one shouldn't be able to win fights in one minute by holding down X. A bit of HP and stat boosting should do for most of the random encounters.

I will double the HP and ATK and DEf foremost monsters met in random encounters throught the game so that should suffice as a challenge but on DISC 3 everything will be ALOT stronger and capable of at least hurting your party midgar Z will be as hard as the Weapons and the optional Bosses will be alot stronger (Lost number Midgar Z) im also gonna see if i can add some battles but i wouldn't hold your breath on that one.

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