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Messages - Sir Canealot

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24 25 26 27
General Discussion / Remake Project... A Question:
« on: 2001-05-31 21:27:00 »
Your not allowed to do this really at the eidos board. People still get annoyed. And only Moggraider is technically allowed to spam up the board cause hes the mod!  :D

General Discussion / Remake Project... A Question:
« on: 2001-05-31 19:08:00 »
Yea just dont do it again. And why dont we vote for you Joey to be reset eh!? Eh? Mha Joey reset a funny thought! God knows why though....

General Discussion / Posting Habits
« on: 2001-05-31 18:54:00 »
What about me? People never make me a mod! Or is that casue the power would go to my head? I cant remember. Or was that something about the monkeys? Who knows. Just answer the quistion!

General Discussion / No Life...
« on: 2001-05-31 19:12:00 »
I can make words other than b words up. Like magrap! And SNICK! And yuzuk!(This is achally S**T in an alien lanuage from an animme) There you go. Happy now?

General Discussion / No Life...
« on: 2001-05-31 01:07:00 »
Not Dragons Ball Z....
Bleh! You watch that?

General Discussion / No Life...
« on: 2001-05-30 21:59:00 »
Blagh on my way to 500 and what the freak rateing?

Dolby 5.1 will work with 4.1. It just wont sound as good. I have pro logic in my room and 5.1 dvds sound damn fine.

Out cast is on Dvd as well. But I meant a Pc game that comes out first and only on Dvd.
I hope it happens. I hope they port the 2 dvd version with high res support and DD 5.1 sound to the pc not the normal one!

Hey is it true Sqaure doing the 15 cd version of FFX that Joey said they would do now? Or might we get the first dvd pc game!?
Are they gonna do a 10000 floopy disk version as well!?

Cant see how they can make FFXI just from this program. Please explain?

General Discussion / Pete's Plugins 1.50
« on: 2001-05-30 02:13:00 »
Well I didnt have those problems in the first place. Luckey for me eh?  :)

General Discussion / Pete's Plugins 1.50
« on: 2001-05-29 14:55:00 »
Thanks for the update but fixs on FFIX? Cant see whats he fixed. Graphics wise on my system any way on Petes Opnegl driver is perfect. I'm hoping for some updates soon from Null on his sound plugin. Lets hope that is soon.

General Discussion / Minor problems while emulating FFIX
« on: 2001-06-20 15:34:00 »
Hey Joey! Welcome to club stupid.
thats what I thought for a few days  :D

But no its really a sound plugin.

General Discussion / Minor problems while emulating FFIX
« on: 2001-05-29 14:46:00 »
I choose Nulls. I dont mind the starnge sounding of sword strikes if I get the music straght as good as the psx version. I hope Null can tweak up the sound sometime soon though.

General Discussion / Minor problems while emulating FFIX
« on: 2001-05-29 01:13:00 »
Here my config works fine! This is a post I made at the eidos forum pasted in. I was feeling a little crazy then lol but that config works great for me!

Now Threesixtty I have the game perfect! Try this! And TV-Out good for this game!!!!!!
Oh crap I dont have it installed now! So what I will do is take your post and edit it to mine as I remember it!

My configuration (on a Athlon 650 with a Geforce 2 Pro card)

Video Plugin:
(GOOD GOOD! Best to run with!)
Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.49

Fullscreen mode
Change desktop settings = on
Desktop resolution 800x600
Color depth 32bit
Texture Quality r8g8b8a8, Filetered W/O sprites(LOOKS LOVELY!)
Caching type - Heavy
Use FPS limit
Fps limit = 60 Fps (yup!)
Off-screen drawing = 2(Yup!)
Framebuffer texture = Black(That was the battle swirl effect wont slow you down in 800x600x32)
All things on right checked
Misc: Unfiltered framebuffer updates (activeated)

Sound Plugin
(USE NULL! Except for when you crash into evil forest! Then it will crash! UPDATE:My freind passed that point with null yesterday. May be fixed. But wait a few second when buku or someone is shouteing "were gonna crash!")
Enable Sound
enable CDDA Sound
Enable XA sound

44000HZ, 16bit
buffer length 5-20? (I cant remember my exact value for this sorry)
block 10
enable Vag stream
linear interpolation (NO NO NO NOT NEEDED HERE BAD BAD!)

