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Messages - unab0mb

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FF7 Randomiser - Godo
« on: 2020-06-28 02:07:00 »
There's a mod called CAMS being worked on that does exactly this (randomize battle music). It'll work with 7th Heaven 2.2+.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven (v2.0)
« on: 2020-06-26 22:06:47 »
Are you using <OrderConstraints>? If so, that is a known bug in 2.0, unfortunately. It is fixed in the next release, due out very soon.

The Steam Summer Sale is currently underway. You can pick up FF7 for $5.99, and of course other FF games and non-FF games as well on the cheap. You even get an additional $5 off if you spend $30 or more. Sadly, C&C Remastered isn't on sale.  :(

Uninstaller for The Reunion R06

You may freely copy, distribute or modify this software. This software is provided “as-is”, has no warranty, and the author is not responsible for any issues caused by its use, including but not limited to, data loss.

The Reunion does not include an uninstaller. Some people have not read The Reunion’s documentation on how to properly uninstall it and incorrectly assume they can just delete “The_Reunion” subfolder under their FF7 game folder. While that removes most of The Reunion, it misses a couple of important key elements; the custom ddraw.dll and Aali driver which many people have stability issues with.

The Reunion documentation also incorrectly states that you can disable The Reunion by setting Disable_The_Reunion = y in Options.ini. This merely prevents the loading of mods, not the custom code or driver. Neither of the above are solutions because the game will always load The Reunion’s custom code and driver no matter what if they exist, even on a “vanilla” game. Furthermore, you must set all your game/graphics/sound preferences in Reunion’s options.ini file to make any changes to your game unless you completely remove the custom code. This installer aims to help you fully clean up The Reunion quickly and automatically, so your game goes back to vanilla and your settings you set in other tools work again.

How to Use:
You must open the zip and run the Separation.exe file. When prompted, point Separation to the root of your FF7 game folder (where the FF7 executable is located). Separation will attempt to automatically detect your FF7 game folder on launch and will suggest it as the install folder for you. If it cannot detect FF7 automatically, it will default to C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII. If Separation suggests the wrong folder, you must click the “Browse…” button and manually select the correct folder that contains your FF7 game.

When the installer runs, Separation will remove the following from the target folder: the entire contents of The_Reunion subfolder, including any mods, settings, or other data you may have added to that folder. Additionally, it will remove Aali.dll, bass.dll, bass_fx.dll, ddraw.dll, The Reunion - Additional.rtf, The Reunion - Help - DO NOT IGNORE THIS FILE.rtf, as well as ff7input.cfg. The ff7input.cfg file is removed to reset your in-game controls to defaults rather than using any custom ones that The Reunion may have installed. You are responsible for backing up any of these files or the contents of The_Reunion folder if you wish to keep them.

Download: HERE

Yes, a portable version has always been available: . Unzip all files and subfolders to a directory of your choice (C:\7th Heaven\ is the default).

With that said, your stats are completely made up, and no, well-known installer generators do not inject trojans into the installers. Nobody would use them of course, defeating their purpose. Additionally, antivirus tools are next to useless these days and detect damn near anything as a false positive, particularly for software like 7H that modifies/hooks an external program or memory. AVs are more of a security and privacy risk these days. A multi-engine tool like VirusTotal that uses questionable, poorly developed, fly-by-night AV programs just magnifies the problem and gives people a false sense of security while at the same time causing unnecessary hysteria due to false positives on perfectly benign software (like 7H, FFNx, Satsuki's Speed Hack, SR, etc.). If anything, the fact that only 2 no-name AV programs falsely detecting when multiple other, more reliable AV programs don't, should tell you something. These things are about as reliable as getting your news from Facebook.

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-06-20 09:30:07 »
That's not technically feasible given the nature of everything from the driver being used (and how often it is being updated), file formats used, selection options within the mods themselves such as the Qhimm packs that contain multiple mods that would affect your PC differently, your hardware capabilities from disk IO, memory, CPU, and GPU, ability to patch mods which then changes its potential impact, and the list goes on.

