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Messages - JLOUTLAW

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Sorry about that. Like I said, it's been a while since I've done any of this modding or uploading. I have archived the files into one folder and posted that folder on Mediafire. You can find the correct link in the first post.

Releases / [FF7PC] AC Barret Field (2014-02-04)
« on: 2014-02-04 04:22:09 »
It's been a long time since I've been here. I've had lots of issues with my laptop and have lost many files and had to reinstall every single mod as well as FFVII all over again. It's took some doing, but I managed to remake the conversion to field model for Advent Children Barret, the one from this pic taken over a year ago:

And here's the link to the file. Just copy the files and paste them into the direct, field folder.

I still haven't given up my quest to retexture Emerald and Ultimate WEAPON either. Got a much better laptop now to help me out.

Releases / Re: Grimmy's Models
« on: 2013-09-08 14:44:07 »
Your world map town mod download isn't working. Can you re-upload it please?

Graphical / Re: [WIP] HD battle scene pack
« on: 2013-08-06 22:56:11 »
Don't worry, the backgrounds you and EQ2lysa made look damn good in-game. You've done a morphenominal job.

Graphical / Re: AC Barret Field model
« on: 2013-06-08 11:58:10 »
I'm still around, just haven't been as active. I've still been trying my hand at doing the Emerald and Ultimate WEAPON retexes, but I've been having a bunch of problems with my laptop as well as actually pulling the texture to be edited. I've seen one person who has a great Emerald WEAPON retex, MikeTrishty on Youtube who I believe is also in this forum..... but he's not willing to share to anyone else. Damn shame because it looks pretty damn good. I sent the guy asking the link he requested.  If anyone who knows about texturing is willing to send me some pm's with more info on how to go about it I can try to get these WEAPONs done......

They're actually extremely good. They basically make the cities on the world map of Corel, Nibelheim, Gongaga, Wutai, and Rocket Town look just like they do when you enter the field, only scaled down. The only issue I have is that in places like Corel, Wutai, and Nibelheim my map shows the awesome layout he made along with the regular FFVII map layout of a boring building, which kinda spoils the effect. I'll post some screens later on when I'm done working, but excellent job Stea41k!!! Helluva first post!!! Welcome aboard.

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2013-05-03 16:18:21 »
Just so ya'll know the links are not working for mediafire any more. Which is bad because I need to redownload FFVII Music but I'm not having any success. Also tried using Anxious Heart but thats not working either. Do you think you could possibly help me out with that via Team Viewer, Gsestahl?

Releases / Re: [REL] cait sith weapon project
« on: 2012-11-28 02:00:34 »
I like it. Wouldn't mind using it in battle.

No it makes sense actually. I just haven't heard this stuff since I graduated high school back in 2004. Got to be best man for my brother's wedding today, and throw a party for my sister tomorrow so I'll try to tackle Emerald WEAPON a bit more Monday. Thanks guys.

Well, if 3ds max is easier to use, perhaps I should try my hand with it freeware? Could you pm me the links to the tutorial videos you watched?

How do I select all in edit mode. Also, that tutorial is tough for me to comprehend...for instance what are vertices? Is there anything around in frickin laymen terms.

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-19 14:25:03 »
Question. I'm trying to UV Map Emerald WEAPON. I have a 3ds file opened in Blender and I am viewing it from the front view. Only thing is I cant figure out how to mark the seams on him to snag his texture. Another thing. I have his battle model, pulled from the LGP, and he uses anac and anad as textures. Both textures are those weird blue orb things on his shoulders. So I assume I'm gonna have to make a new texture to modify his skin and make it look like emeralds. How would I go about that?

Also I re-read your post Omega. Only issue is "Edit Mode" is not coming up when I'm using anaa.3ds

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-18 14:10:16 »
What Omega said. If there's a tutorial I can read that can walk me through UVs then I could do a lot more. Til then, I do plan to work on Grimmy's Diamond WEAPON.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-10-18 10:33:16 »
lol and the 1997 Ms Fan Service pageant winner is.....

