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Messages - ChaosControl

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General Discussion / Re: FF on PC
« on: 2006-05-18 07:26:26 »
Lol, I'm playing FFIX on ePSXe on the comp right now, but there isnt a official PC release.

There just isn't.. ok?

Yeah, well. Need I explain? It's pratically what we're famous for. Can't say I'm proud of it.

Lol, I have been to that one once, about 4 months ago with a party of my friend.

Archive / Re: [BETA] Battle-Swirl Fix
« on: 2006-05-17 07:06:03 »
Actually, i need to ask you something that's along the lines of a frame-limiter..

What Refresh rating does ff7 run at?  Because i've been getting like "phantom-trails" (particularily when the camera pans around the party when they win a battle) and other graphical quirks that're consistant with a low MhZ rating against a high frame rate, and i was wondering if there was a way to ramp the refresh rate to 85 (unless it copies the desktops refresh rating).

or would a frame-limiter fix this?

Anywy, I'll betatest =)
Didn't FF7 have Vsync?

It does use pointers but it's not up to you how it uses them.

At least I guess it was something like that.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Colleges and such
« on: 2006-05-16 09:30:35 »
I think I played enough of MMORPG's to be able to say it aint fun after 6 months.
Sure there's updates (mainly bug-patching) but hey, is it really that great that 1 new weapon released?

Or burning crusade, wow, you can lvlv to 70 now, amazing, so much fun! maybe even some new weapons or races but its still the same.
Like every mmorpg is the same with other quests/bosses/items..

enough said, sorry to go off-topic.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Colleges and such
« on: 2006-05-16 07:07:36 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Hmm, well I'll be going to college next year, any suggestions?
I currently attend JHU in for a completley different field of study.  :-)  The one thing that really annoys me here is everyone's deep obsession with lacrosse.  I don't hate the game, it's just not my cup of tea.  It gets annoying when everyone here follows it like a religion.  :-)

Yeah, I have the same with friends who play WoW, sure it's fun, bu not for 6 months is it? I think it's kinda sad when people play so much online they forgot who their real friends are instead of there OMG'ing pixel-buddies.

Anyway I'm on KW1C in the Netherlands and do ICT, It's pretty fun but very easy, the main thing you learn is how to be a "great" system admin on Windows 2003 and Linux. Not something I wanne do for a living later but its a required step to being able to follow some programming courses so that's why!

Archive / Re: The Idiots Guide To FF7Music (JK xD)
« on: 2006-05-15 12:47:48 »
Hey does anyone here know where I can get these tracks or if someone could put them up : Bombing Mission, Fanfare 2, Shinra Explodes 1 and 2. If someone knows pls tell me   :?
Easy, It's on the OST you can buy!


I'm using Eclipse btw.

Nice looking applet!
About the not visually stunning graphically apps, I heard that changed and now you have way more options etc..

I'll find out more about it.

- Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii/Gamecube)
 - WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)
 - Yoshi's Island 2 (DS)
 - Spore


 - Super Smash Bros. Dojo (Wii) -- Not sure if that was at E3, but I want it.
I pretty much agree to your list being a Nintendo fan myself.
Isnt it super smash brothers brawl btw?

Im generally just looking forward to the wii ^^

WOW, those really are amazing!
Where did you take em if I may ask?

My camera is at my girlfriend but im going there tommorrow so I can bring it!

Thaqnks for the replies!
I decided to go with JAVA for the time being, I checked it out for a few days and I really think I can do this!

This isnt the first and the last so next in schedule is C, but thats far from now...

I bought 2 JAVA books which will keep me occupied for a few weeks.

Thanks again for all the replies and help in this and the JAVA topic!!

Well I'm experienced in qbasic myself and dos and html and php, the thing is, I want to know real object orientated languages.
I can handle python well if I say so myself but it's very limited and not quite what i want.

I want to be able to develope small apps but have no idea what to use!

Troubleshooting / Re: TTG
« on: 2006-05-12 11:49:19 »
It's ok, I edited my post ;P


After countless of conversations with countless of people I decided to choose a programming language myself (I'll choose after i tried most of them, sorry if this wasn't clear).
What I need from you is:

- What do I need to start.
- URL to software required (if free, else URL of where I can buy).
- Beginners tutorial so I can see which one works how and if I like it or not.
- What language do you know, do you like it? why did you choose it? etc...

I hope some of you might be able to help me with this, this could offcourse be very helpfull to other people who want to learn a programming language themselves.