TSG Mscdex Driver 1.2
All options off

Right some HUGE Advise for the sound! You have sound blaster live? Turn Reverb onto %28
defulat reverb! Then it will sound just like the Psx version. The sound plaugins dont use enough reverb you see....

Now for the almighty Isos!!!!
Get the demo version of a proggie called CDR Win. Then the option you want is the one with the cd and the hard disk! Top row second along I think! Just okay that and let it do the buiss! Yo ushould end up with a bin file called FFIXDISK1.bin ect ect.
Now in the ePSXe menu goto run Iso! Much better! Good luck!

And some even better advise!!!!
DO NOT USE SAVE STATES!!!! They are glitchey and they are cheating and they take much out of the game. Please if you are addicted to them brake it! ALright? Sorry I seen I bit crazy to night but I feel to hyper for all this okey?  

Any quistions just ask. I know what I doing got it? FFXI Great game! You should hav every plesure playing it! And if your card no has TV-Out but you do have a Tv near you computer try and get one with a TV-Out its worth it take my word for it! Back grounds and FMV are as crisp as the Psx and the characters and battles look atleast 6 times as good! Again good luck! If you get random crash like I did delete emu(IF USEING UNISTALL BACK UP SAVES FIRST OR ELSE IT WILL DELETE THEM!!!!) and delete reg entry then reinstall. SOrry for being but frantic but I have to learn hard way you see?

General Discussion / FF11 preview movie!
« on: 2001-05-31 19:01:00 »
Joey I dont think I can honestly "diss" my self about the size of my dick. Really I would feel terible for lieing to myself if you know what I mean  :wink:

General Discussion / FF11 preview movie!
« on: 2001-05-30 16:09:00 »
Hey lets have a kick Joey in party! *Kicks joey* Blagh take that!

General Discussion / FF11 preview movie!
« on: 2001-05-28 16:15:00 »
Better be good Joey. Or its the coffe pot for you!

General Discussion / I'm curious...
« on: 2001-05-31 19:00:00 »
Thats it Joey I'm pulling starnge words out of my Japanese book! Joey you Kippu-uriba man! You mother was a mado and your father smelled of natsu! So Joey you nice chap please keep on talking!

Bleh! I have forgottone what those words mean already! No I remember now hahaha. dont some people speak Japanese here? Call him more strange words!

General Discussion / I'm curious...
« on: 2001-05-30 22:00:00 »
Hold on lemme try this then


Did it work?

General Discussion / I'm curious...
« on: 2001-05-28 16:16:00 »
Hey I was just spouting romour! And that my opionion! Hard to sue one for having an opinion!

General Discussion / I'm curious...
« on: 2001-05-28 03:20:00 »
I think Joey is an 80 year old mexican farmer or something who is coninsidently addicted to druggs. This is just his persona you see here. A 16 year old who used to work for Square.

Thats about all I know....

General Discussion / *ANOTHER* FFX pc post...
« on: 2001-06-21 16:10:00 »
Stop spioling ThreeSixtys fun Fice.

General Discussion / *ANOTHER* FFX pc post...
« on: 2001-06-19 02:17:00 »
Thanks Ficedula I will try that later.

General Discussion / *ANOTHER* FFX pc post...
« on: 2001-06-18 16:31:00 »
Alright I had a good look thought the files with consmo I think. I looked at a hellava lot of text but I didnt see much strange stuff. Any one know an easyer way of navigateing it all? Rather than just picking a file out of the loads of them and hopeing?


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