It's not like I don't ever acknowledge her looks. She is gorgeous. But what attracts me more is her strong will and devotion to the ones she loves. I don't think she is shy. She is quite true with her feelings actually. She is just very good at putting them aside, never letting them in the way. Not once have things been about her. Friends first, always. She's a fan favorite of mine   8)

You make cuddling sound like it's such a sin lol. I have that pic as a reminder that Cloud is stupid and doesn't know what he's missing. Aeris agrees  :)

Cuddling's not a sin lol. They both have this look of content and peace. Perhaps when Cloud ran off on his date with Barret that shot was taken :)

To be honest I think had Sephiroth not intervened he would have ended up with Aeris. That's the way the 1st disc seemed to be headed and Cloud didn't sound like he lost a friend with his "Your stupid plan and the cycle of nature don't mean anything. Aeris is gone......Aeris will no longer laugh, cry, smile or get angry....what about us??!?! What are WE supposed to do!!?!?" line. That sounds more like he lost a lover, and even in A C he runs to Aeris for comfort in his promised land. I feel squaresoft actually didn't go deep enough between those 3 and maybe that's because they saw she had to die for the events of the second and third disc to unfold.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-10-18 02:43:25 »
Because she has a nice big rack. No other reason or excuse needed. Ms Fan Service. Ironic though that Tits Mcgee was the shy one and the goody good looking girl in the pink was a huge slutty flirt.

One word....

Men  :P

Says the one with a pic of Aeris and Tifa cuddling. :)

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-18 02:35:35 »
Thanks. The esuna worked lol feeling a lot better. How are you liking your personalized Ruby WEAPON? Had any curb stomp battles against him yet?

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-10-17 23:03:40 »
Not really. About the only sport I watch is NFL.

Releases / Re: whitERaven Model Revisions
« on: 2012-10-17 02:59:27 »
Looks great man you've really improved. Think you could maybe make an A C version of him down the line?

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-17 01:16:51 »
Alrighty. I have removed the KH Cloud texture from all the models. I've been working all day with food poisoning lol, so I don't feel like taking a lot of pics right now. They are all basically the ruby texture in place of where the KH Cloud texture was. I tried to make a custom texture, but the design ended up all on his claws as well as his legs so in the end I settled for the stone effect. New upload link is back in the first post.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-10-16 23:31:26 »
LoL, true.. I'd like a shot at her textures.. even if just the face alone..

Lol nah I'd aim for the chest....texture. Speakin of her massive size, how the heck can a small girl like her have them big tits and not have them smacking her in the face when she does her limit moves?

Graphical / Re: Cid's Head modeling contest result
« on: 2012-10-16 23:26:19 »
WhiteRaven you did a great job on that. Rayved yours looks good too, although he kinda looks like Snake in my opinion.

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-16 23:20:53 »
I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I'll get this squared away now that I'm off work. For now, download link is removed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Releases / Re: WIP: Ruby WEAPON retexture
« on: 2012-10-16 11:57:30 »
Would you mind sending me a shot of the KH Cloud TEX in pm? The bottom left texture corresponds to Ruby WEAPON's legs, those wing-like formations around his waist are from the actual Ruby WEAPON model itself, though it does look very Kingdom Heartish.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-10-16 03:31:18 »
Lol nice tits. Fitting of Tifa.

I'm with VGR here. You made a great thing, but it's also a bugged thing. Kuugen is working on making it less buggy, and better. He's taking the time to improve what you started not just putting a new name on it and calling it his. Once you post something into a download file, that's all she wrote. You gave other people permission to use and in this case edit what you made the minute you uploaded it, like VGR said. Why not help the product that has origins in what you made, and take pride in the fact you made something someone thought was worth using and working on for a massive game? Hell, he's even gave you credit for your program. At this point you're coming off pretty unreasonable and a bit asinine. It'd be like me designing a world map texture and then being pissed off at Squeenix for using it in a game they came out with or someone being upset if Kuugen decided to use a boss they retextured or designed for Nightmare VII. Makes no sense whatsoever.

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