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Messages - KnifeTheSky77

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22
Completely Unrelated / Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« on: 2009-10-12 07:04:30 »
He has a very nice collection.
What a great collector, that man is.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nicknames.... why?
« on: 2009-10-09 05:16:04 »
he is a bamf

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nicknames.... why?
« on: 2009-10-09 05:13:36 »
I have read it as titeguy3, tit3guy3.

I remember a while back when I was reading the internet after I had eaten some psilocybin mushrooms
titeguy3 just felt like a great name, I don't remember why but it had something to do with your avatar of cid biting his teeth

I think of that moment whenever i read your poasts.

BrokenCrowe reminds me of Russel Crowe, sometimes I read your posts in his voice

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-10-05 20:12:22 »
never forget

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Sound workings
« on: 2009-10-03 18:09:57 »
Get the program Vienna from Creative. I hope you have a soundblaster card.  :mrgreen:


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Sound workings
« on: 2009-10-03 00:37:11 »
That is because it IS computerized. That is midi for you.

Making a soundfont that would out-do FinalFantim's music would be hell-in-a-can.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Sound workings
« on: 2009-10-03 00:00:49 »
I think he meant the actual MIDI files the game used originall. those are just MP3 files, as epic as they are.
I Think you may be on to something there, timu. if we can get a perfect soundfont AND perfect midi files, the songs should sound as good/better than the original psx music.
But, I betcha the FF7 midi's have got some super secret format that we can't edit because we doing have a way to make midi's in that format...

I am not exactly sure what you are saying here. The midi files are *perfect*. The original midi files open in sonar 8 and guitar pro 5.2

Very similar to what finalfantim had done with his OST remake, in this video i took the original midi chu.mid
and used a custum software synthesizer to playback original midi data (in place of general midi, or a soundfont in this case)

ff7 comes with soundfont files (look for *.sf2)
These are replaceable

The annoying thing that I remember about soundfonts is that sonar doesnt like them unless you have a soundblaster card.  :-(

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic!
« on: 2009-10-02 03:39:22 »
After all that flaming...


Still shy....  :-P

Come on you pornstar, this is the internet
everybody is doing it  :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic... you have taken
« on: 2009-10-01 05:38:59 »
I am glad that he finally decided to spam the moderated sections. Now he can be banned.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic... you have taken
« on: 2009-10-01 04:50:50 »
But the border man will continue.

Picture of a pumpkin we grew in our garden.

That is a badass pumpkin. I remember I grew an all white pumpkin one year, too bad I cant find the picture.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic... you have taken
« on: 2009-10-01 04:39:05 »
I really doubt there's any reason for that, anymore. But Qhimm actually has very real and way more important business right now. That does not mean there wouldn't be any admins around, however. tongue
May I ask what that is?

It is strange that the people that are constantly harassing everyone else are the same users that need admins so bad
We were doing just fine before you showed up

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic... you have taken
« on: 2009-10-01 04:21:24 »
Goodnight sweet prince
Are you fag or something, prince? Wtf...

Yes. Had you posted your picture earlier, i surely would have not only covered it in my own blood and ejaculate
but I would have taken a picture of that photo and posted it all over your new forum.

Are you fucking retarded, thats a meme. Welcome to the internet.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic... you have taken
« on: 2009-10-01 04:02:04 »
Great, well now that your intentions are clear:
don't make anymore posts.
log out and never log back in from this point forward.

Goodnight sweet prince

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post a pic!
« on: 2009-09-30 01:02:06 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-09-25 20:21:49 »
cats are nice

Oh shut up, you are the one sexually confused here. Now don't spam Timus thread you dirty bastard.

OH YOU GUYs I love the constant bickering, just not in front of cloud. He is still young and innocent.

Timu Sumisu: That is a sexy cloud face, granted I am a raging heterosexual so its O-K. I think you should add a lot of smaller spikes on the back of the head like the crisis core cloud had, they all kinda pointed to the back of his head to form a cone shape. I say this because it looks like he shaved the back of his head and spray painted his scalp to match his hair color.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Gamespot - Greatest Game Hero
« on: 2009-09-19 01:21:01 »
I'm dissapointed, psychology is nothing but a way to control the minds of weak minded people....

I lol'd.

Hermoor, why do you think so low of FF7? (and psychology?)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Gamespot - Greatest Game Hero
« on: 2009-09-19 00:49:10 »
Wow it's amusing how hard you are trying to sound smart Kudistos. And it is possible for humans to be neutral on something...I'm neutral on a lot of things. And some things I'm not neutral on. For example I'm neutral on "air".

And who said this is a FF7 forum? This is a FF modding forum. That is FF7 FF8 and FF9. I understand that FF7 has been chosen to be the most discussed game in here. That is because its the worse one, and it needs a lot of fixes to stand up to the later ones. Seifer is retranslating, timu is redoing the models.

Someone is fixing the world map, and someone is replacing the music. The game isn't being worked on because it's the best one. But because it's the worst one, and need major repairs in order to stand up to the later ones in the series.

Then there are some fan boys, who picks on anyone saying FF7 is overrated or that cloud is worse than someone else. This is like a stab in my back everytime it happens...I mean wtf. I say my opinion on a subject and you call me a troll. This is not a FF7 forum only, I think there are a lot of fans of other FF games than 7 here.

