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Messages - Armorvil

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Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-30 22:30:19 »
Found a good Barret sound on that site

And for those who want Barret to sound like a cannon:

Dunno if you're even looking for sounds. But stumbled upon them so i thought i'd share em

Yeah I'm always looking for sounds. Thank you ! And I also love the second one. I already have the sound for the MPs and Barret's machinegun, but there are a lot of machinegun sounds to cover...

2 or 3 more SFX, and I'm releasing a new version. That will be 30 done. Since there are 723 of them, and even though I don't intend to replace them all, I'm gonna be busy for a while   ::)

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-30 20:23:29 »
Yeah, nice choice. It's true that this is the most faithful one to the original scream :)
(By the way, now that you're here NFITC1, you might want to check out this thread. I talk about an issue I forgot to mention regarding Proud Clod and battle flags ;) )

OK, I need help. You see, thanks to NFITC1's soon to be released new Proud Clod, I moved all enemies around. For example, you fight an Iron Man instead of the Guard Scorpion at the end of the first reactor, etc (of course their stats were modified ^^). And you'll meet the Guard Scorpion with updated stats and abilities somewhere else.

Everything has been working great so far, but a problem suddenly arose : the enemy that replaces Heli Gunner doesn't appear on the screen. After you defeat the monster that replaces Hundred Gunner, the battle continues, but the bastard is invisible. It attacks and I can destroy it, but its 3D model just isn't there...

So my question : does anyone know what happens, here ? Does the function that call the second battle look for a certain 3D model - a function I'd need to update ?... ...Since the right formation is called and an enemy's 3D model is tied to it (its enemy model, KHDA, is correctly referenced), this problem doesn't make sense to me.

If no one can help, I will either re-insert Heli Gunner, or change the new enemy's name to something like "Eagle Gun Ghost" :P That would suck, but hey...


OK, I fixed it :D
The battle flag for Eagle Gun was at fault. In Proud Clod, in formation 01CD, its battle flag is FFFEFFFF. Unfortunately, you can't change it back to FFFFFFFF in PrC. An error message keeps saying that the index is out of bounds or something. I guess I could have hex-edited my way out of this, but I noticed something interesting : formations 01CE and 01CF are exactly the same as 01CC and 01CD respectively, save from a different battle background (something that can easily be fixed). And formation 01CD has the right flag for Eagle Gun ! Whoohoo ! I just opened the eleout field file in Meteor, and asked it to call formation 01CE instead of 01CC. It worked, Eagle Gun appears after wasting Ahriman :D

I'm closing this thread.

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-30 14:28:29 »
Ha, that's what I thought - thank you Nikfrozty. Which one of these screams do you think would be best to replace it ? This one, this one, this one, this one (it is pretty funny, 3 women are screaming), this one (which also made me laugh), or this one ?

I have trouble deciding.

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-30 11:49:18 »
Of course !

Reminder to self : change Tifa's critical attack sound.

By the way, sound effect #376 sounds like a woman screaming, but I can't remember where this is played, in-game. Anyone know ? I think I remember it being played in the hotel at Gold Saucer, but can you hear it anywhere else ?

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-29 21:49:25 »
Are these sounds really "better"? I can't help but feel some are being changed just for the sake of it...

I guess it's an optional mod at the end of the day though right? :)

Yes, they're the best sounds out there, period. And no, this is no optional mod - everyone has to install it or I'm gonna hunt them down and slit their throats :)

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-06-29 20:55:04 »
Search function guys, I already uploaded the files in another thread.

Anyways, am I the only one who thinks that those letters on the ground are too bright ? I like the fact that in the original, it looks old, worn-out. Kinda like how the feel of Star Wars episodes IV to VI is better than I to III's, since spaceships and places look old and dirty. Like they've been around for a very, very long time. None of those crappy and unrealistic clean and shiny CGs that plague the movies industry. This texture gives me the feeling that those white letters have been painted seconds before Avalanche's assault. And this whiteness also distracts the player / viewer from what's actually going on on the battle field.

I know you want us to see your work, but I think you should tone the colors down, Jeff ;) Other than that, it looks perfect :)

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-29 14:53:51 »
- The bolt sound effect sounded better to me in your earlier video.  Too much of the original is still howing through in this one.

Yeah, I know... ...but it's kinda wanted. You see, thunder can only sound a certain way, and since there are many bolt spells in game, I thought I'd just keep the originals and just improve them somehow. I guess the only thing I can do is lower the volume of the original sound / increase the volume of the new one...
Either this, or I'll have to find better electrical sound effects.

