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Messages - Kompass63

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Hi PitBrat

In W7 64bit there is still another set of keys!

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
This key phrase is with me, at least in part, the decisive one.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound

This works for me.
The other key is (at least in the graphics options, which I have tested!) Had no effect on the game.
You can test it yourself.
Just remember your values, change the setting with ff7config and see which key was changed.

Greetings Kompass63

Hi pedrovay2003

One more idea:
Maybe the files in the folder [game folder]\data\sound are defective.
Rename the two files and copy the original files from the installation CD.

BTW I recommend as long as the game does not work inside "ff7_opengl.cfg" the options "compress_textures = off" and "use_shaders = off" to use.

Greetings Kompass63

Hi pedrovay2003

The app.log both times end with "sound initialized".
Maybe your audio driver is corrupt.
If you install a new audio driver, please do not forget to start again ff7config.

Greetings Kompass63

Hi Yuri Hyuga

Start "FF7Config" as admin, choose all tabs. Choose the right equipment and do the tests.

Also read this report . The two files I've packed into this archive.

Greetings Kompass63

Hi pedrovay2003

The file "ff7input.cfg" is generated by the game itself if you go in game in the menu and select the option config. In it, among other things, the keyboard layout is available.
If you do not need the laptop key patch, you should not copy any other file.

Start again "FF7Config" as admin, but now choose all tabs. Choose the right equipment and do the tests.

Greetings Kompass63

Hi Slider6996

I think you're more than just one problem. The first is that the videos do not run.

Try to make sure you can play the videos with Windows Media Player.
If that does not work, just try the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 7.0.0 to install. I recommend this older package, newer packages have some options no longer, which may be relevant for FF7.
If that does not help interfering with another program (player, TV software, codec, ..) to play.

The second problem is the message "ERROR: GL_INVALID_OPERATION".
This happened recently here before.
Possibly the "Everything is made of light fix" help you, that you need anyway.
Here are the files to it.

greeting Kompass63

Hi mikeerfol

Everytime before a boss, when the screen freezes and then fades away, it zooms automatically.
I do not have this problem. It is possible that your PC is not fast enough (hard drive or graphics card too slow)
Maybe you could use "Aalis custom driver" instead "FF8 Launcher", please not both together.
If you "Aalis custom driver" wanted to disable it again, you must go into your [game folder] rename the file "eax.dll".

With your PS3controller I can not help you, I have a normal PC gamepad (works great).

Greeting Kompass63

Hi mikeerfol

I have difficulties to imagine. Can you make a picture of it?
This happens even if you are not using FF8 launcher?

Then we can inform the administrator about this thread move to the section "Solved"?

Hi mikeerfol

First, please tell us how you got the problem solved now. Others can learn from it.

For your next problem a picture would have been helpful.
But I think that has to do with the settings of your graphics card driver.
Since I have an AMD graphics card, I can not help you much.
Try some filtering of the video card (especially for FF8) to turn off., eg Anti-aliasing.

Greeting Kompass63

Hi mikeerfol

I can use the FF8 Launcher v1.31 with these settings.

This looks to me like this.

But I use the patch 1.2 Non Geforce German.
Do you have the US or the UK version?
Maybe you could try the non Geforce patch? (look here)

Greeting Kompass63

Hi mikeerfol

Do you have install the 1.2 patch in the same language as your FF8 and suitable for your graphics card?

Troubleshooting / Re: ff7input.cfg
« on: 2012-06-01 20:16:22 »
Hi Frankenscence

The "ff8input.cfg" looks something like this.

Code: [Select]
1. "Select"   32
2. "Exit"     45
3. "Misc"     30
4. "Menu"     17
5. "Toggle"   16
6. "Trigger"  18
7. "RotLt"    44
8. "RotRt"    46
9. "Start"    31
10. "Select"   33
11. "Up"       200
12. "Down"     208
13. "Left"     203
14. "Right"    205
1. "Select"   226
2. "Exit"     225
3. "Misc"     224
4. "Menu"     227
5. "Toggle"   228
6. "Trigger"  229
7. "RotLt"    230
8. "RotRt"    231
9. "Start"    232
10. "Select"   233
11. "Up"       252
12. "Down"     253
13. "Left"     254
14. "Right"    255


