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Messages - sfx1999

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Q-Gears / Re: Resolution in Q-gears
« on: 2006-06-15 14:59:54 »
So what do they look like with HQ3X and HQ4X?

Anyway, for the ABGR, I made a table for the B, G, and R part:

What if someone made a preprocessor or something to do this before we run the program?

Q-Gears / Re: Sound library?
« on: 2006-06-15 14:56:24 »
Yeah that could be a problem on Linux...

The other option is to write a PSF player on top of that.

I am looking into OpenAL right now. I am having a little trouble with it, though. I think it might be user error, partly. Anyway, FMOD might be useful.

The FMOD license is basically:

If your project is not intended to make any money at all, you can use it in your program for free!

That shouldn't be a problem, though.

Q-Gears / Re: Sound library?
« on: 2006-06-14 19:33:15 »
Doh! I forgot about that!

I don't think they are very good, though.

Q-Gears / Sound library?
« on: 2006-06-14 19:24:08 »
Have you decided on a sound library? I might be able to convert a library from MSVC to MinGW if needed.

Q-Gears / Re: Resolution in Q-gears
« on: 2006-06-14 01:31:33 »
Wouldn't it be better to NOT filter the player models, but to them AFTER the backrounds? That and to keep the text after it, too?

Also, no one seems to answer me about this, but wouldn't GLText be useful for getting higher resolution fonts?

On a side note, borders could probably be reimplemented as higher resolution. Just get someone to make a higher res version of them, maybe even make them look better?

Were the old posts nuked with the forum upgrade?

Q-Gears / Re: Resolution in Q-gears
« on: 2006-06-13 19:32:10 »
You have the links wrong for HQ3X and 4X.

I am concerned how those will look on FF7 backrounds. Those are all cartoons.

Also, leave room so someone can make a fragment shader for it, if possible.

Q-Gears / Re: Resolution in Q-gears
« on: 2006-06-09 19:05:20 »
Aren't buffers kind of slow, though?

Q-Gears / Re: Coords for tiles in window.bin
« on: 2006-06-08 21:34:08 »
Did you use the table I gave you?

Q-Gears / Re: Resolution in Q-gears
« on: 2006-06-08 21:32:11 »
I don't think you can use 2xSaI in OpenGL. Unless you want to use fragment shaders, that is.

Why not just use anti-aliasing on the backrounds and draw the people the same? If you are using floating point coordinates, that would be trivial. As for text, a font system like GLtext would work nicely.

Also, you could turn of filtering all together when drawing the backround.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Nintendo Wii ( 56k Warning )
« on: 2006-06-06 21:25:57 »
The remote doubles as a VMU!!!

I would think that if you hosted pirate bay in the US, you would be charged with consiracy to commit copyright infringement, or something of the sort.

If I had to guess, Pirate Bay's activites will soon become illegall; the legislature will probably make pass something.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Next-Gen Gaming Consoles
« on: 2006-06-06 21:20:24 »
I am waiting to see which one I like the best, but I might just upgrade my computer instead. I have other things I want to buy.

Even then, I'd wait for them to get past revision A before I buy one.

Q-Gears / Re: Coords for tiles in window.bin
« on: 2006-06-06 02:24:11 »
Akari, it is more like 8.225 than just 8.

Reason being:

255 = 31x

This is because the maximum number for the system is 255 for 8 bits, and 31 for 5 bits. 31 times 8 is only 248.

This would cause greyness. To fix it, you will need to either multiply it by 8.225, or make a table. If you are using the table:

I posted code earlier but it didn't work. I'll post it again if I get it.

[edit]Here is a table for you:

Code: [Select]
unsigned char conv5to8[32] = {0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 41, 49, 57, 65, 74, 82, 90, 98, 106, 115, 123, 131, 139, 148,
156, 164, 172, 180, 189, 197, 205, 213, 222, 230, 238, 246, 255};

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-06-05 18:48:56 »
Yes, but that will make the executable larger, thus making updates take longer to download.


Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-06-04 22:13:13 »
May I suggest storing it as a JPEG? It's much less complicated then putting it in an LZS, and will probably use less space.

If you want it lossless, though, do it as a PNG.

Q-Gears / Re: Splash Screen sizes
« on: 2006-06-02 22:13:53 »
POWERS of two, not multiples.


2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024

So, 256*1024 will work, but 256*500 will not. Just remember some older video cards can't handle stuff past 512; older ones past 256.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-06-02 21:08:32 »
Yeah, but you never know with some companies.

Q-Gears / Re: Splash Screen sizes
« on: 2006-06-02 21:07:37 »
Add black to the ends to make it a power of two. That's really all you can do.

One thing, though, some computer's video cards can't handle extremely large textures, so you may have to break it up into smaller pieces.

Q-Gears / Re: Palettes?
« on: 2006-06-02 20:14:00 »
Avoid palettes if you can; a good deal of modern cards can NOT use paletted textures, even some top of the line ones. Convert them to another form instead. This is why some people have to use the ATI patch.

Alternatively, you could try GLText to render true type fonts.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-gears logo/Splash Screen contest.
« on: 2006-06-02 20:10:34 »
Qhimm, isn't that a little to close to the FF7 logo?

Q-Gears / Re: Better models?
« on: 2006-05-29 00:13:21 »
Do you mean you want to be able to make replacement models and have them replace what is already there?

For an example, (that is actually a Doom source port, and by source, I don't mean the HL2 engine)

Q-Gears / Re: How about OGRE3D?
« on: 2006-05-26 02:18:31 »
Well, I just think it would be good if you could leave space for plugging the module into another engine, if you do come to that point.

Q-Gears / Re: How about OGRE3D?
« on: 2006-05-25 01:56:03 »
I believe OGRE has interfaces for different models, or it can be done a different way, but converting on the fly is an option.

Also, I think OGRE has frame limiting built in. You only really need it for the bike race, and you really could just use some kind of hack for that.

Q-Gears / Re: How about OGRE3D?
« on: 2006-05-23 01:50:15 »
I think it would save a lot of time, and make enhancements so much easier. It really seems like a good idea to me.

Anyway, why do you want to do it the exact same way the FF7 engine did it? The reason they did it was for saving memory. With current PCs that is not a problem.

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