- Tifa's hit sound is, as you said, too "loud".  I believe it should be toned down somewhat.

No prob, I'll lower its volume for the next version.

Thank you for posting.

Oh, and I just made two new sounds : one for Jessie's explosion, and the other one for the fire sound (that you can also hear when Nibelheim is burning). Video :

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-29 13:16:43 »
Thanks. The syncing problem is mainly due to my poor videos, but it's true some of those sounds, like Cloud's slash, were a little off. It's fixed anyway, and I created some other sounds.

New video

After making this video, I edited the 'whoosh' limit sound again. It appears that combining the original sound effect with some other sounds is the way to go. The new sound is way better than the one you heard in this video. I used the same procedure with Cloud's slash - I just added a "blade" sound, a swinging one, and an impact one.

Also, I think it's time for a first release.


In the rar archive, you will also find a new sound for the crowd in Junon, during the parade. I haven't tested it yet, so if someone could do so and report to me any problem they might encounter, that would be much appreciated.

*First post edited by adding a link to the rar file*

EDIT : reuploaded the file, I forgot Tifa's attack sound -__-

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-28 06:59:28 »
Hey, no prob ! I know I also have trouble finding the Fire spells' replacements. There are a lot of fire sounds out there, but very few that feel violent enough - like a flame suddenly appearing out of the ground...


New video, with new sounds. I made a sword slash myself, by combining a "whoosh" sound with a gore one. Sounds ok when you're fighting biological stuff, but chances are it will sound odd against a machine.

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-27 23:48:41 »
About using sound effects from other FF games... ...Well, yes and no. You see, those are copyrighted sounds so you can't distribute them. So if you manage to find them, we won't be able to turn them into a patch. But truth be told, if my own FFVII had cool sounds, I'd be happy :P

Nah, I think the only way you could help, is if you could find a nice sword-cut sound-effect for Cloud ^^ I've been trying to find one, but it's like looking for a needle in a bundle of straws.

Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-27 23:29:40 »
I started a list of my own, actually. It's not in text format ; I just named the original sounds as I extracted them. It's highly incomplete and I expect some to be wrong, but here it is.


Releases / Re: Editing the sound effects in FFVII
« on: 2010-06-27 22:20:35 »
You're welcome :) I'm using Cosmo v0.95 build 7.

Releases / [WIP] New sound effects for FFVII
« on: 2010-06-27 20:21:05 »
I'm surprised no one tried to improve the sound effects in FFVII, yet. I took a look today, and it appears it's very easy to do.

Here is a youtube video I just uploaded. Quality is bad, but it should be sufficient. I willingly silenced the music so you'd hear the effects more easily. You can hear Tifa's critical attack at around 3:35.

I don't think this punch sound is perfect for Tifa anyway... ...too loud, maybe. The thing is, it's quite hard to find sound effects on the web. I came accross this website though : . Download is free and there is no copyright enfringement, as far as I know (I read the terms of service). My sfx come out of there. You just need to create an account, and to give them credit if you are to publicly release something.

Here is a little step by step tutorial to replace sound effects :

1- get Ficedula's Cosmo

2- select Tools, then Audio Editor

3- find a sfx you like and want in-game. It must be a .wav file. If it's not, you can always convert it back to .wav with a program like Audacity.

4- go into your Start menu, select Programs, then Accessories, entertainment (?), and click on the recorder (my windows is in French, so I'm not sure how these things are called in English).

5- open your sound into the recorder, and choose File then Properties.

6- Select "Convert Now"

7- in the format, choose "Microsoft ADPCM", and just below : 44100 Khz, 4bits, Mono.

8 - save your sound. You can play it before though, to make sure it can be read after those changes. It looks like very short sounds cannot be read after being changed into an ADPCM with these attributs. You can work around this by editing your file in Audacity and add some silence to increase its length.

9 - apparently, Cosmo doesn't mind if the new sound is larger than the original. Just click on the sound ID you wish to replace, and click on "Replace" (duh...). Now go get the new sound, and TADAH ! It's in-game now :)


I'm thinking about replacing most sound-effects with higher quality ones. Wish me luck !  ;D


And here is Bolt ! :D


Download links

FFVII-SFX_0.1.rar (too lazy to make a readme file in this one, but this is - for now - the one you want to download)

No I did not "improve the GUIs transparency", most likely you just didn't update the vertex shader.

