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Messages - KnifeTheSky77

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22
Firstly, you'll need Aali's Palmer to extract the field backgrounds

Save the background as .png
From here, you can either use google sketchup to make the 2d picture 3d with the photomatch tool
or, recreate the entire scene in max like xenobond(this would be better methinks)

you bros should try to contact this bro right here
he is a bro, dont get me wrong, but it seems as though he has already completed alot of the midgar-cityscape areas

You guys are blowin my mind right now

especially you xenobond, oh my lanta that looks great

FF7 Tools / Re: Palmer
« on: 2010-01-29 19:24:35 »
You have filled me with happiness my sweet walrus  :-)
Black and white ff7, here i cometh

Completely Unrelated / Re: Yet another desktop thread!
« on: 2010-01-13 20:47:12 »
I demand that everyone else post their desktops!

Ok i'll do it. *sniff*

Completely Unrelated / Re: favourite soda?
« on: 2010-01-13 18:50:55 »
C'mon, i can't be the only one

Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite Shows Anyone?
« on: 2010-01-12 23:22:54 »
I watch Dexter and Weeds on showtime
It's always sunny in Philadelphia and Rescue Me on fx
I like funny shows like Tim and Eric's awesome show great job, Metalocalypse, family guy, south park etc.
I used to like The Office

I don't watch tv very much.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What software do you use?
« on: 2010-01-12 21:17:58 »
Windows 7, openSUSE 11.2
Chrome, Firefox
Windows media player/VLC player, VLC player
Windows media player/iTunes, Amarok
mspaint, gimp
photoshop cs4, gimp
windows photo viewer (fuck yeah), F-Spot Photo Viewer
utorrent, utorrent
Nero, Nero
None whatsoever, TOR (sometimes)


Just on the pantyline of operability, no 3.5 framework for u
Actually, the last version tested for .net 3.5 was 6 subversions ago. Maybe you will get lucky

Troubleshooting / Re: Extracting the sounds?
« on: 2010-01-08 06:29:59 »
In that case, assuming you are using +=winxp, you can add 'stereo mix' to your recording control in audio prefs
and record whatever your computer speakers are playing directly with windows sound recorder if you are a software minimalist.
If you are in some audio recording program, set the input of a recording track to your sound card output and record that program playing the sound effects.

Troubleshooting / Re: Extracting the sounds?
« on: 2010-01-07 19:34:33 »
I am going to guess that the ingame 'beeps' are 1 or 2 second midi files.
What you are going to want to do is find them (wallmarket knows where they are)
Open them in a midi program that can export .wav and import soundbanks, Sonar 8 by cakewalk does this, so would any other recent DAW
From here, import the midi and one of the ff7 soundbanks that are somewhere near midi.lgp.
record those bleeps and bloops to .wav and convert to .mp3

Completely Unrelated / Re: Human meat
« on: 2010-01-05 03:13:48 »
Internet says "long pig" or "hairless goat"

Thank you brosapian  8-)
I guess the wording isnt in the webster-merriam dictionary aside from 'flesh'
So i am going to assume, had the human meat been harvested from domesticated human cattle, that the correct terminology stands as 'beef'.

Completely Unrelated / Human meat
« on: 2010-01-04 21:29:59 »
What is human meat called? I mean, beef is derived from domestic cattle and venison comes from deer.
What are we made out of?  8-)

Troubleshooting / Re: Crash when Yuffie is defeated!!
« on: 2010-01-01 23:15:00 »
Nice, thats like a world record right there. 6 year old thread necrophilia.
Aali's graphics driver will more than likely fix your issue.  8-)

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2010-01-01 22:54:39 »
well, something doesnt smell right.
You can try changing attributes of the file. Right click scene.bin and uncheck 'read only' if applicable. Then click on the security tab and check all permissions under your name. This isnt a problem dealt by the gods of default settings, you might want to try reinstalling ff7 as something may have messed up the scene.bin.

Team Avalanche / Re: Resolution
« on: 2010-01-01 16:30:46 »
Depending on what computer im using, 1920x1080 or 1440x900

Team Avalanche / Re: System requirements
« on: 2009-12-31 03:08:07 »
I would be *very* surprised if a card was able to, say, run the SOURCE engine without running the 'new' FF.

yeah, lol
Code: [Select]
1. System Requirements
Final Fantasy VII has the following minimum system requirements:
Pentium 133 w/ supported 3D accelerator card (4Mb video memory or greater)
    or P166 w/out supported 3D accelerator card (see below)
Intel or 100% Intel-compatible CPU
32 Mb RAM
4x CD-ROM drive
Windows 95
DirectX 5.1 (included on Installation CD)
DirectMedia 5.2 (included on Installation CD)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Unreal Development Kit
« on: 2009-12-31 02:03:19 »
using the unreal engine to develop an RPG would be an immense task, the engine was developed for FPSs. The qgears project is focused on making a RPG engine, so it's much better suited to the job.

This, and qgears natively supports ff7 file formats or at least where lacking, it can convert to something usable (from what i can tell, dont quote me on this).
Unfortunately, the only place Akari has been vocal about qgears circa the last year has been in the SVN :( (good god hes fast)

hypothetical FF7 in the unreal engine reminds me of Avalanche

Very good from Spain, my English is not very good, so please translate this who can translate it to fix it:

There is a problem with the textures of the sources in our language to apply your patch: GUI 8 beta, which is that we use the letter "ñ" "Ñ" as well as accent marks: A, A, E, e, t, í, ó, Ó, ú, Ú. This is not in the English alphabet.

The problem means that your patch to apply certain textures are incomplete sentences, for example:

- Cosmo Canyon ---> ----> Ca n Cosmo Canyon Cosmo (not displayed in the game letters "no" from Canon.

If you can not fix it, unfortunately we have to play with the characters in low resolution, which is a shame that this magnificent being.

By the way, there is already a pack of pre-rendered scenes and 3D for battles in HD?

Regards, and congratulations on the work you are doing it is simply amazing. Do not you imagine the number of Spanish fans who have this game.

fix'd, lol i dont know man

Team Avalanche / Re: Towns
« on: 2009-12-29 00:29:40 »
Very sexy towns, grimminator  8-)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Windows7 for $30!
« on: 2009-12-16 00:59:17 »
I don't get it :|


Get a life.

(lol get it?? :lol:)

Hey, don't insult the doc, you freak!

(lol get it? :-D

Hey, don't insult the shadows, get a life!

(lol get it?) etc. etc.

Windows 7 for $30? sweet deal. Too bad my windows partition is still happily housing the release candidate  :-D 

Completely Unrelated / Re: Fututre Fantasy 7
« on: 2009-12-15 01:07:08 »
ahaha, oh god totally went there   :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Piano Based Music (some sad)
« on: 2009-12-13 06:18:27 »
If we are gonna talk 'non traditional' piano, my favorite keyboardist is jordan rudess of dream theater

He is playing a keytar here, just dicking around on the stage with john petrucci (kuitar?)

As far as 'sad' music goes, I like opeth's album watershed

magic.lgp is 'special' and can only be extracted entirely by using Aali's unlgp program

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