I already started with Python (very easy to understand but quite limited) and JAVA (harder but I feel I can do a lot more becuase of all the options).

Thanks in advance and I'll probably thank again when replied to :D

Troubleshooting / Re: TTG
« on: 2006-05-12 07:26:35 »
First of all, the people HERE do those things for people like YOU. So they decide how,what and when they do it. Be happy with what you get or make something better yourself instead of asking people who might have lives of their own [EDIT] exept Dziugo[/EDIT] and might actually be too busy to make those things for you. now.. go cry

Completely Unrelated / Re: Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-11 12:40:32 »
Thanks, I will definatly take a look at it!!

Btw, I'm having a very weird mallfunction on my computer.
Yesterday when I wanted to start Azurues my 2nd monitor got completely black and my computer stopped responding some seconds later which forced me to do a reset. I tracked down the problem to JVM. Everytime it loads it crashes my comp. Does anyone have a clue what this could be?!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-11 09:12:46 »
Good question, I guess it's because I got a Java book from a friend and I started with it.
I didn't really consider any other languages to be honest, a friend of mine who programs in Java for work recommended it to me for it was easier and it was a language like any other should be, at least he said that.

I know Java is slow but I gotta start somewhere.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Need some help with Java
« on: 2006-05-11 07:13:26 »
Thank you all very much for the replies!

Those links seem to be very usefull!

I have enough to keep me busy for a while now, don't hesitate to post more though!


Troubleshooting / Final Fantasy IX savegame editor?
« on: 2006-05-10 13:57:02 »

I'm playing Final Fantasy IX again but on my computer this time, I made iso's of every disc a few years ago (for if my cd's don't work anymore) and emulators have save state and speedbuttons etc... so it's easier to play it on my computer then on the PS1 (This has nothing to do with my X button being broke or anything... I swear XD).

So I was wondering, could anyone make a savegame editor for FFIX on a virtual PS1 ePSXe memcard? Or does there already excist one?

Thanks in advance!

-- Edit: Please take a look at the Memoria FFIX save editor by gjoerulv ( - Bosola

General Discussion / Re: Sayonara..
« on: 2006-05-10 13:50:55 »
Have a fun life man.

It's not forbidden to check every now and then though ;P

the "not feeling like home anymore" part isn't cus of the temp forum change is it?

General Discussion / Re: FFXIII screens
« on: 2006-05-10 13:46:16 »
I really think Final Fantasy has gone downhill after IX...

I totally agree about Nintendo being innovative and daring. In almost every field... EXCEPT game characters. Please don't generalize my opinion :-)
And I also really hope Sony gets punished one day for all the features they "invented".

Indeed, as long as games are good, I can overcome it. For example, I found the Donkey Konga series really fun. But that's not always the case. "Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix" was a lame attempt to have a DDR-like on the NGC in my opinion.

About GTA... I think they'd rather modify some bits before releasing it : you'd then play as Wario/Waluigi/Bowser, being able to plan abduction of Peach and fry a bunch of Toads on the way, and of course, you'd be pursued by Mario/Luigi wearing cop uniforms. Oh man, I can already see it on the stores :-P Nevermind...
Anyway I'm not implying there can't be a game like this on a Nintendo console, that would be forgetting Resident Evil 4 and other similar games.

I think the lack of game characters is mainly becuase of the lack of 3rd party support.
On the Wii however, many 3rd party devlopers are very interrested becuase Nintendo finally came with something new!

The 3rd party developers can now use more tools for interaction and as a developer you must admit it's way more fun to program for something NEW instead of making the same kinda game all over again with minor changes. I mean, how many fps are practicly the same? or RPG? or platformer? etc...

Nintendo opened a new dimension in gameplay which atracks big 3rd party support of the big company's, even the small company's because Nintendo is giving programming software to devs so it's easier for smaller company's to produce games.

I can't see a single fault in Nintendo's new console, it'll be the start of a new gaming era. (this is good because now Sony and Microsoft are forced to make some innovative changes of their own... which they probably can't and die.)

Completely Unrelated / Re: IRC Channel for
« on: 2006-05-10 07:45:31 »
Oh! I never knew this!

Well, i'll let my channel die v.v

Completely Unrelated / IRC Channel for
« on: 2006-05-10 07:33:53 »
Well, I'm at work, and it's kinda boring... I got to kill a PC with a axe though.

Anyway, How about we make a IRC channel for members?  think it could be quite the place to have discussions about whatsoever.

I have no idea how many of you are interrested in it but i made a channel just in case, if no one ever comes, it'll die.

It can be found at:

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