Your best bet is to upgrade your PC, tweak your settings for the game driver, or use mods that seem less impactful for your specific configuration.

Troubleshooting / Re: 60fps Battles not working.
« on: 2020-06-19 04:33:09 »
Everything looks good with your profile, actually. I don't see anything that would cause a conflict. Outside of your mods, as I mentioned, the only other thing as far as settings that should affect it as far as I know is if v-sync was on. I'm sorry I don't have a solution.

New things are coming very soon though and it's possible your issue could be resolved with those. Just keep an eye out.

I haven't been tracking the conversation here, but did see the last few posts. One very big obvious oversight not mentioned regarding the traffic is that the catalogs in 7H are designed so that you control the download links. If you want a main mirror and 5 backup ones, you can. If you want to list your mod in the catalog only but require 7H to open a web browser to go to your site for the download (instead of a direct download within 7H) you can. Mods listed in the catalog can be hosted anywhere, not just on the server (which gets pounded pretty hard from time to time as mentioned).

General Discussion / Re: what's up with the filter?
« on: 2020-06-19 01:36:59 »
Nothing against the moderators, but seriously I have some questions:

Why/how is it that DLPB is gone, yet he *still* has these forums by the balls and under his control?

Why do you allow it?

How long are you going to do this monkey dance for DLPB's entertainment for?

Why is it so hard to do this?:
DLPB: Hey, I want you to remove my existence from your forums.
Moderators: No.

Anybody must reasonably expect that when you join a PUBLIC forum that anything you say here then becomes PUBLIC and you do not have a right to demand everything be taken down.

This is setting multiple dangerous precedents. Now, if Joe Schmo requests you remove all of his stuff, you'll jump on that right away and waste your time too, right? Right?

Troubleshooting / Re: 60fps Battles not working.
« on: 2020-06-18 01:40:18 »
The Una-snipah beat me to it  :-o

Pow pow.  8)

Troubleshooting / Re: 60fps Battles not working.
« on: 2020-06-18 01:32:09 »
An edit option is needed. xD

I didn't make any alterations to the game outside of 7th Heaven. That includes running the game converter, because according to both the 7th Heaven 2.0 tutorial, and another source I can't recall, I don't need to.

By the way, I am using the Steam Release of the game (pretty sure I mentioned that, or implied as much).
  • You can edit after you get more posts.
  • Correct, you do not need to run anything outside of 7th Heaven anymore.
  • All users of 7H are using the 1998 release, not Steam (even if it piggybacks off of a Steam installation).

I would tell you to run in debug mode so we could gather more information, but sadly, it is broken in the public release of 7H 2.0. Perhaps you can post your profile details here (Settings>Profiles>Profile Details/eyeball icon) and we can see if there is some kind of conflict somewhere. But remember, 60 fps is a terrible hack, not true 60 fps and it is largely a "use at your own risk" kind of thing.

Troubleshooting / Re: 60fps Battles not working.
« on: 2020-06-16 12:58:59 »
Interesting, that's usually the one that jumps out. Are you using FFNx? The 60fps mod isn't compatible with it. It usually crashes if your DEP settings aren't the default Windows settings also, but perhaps it is loading but just ineffective?

7th Heaven / Re: Steam Controller Functionality
« on: 2020-06-16 12:51:08 »
I found a 3 step solution., hopefully folks find this thread and it helps out. Windows 10 and 7th Heaven 2.0

Thanks for sharing!

Troubleshooting / Re: 60fps Battles not working.
« on: 2020-06-14 08:44:01 »
Turn off V-sync.

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven Micro stutters problem
« on: 2020-06-13 20:46:32 »
7H isn't the problem, the game driver is. That's to be expected with the bundled driver because it doesn't flush the cache properly. The cache is a very sore point. When getting the cache to work properly in test builds with honoring cache limits, evicting textures correctly, and correct order of operations, new issues like battle texture corruption have shown up. It's the horrible gift that keeps on giving. The only reason to keep trying to solve it was to keep best performance, but that is no longer necessary.

