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Messages - CKtalon

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-03-05 20:56:00 »
Microsoft may win in the end..

Bill Gates will be reveiling in 2003 when MS starts to go bankrupt for lawsuits....

Microsoft Linux!!!!

since linux is open source...

General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-03-04 13:38:00 »
Well if you have heard of Windows Whistler
Well that's the new name of it..
Its based on the Win2000 kernel not the Win9x kernel
It has a professional version for businesses and a personal for gamers..
That's pretty much I know..
Linux really needs supports from software developers just like the MAc...

General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-03-02 14:14:00 »
Yeah Crackers will simply crack Windows XP to work for us..haha

General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-02-28 17:55:00 »
Well u can easily plug out ur modem line or any connection to the internet...
But reading that XP really disappoints me...
And MS will get to meet CJ Jackson again..

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