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Messages - Smurgen

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8
Anyone know of any good soundfonts i can use to play meh midis? I'm looking for SF2 or DLS
In particular, something that can handle DooM Midis pretty well.
Any help is appreciated

General Discussion / console port recommendations
« on: 2003-08-01 22:19:26 »
On a side note...
serious Sam 1 for PC dosen't have copy protection *wink wink*

That remix gives me nightmares  :D
You really captured the essence that is sephiroth..i mean...when i hear it i just close my eyes...and i can see him in the flames...scary! Make him go away! I don't have his Bunny Rabbit!

General Discussion / console port recommendations
« on: 2003-08-01 20:59:48 »
I don't think i can honsetly reccomend any..every one i have played has had something wrong with it that makes the console origional much better

General Discussion / controller recommendations
« on: 2003-08-01 20:58:23 »
Gravis PC Gamepad Pro

Best Buy
EB World

Or you can buy a $10(USD) adapter to let you plug in your PSX controler to yuour USB port.. I need me one of those for StepMania

I'm still waiting for someone to PSF2 the Kingdom Hearts version *still holds breath...still passes out*

I need a new PC...this P3 600 Mhz isn't cutting it anymore

General Discussion / Final Fantasy XI
« on: 2003-07-24 07:20:29 »
The server "Emu"s for ragnarok aren't server emus at all
Somehow the actual server program for ragnarok got leaked. Its the real server program that Gravity themselfes programed for their own servers.
I could be wrong but here's how i heard the story on how it got out. Apparently, Gravity had accidently placed the latest (at the time anyway) server executables on their public FTP. Not password protected or anything...just there to grab. They had quickly remidied this but not before some people managed to download it. The server program has an auto updating feature as well so the rouge servers will always have access to the latest versions. If anyone's interested on the full story i can dig up some info for ya ^_^

Well the best one I think is the one from the English release of Kingdom Hearts. I'm holding my breath waiting for someone to make PSF2s of it! Wheeeeee! *passes out from lack of air*

Hmm..i have the 11th hour here but it won't run on my computer since it hates win 98
Now i don't want to play it..i just wanna hear the music. Anyone know how i can yank the songs from the game? I don't mean the MIDI music, i got that. I mean the songs like "Mr. Death" and things

General Discussion / setupx.dll
« on: 2003-06-22 14:26:16 »
or just get the PSF and use winamp to output to wav

Archive / ff8 soundfonts
« on: 2003-06-22 14:24:23 »
Got 98SE and can't load em here :(

Archive / ff8 soundfonts
« on: 2003-06-22 02:20:18 »
How bout a SB Live Value?

I love you!

Anyone know how to get rid of that annoying "click" that IE makes when it loads something?

General Discussion / Random funny FF stuff
« on: 2003-06-10 23:37:57 »

For Winamp 2.x:

Copy in_psf.dll into the Plugins directory inside your Winamp directory,
i.e. "C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\".  Close and re-start Winamp if
necessary so it will recognize the new plugin.

For Winamp 3.x:

Rename in_psf.dll to "cnv_psf.wac" and copy it into the Wacs directory inside
your Winamp directory.  Close and re-start Winamp if necessary so it will
recognize the new plugin.

That's from the Readme. Next time make sure to read it ^_^

General Discussion / Random funny FF stuff
« on: 2003-06-10 22:44:45 »
Works for me
Its where i get them too
You sure you have the correct options set?

General Discussion / Random funny FF stuff
« on: 2003-06-10 02:15:52 »

Every known PSF and PSF2 release

Archive / xg sound font
« on: 2003-06-09 03:36:07 »
Speaking of DLs and stuff
I have some huge 90 MB DLS someone from this board once made. I forget who it was. Its not complete, the volumes on samples are way off. If anyone wants to have it so they can tell me who made it (or even better, fix it) PM me ^_^

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Psf >>>> you!!
« on: 2003-06-04 21:14:41 »
all we need is N64SF and GCSF

Archive / another ff7 soundfont?
« on: 2003-06-03 23:24:43 »
Me wants! I like MIDI ^_^

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Psf >>>> you!!
« on: 2003-06-03 23:19:35 »
FF10's PSFs been done! YAY for PSF2!

Completely Unrelated / Holy Hand Grenade!
« on: 2003-05-30 02:03:40 »
w00t! you rock! thanks!

Completely Unrelated / Holy Hand Grenade!
« on: 2003-05-29 10:51:53 »
HA HAA! *runs in and kills everyone*

So no takers in the modeling?

Completely Unrelated / Holy Hand Grenade!
« on: 2003-05-25 03:09:12 »
Can anyone model a Holy Hand Grenade in 3d for use in Unreral Tournament Classic/2003? Thanks!
I can provide screenshots if need be.

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