FFNx is an updated driver that completely eliminated the cache due to all of the issues it was causing but performance became terrible as a result. You had to do workarounds with file formats (that have its own pros and cons). However, in the last days a pretty big breakthrough happened and from what I hear performance is now a lot closer to the older driver even without the cache and without having to mess with your mods. I haven't tested current versions yet, but I believe that was my last and biggest reservation to fully recommending it. Good performance and all of the fixes, stability improvements, and feature updates make it a fantastic and better option. It's a bit hacky to get it to work with 7th Heaven since it is not bundled with it yet, but there are instructions out there on how to install it/replace the existing driver.

Hats off, kudos, and thanks to TrueOdin for all of the time and hard work he's put into the new driver, issues he's had to overcome, criticism he's had to deal with (including from me), etc. all for free and using his time all while keeping it open-source and available for whatever your preferred "framework" or "platform" is. It is much appreciated and makes the game better for everyone. He's a great addition to this community.

Your settings.xml is probably corrupt. Close 7H, delete it (under your 7H 2.0\7thWorkshop subfolder) and try again. If it doesn't work, try renaming/deleting your entire 7thWorkshop subfolder.

7th Heaven / Re: Mods not downloading on 7th heaven
« on: 2020-06-11 22:17:20 »
Sometimes those very large mods are problematic. The download code is being further optimized for the next release. For now, you can get many of the mods from alternate mirrors on the web site:

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-06-11 22:14:23 »
Problem is that i can select no shaders except for those listed by default.
Also, 2.0 doesn't allow me to set a rendering resolution higher than my monitor one, 1.54 allowed that too.
Also, i don't understand why 2.0 needs to overwrite ff7.exe restoring it to default version for each game launch.

You CAN add custom shaders. Simply add them to your shaders folder, then you can manually edit your 7H_GameDriver.cfg file to point to that shader. If you want to add it to the UI, you can edit your 7H_GameDriver_UI.xml file. Same response for your rendering resolution issue.

FF7.exe must always be the one supplied by 7H for best compatibility and stability. You can use an alternate EXE by calling it something else like MyCustom_FF7.exe and selecting it under Settings>General Settings>FF7 EXE.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-06-11 22:06:28 »
I like this idea, here is the feature request--> 7thHeaven could have an auto-run shortcut that opens the launcher and immediately acts as if the user has hit 'play'. This could have wide utility for people who don't want to confirm their profile or make alterations but just get into the game!
7H 2.0 can already do that. It supports command line switches like /profile: /launch /mini and /quit. Read the 7H help documentation by clicking the Help button in the menu. You'll find it in the "Shell Integration" section.

I would love to help with the german translation!

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I haven't been on the forums for quite some time. The German translation is complete, but thank you for offering to help!

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] [Tsunamods] Arranged Soundtrack
« on: 2020-06-11 21:29:53 »
Anyone else have the music just....stop playing? It's really weird and I don't know why it's happening.

Sometimes a "load" will cause the music to resume.
Seems to be a change inside 7th Heaven 2.0 I'll need to update it all at some point.
Sorry about that

No, nothing changed in 7H 2.0. This is a game driver issue (well technically, it's a metadata problem that can be fixed by using the same format as the game's OST). Both the default driver and FFNx use a newer version of FFMpeg and is a problem in both until recently. I believe TrueOdin was able to find a fix in the last couple of weeks so FFNx should be able to loop them now.

7th Heaven / Re: Prioritizing IRO above Direct files
« on: 2020-06-11 20:50:52 »
Not possible, this is by design. You will need to create/put in/remove data from IROs and adjust load order.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-05-13 20:54:02 »
I just installed 2.0 yesterday and have noticed a distinct difference between 1.56 and current version.
You don't say?  :P

This has already been added into 7H 2.1.
Edit:Saw you said "Steam Controller" and I assumed/read DS4. I don't have a Steam Controller (nobody does) so I can't test that. If it's an xinput-based controller though, you're good to go.

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