ES   1
1   2
2   3
3   4
4   5
5   6
6   7
7   8
8   9
9   10
0   11
Q   16
W   17
E   18
R   19
T   20
Z   21
U   22
I   23
O   24
P   25
A   30
S   31
D   32
F   33
G   34
H   35
J   36
K   37
L   38
Y   44
X   45
C   46
V   47
B   48
N   49
M   50
F1   59
F2   60
F3   61
F4   62
F5   63
F6   64
F7   65
F8   66
F9   67
N7   71
N8   72
N9   73
N4   75
N5   76
N6   77
N1   79
N2   80
N3   81
N0   82
H   200
L   203
R   205
RU   208
B1   224
B2   225
B3   226
B4   227
B5   228
B6   229
B7   230
B8   231
B9   232
B10   233
B11   234
B12   235
B13   236
B14   237
B15   238
B16   239
B17   240
B18   241
B19   242
B20   243
B21   244
B22   245
B23   246
B24   247
B25   248
B26   249
B27   250
B28   251
H   252
RU   253
L   254
R   255

But even there you can set the buttons on a gamepad with the configuration of the Game.

General Discussion / Re: how I can download ASTRO.7z
« on: 2012-06-01 18:40:44 »
For XP you may need the chocobo patch, for Win7 may not.

Troubleshooting / Re: After 30 minutes Freeze/ Gc drivers
« on: 2012-06-01 18:23:25 »
Never make changes to this file! You have opened the wrong file!
The correct file has the extension ". cfg"

If you want to play the game in the window, open the above file with notepad and write instead of "fullscreen = yes", "fullscreen = no".

Greetings Kompass63

Troubleshooting / Re: ff7input.cfg
« on: 2012-06-01 18:06:41 »
Hi Frankenscence

The file "ff7input.cfg" always looks like this. It is generated by the game itself, if you call in the game configuration.

Greetings Kompass63

Troubleshooting / Re: Mod Path Folder question
« on: 2012-06-01 17:55:25 »
Hi Lubis

Do I need to move the world and battle folders inside the avalanche folder for those to work properly? 

Or can they also work like they are now.

I was under the impression that all the folders needed to be in the modpath folder(meaning inside the avalanche folder)

but I didn't know for sure.
Now you know it sure ;)

And please, if you make pictures, prefer something smaller, but slightly sharper :)

Greetings Kompass63

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-30 07:32:00 »
Let me know if the problem (No music playing  ) is done by downloading the Remastered OST and inserting that.

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-30 07:14:34 »
I downloaded the Remastered OST, if that helps

Yes, it probably helps (I'm an idiot, forgot to ask :x)

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-30 06:52:24 »
Hi Nogueirn

The point is to remove the dlls outside the folder "LOADR", so the game can no longer find them.
So you lose even one or another feature in the game, eg the AnyCD patch.
Since that apparently does nothing, I was probably wrong
The error will then somewhere else.
Sliding back all the dlls in the folder "LOADR", so everything is back as before.

The last thing you can check for me even now following
Open the file "ff7_opengl.cfg" with Notepad, go to the bottom line and make a # in front of that line.
# load_library = Multi.dll
Save it and start the game. Do you still have no music, my suspicion was completely wrong

That means I can not help you I obviously.
Remove the # and ask Covarr or PitBrat for help.
Do not forget to point to this thread, so they can see what you've already done to find the error.

Nice greetings Kompass63

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-29 21:38:10 »
Yes. We should find out what dll interferes.

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-29 20:49:46 »
Original name of the folder should be "mods", very important folder!

In the folder "LOADR" should be some dll files. If you move the right dll file to another folder, should AnyCD patch not be enabled. If that does not help, you can push back this. Then you can move to the next dll.

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-29 09:33:54 »
Ok, I examine that, one moment please...

So far everything seems to be fine, except that "FF7Music.log"
It seems as if Kramer FF7 AnyCD patch interferes
Can you turn that off?

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-29 07:40:14 »
Hi Nogueirn

Add the files "FF7Music.ini", "FF7Music.log" and "app.log" from the FF7Music folders in a zip archive.
Add from your [game folder] the file "ff7_opengl.cfg" into the archive.
Is in your [game folder] the file "app.log" exists, rename it to "app2.log" and paste it into the archive.
Is in your [game folder] the folder "Ficedula" exist, add it into the archive.
Maybe Take a screenshot from FF7Music-Config-Window and put it into the  zip archive.
Upload it anywhere and send me the link

Troubleshooting / Re: No music playing
« on: 2012-05-29 05:17:51 »
Hi Nogueirn

Start FF7 config with admin rights. Go to "Sound" and "MIDI" and make each test. Can you hear something?

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