Those messages are there for a reason, you will not see any of them with original data or wellbehaving mods. (Unless something really goes wrong)
There is a way to turn them off since 0.7.8b because after all it was not in the original game and so should be optional. The option is called disable_popup, turn it on and you will never see them again. I beg all of you modders out there to leave it off however so these issues will not continue to go unnoticed and end up in even more released mods.

Thank you very much for the info, it's great to be able to disable those messages. I'm no model-creator, and it got tiring to see those messages appear when battles / field files were loaded.

This is a great new version. Just a suggestion for the next one, though : is it possible to add an option, in ff7_opengl.cfg, to remove the yellow and red notifications, at the bottom of the screen ? Like the "ERROR : could not open file AAAF2.RSD" and stuff ?

Otherwise, I noticed that you improved the GUI's transparency :) Even the submenus are transparent now. Very cool.

General Discussion / Re: Making FFVII use random files ?
« on: 2010-06-22 18:37:46 »
Oh I see, thanks for the clarification :)

Being French myself, I'm very glad the French team got their ass handed to them for 3 reasons.

1) I hate football and our football team
2) the media (especially TV) will try to start talking about more interesting stuff, hopefully.
3) it shuts up those arrogant %!$&¤§!


General Discussion / Re: Making FFVII use random files ?
« on: 2010-06-22 08:51:59 »
Thank you furzball. But... ...maybe you were sarcastic ? I sometimes have trouble detecting sarcasm, especially in English  :-P

General Discussion / Re: Making FFVII use random files ?
« on: 2010-06-21 21:44:25 »
Just so you guys know, I found an easy way to make battle music not boring ! All with Audacity and FF7Music.

I just created a really long MP3, comprised of many battle themes I like (tracks from the Black Mages, the battle themes of Shadow Hearts 1 and 2, the battle themes from Unlimited Saga, Romancing Saga, from other FF games, etc...), named it "01 - Fighting.mp3", and told FF7Music to resume after all songs. That way, the battle tracks resume after each fight :D So, after a couple battles, the music changes :)

General Discussion / Re: Making FFVII use random files ?
« on: 2010-06-17 20:06:56 »
Might be possible with the music but definantly not the portraits. After all the music is from an outside program overriding the originals.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

i think a program like ff7music could easily do this if it read from directories that were named according to the original music files. I'm still waiting for some intrepid idividual to tackle a new FF7music, because the one we have now is totally broken IMHO and it's just a pain to configure, use, and troubleshoot.

I just tried naming a directory "10 - Fighting.mp3", and putting mp3s inside, but, as expected, it doesn't work : no mp3 is played :(

But any program able to rename certain files into something else every 5 or 10 minutes, would do the trick. Renaming the battle music some gibberish, and renaming another song 10 - Fighting.mp3... ...I'll try searching the web for something like that.

General Discussion / Making FFVII use random files ?
« on: 2010-06-17 18:56:43 »
I've been thinking about this, lately. Let's say that you have three battle musics, all in the same format (MP3, midi, or PSF). Do you think it would be possible for FF7Music to randomly read one or the other at the start of a battle (for example) ?... I mean, the three tracks could be named 10 - Fighting_1.mp3, 10 - Fighting_2.mp3 and 10 - Fighting_3.mp3. And when a random battle is initiated, FF7Music would randomly play one of them. It would make random battles less repetitive, and I'd love to see that.

Same idea, but with character portraits. Now, I think pulling it off would be harder - since I *think* that the game puts this kind of data in memory at start-up. But it would be nice, if at the end of every battle or every time you press Triangle (the Menu button), a random avatar would be displayed. As an example, all of Tifa's avatars would have to be named tifa_00.png, tifa_01.png, tifa_02.png, etc... ...That would be cool in my book.

What's you're take on this ?

Releases / Re: Battle Inferface Reconstruction [WIP]
« on: 2010-06-13 21:28:02 »
I was just uploading the images as you typed that ;)
You can find my btlbh_01 and btlbh_07 here. Just remember to zoom on each pics before downloading them.
I just hope Nikfrozty is right about the important files being those 2. I don't know which do what : I just edited all of them. So if it still doesn't work after trying those, tell me and I'll just rar my menu textures and upload them all at once.


Actually, to get this out of the way, I just uploaded all of them to megaupload. Link here.

Releases / Re: Battle Inferface Reconstruction [WIP]
« on: 2010-06-13 21:05:19 »
I posted the texture at the right size. I guess the problem is that imageshack/ resizes it on the main page.
Try to zoom on it, Jeff, and save the big texture instead. I guess it should fix the problem.

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