I hope there are...O.o It's sad that people can't look beyond the coolnes of FF7. -_-

also, im afraid that successful troll is successful.

Although hermoor's trolling is obvious, I believe it is also unintentional.
My theory is that hermoor (seeking originality) does not approve of FF7's quality
because of its popularity and success. He is under the delusion that by openly expressing
interest in the less popular titles; FF8 and FF9,  he is somehow demonstrating higher value and
eccentricity to his peers.
Reality is an illusion, love is over. I want to destroy your ego.
I think what is also obvious is that by disagreeing with someone that has a higher egocentric frame
than myself will result in a self troll scenario which is status I am NOT trying to achieve.

Cloud has suffered from more psychological disorders than any character in FF8 and FF9
which is really attractive to me. He not only has a larger weapon than Squall or Zidane but also
has the most justification for his odd behavior. Cloud has not only endured more hardships than Squall
or Zidane but has the most attractive women. FF7 also has the most memorable soundtrack.

BTW hermoor, i'm looking out for your well being here. Im pretty sure that posting NSFW is
going to make halkun rape and mutilate your soul through the internet. I hope you have 56k.

Completely Unrelated / Re: wallpaper
« on: 2009-09-18 04:01:20 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Qhimm+ Translation Project
« on: 2009-09-16 01:59:09 »
If you think that care sounds better than cure

I don't, but the difference is very small.

Also, you should notice that EVERY(if not most, I'm not really sure) final fantasy title  after FFVII up to this day that has been released in English has consistently used CURE as healing magic. also have to think to yourself "Will this sound normal and appropriate to an English speaker?"

They have also used malboro, Ochu and 100 other mistranslations.  You seem to have missed the point completely.  If we start picking and choosing, it is a slippery slope.  THis is an accurate translation.  Canon is out of the window and always has been.

Cool story bro

Since your gonna post about the translations here anyway, I thought I may as well provide some
constructive criticism.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Qhimm+ Translation Project
« on: 2009-09-16 01:34:12 »

Further confirmation I have found.  It is Care.

If you think that care sounds better than cure to anyone who doesn't speak either broken or
gangster-esque English, more power to you. If this is the direction your translation is taking, I
sure as hell wont be using it. IMHO it might be a direct translation from Japanese but it doesn't
sound good to someone who SPEAKS ENGLISH. Sure from a  Japanese persons standpoint this probably
would seem like a great idea but if this were how the actual translation was done we would end
up with lines that sound as if they were taken directly from a Japanese tourist attempting
to navigate an English dominate territory with nothing to communicate with but Google Translate.

Also, you should notice that EVERY(if not most, I'm not really sure) final fantasy title  after FFVII up to this day that has been released in English has consistently used CURE as healing magic. Square has gotten much better at translating their games since 1997 judging from FFX and FFXII so I think that they are pretty certain that cure (a universally used magic name with FF titles) would be the most suitable
in this scenario. You also have to think to yourself "Will this sound normal and appropriate to an English speaker?"

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN obesebear
« on: 2009-09-15 04:19:58 »
Yo obesebear, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Seifer is one of the best members of all time. One of the best members of all time!


You know not of kanyefail?

yo dawg we put a translated script in yo script so you can, oh forget it

I want to rip out seifers entrails and have sex with them

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN Obesebear
« on: 2009-09-13 08:58:34 »
Seifer****, what did you expect to achieve from making this thread?

I gave you a chance to be polite and discreet (i gave you a lesson in case you didn't know how).

You are counter productive to enlightening FF7 by threatening members of THE FF7 modding community.
        Is that what you want? Do you want to intimidate and make fun of the hands that feed you?

Newsflash Seifer**** ; Your ATTN: Asshole threads aren't going to get you ANYWHERE except give others more reason to hate you.
I'm not going to go on and describe the rape and gore filled daydreams I have of you whenever I see one of these threads of yours pop up.

I WILL say that I personally want you to leave. But im sure at one point when you
just cant handle the misattention that im sure you arent recieving in real life, another one of these threads will show up
and for the future, you wont get anything positive or productive out of it.

So consider this a preemptive stfu and gtfo for next time

P.S. I hope that obesebear and titeguy3 put dicks throughout your entire translation and flame you just for the spite

P.S.S. I cant see anyone liking care over cure.

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN Obesebear
« on: 2009-09-13 07:37:12 »
This has something to do with me because I  respect obesebear

AND I beat off to the thought of you hating me.

I will teach you something cool while I'm here

This is what you did:
Seifer: Obesebear you are slime, you plagiarized my script and i  will treat you meanly
        in return you will get flamed

This is what you should have done:
Seifer: I worked really hard on my script and you hurt my feelings by taking it even though you took the time to give credit where it was due
Obesebear: I'm sorry man i didnt realize blah blah blah

Completely Unrelated / Re: ATTN Obesebear
« on: 2009-09-13 07:22:22 »
I'm no philosophyfag but if obesebear did take this script from you, does he not have as much right to
take and alter your script as you do to take and alter Square's script? This is like a theif complaining he is experiencing theft.
(I'm sure you are breaking some sort of law in changing the script anyway)

I'd also like to say that you have an abrasive personality and other forum people would
respond to you better if you weren't such a faggot. 4chan is that way --->
P.S. Care sounds ridiculous(-ly bad)

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