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Messages - ChaosControl

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try cleaning your disks

Archive / FF8 No-CD
« on: 2006-02-17 08:04:13 »
Quote from: Aaron
I said, "There is no such workaround for FF8 AFAIK."

I don't think they even read something that aint helping them >.>

Archive / PLZ PLZ PLZ you can make a man happy
« on: 2006-02-17 08:02:18 »
It was eidos who released the PC version :o
At least, thats what the intro movie tells me >.>

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-17 07:57:21 »
Quote from: Sukaeto
Granted, but you forget English and can never leave the US.

I wish the cheap-labor conservatives would disappear.

Granted, but everyone will sit in his/her own shit cus no one cleans it >.>
I wish for an unlimited supply of good food and drinks and smokes, and i will be able to use it

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-16 14:39:48 »
Quote from: Relf
Granted, but you are also mute.

I wish I had 100% grade average.

granted, only you're kicked out of skool cus they think you cheat.

I wish for 13370|2 programming skillzzzSzS

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-16 12:13:42 »
Quote from: Relf

I wish for heaven to exsist

Granted, but you ain't going there!

I wish for a snow day at school.... Nevermind, that is already granted.

I wish for an early release of Spore

Granted, but it will be very buggy

I wish for a cure agains every disease!

General Discussion / FF7:AC
« on: 2006-02-16 07:16:44 »
Quote from: smithie
"Sneak Peek" of the Upcoming FINAL FANTASY VII Games

I wonder if this was meant to be:
Sneak Peek of the Upcoming FINAL FANTASY VII Game
- or -
Sneak Peek of the Upcoming FINAL FANTASY Games

That special feature wasn't listed on the link that i provided so i wonder how true it is, the second one would make sense but not the first.

On the dvd or cinema?
cus the dvd has a sneak preview on some games like dirge of cerberus (which is released already in japan)

FF7 Tools / Re: Yet Another Multi-Patcher
« on: 2006-02-16 07:14:50 »
Quote from: Midgar
Couln't you just rename something to the same one, and make it blank?
Ex: startup.mpg
new text document.txt --> startup.mpg
Not sure, I lost my CDs again....
If only I had a burner....

Maybe the movies require a set size :o

btw Midgar, nice to see your avatar growing :D

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-16 07:13:38 »
Quote from: smithie
Granted, but you're physically and psycologically addicted to caffiene forever...

I already am dammit  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:. Thats actually why im tired, i drank WAY too much coke & coffie yesterday and so im having a huge low after the high effect  :z .

I wish that humanity invents a practical and safe-for-humans FTL drive technology to use in space travel.

Granted, as long as there is no other places to travel too.

I wish for nothing ... for i am content.

Then a life in nothingness you will get!

I wish for heaven to exsist

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-15 22:25:46 »
Quote from: Qhimm
Quote from: RPGillespie
I wish that someone could come up with some cleverly witty reponse that will corrupt my wish.

Granted, but now your head hurts from trying to figure out what just happened.

Interesting game though, logically speaking... as in, the exact opposite wish should work about as well:

I wish that my wish won't be corrupted.

(feel free to skip these last two wishes, if you will... not too fun to have your game logically sabotaged, after all)

Granted ......
I wish I could change into any animal any time O___o sweet huh.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Savemap
« on: 2006-02-15 20:49:52 »
Quote from: FeuFeu
I suppose you're talking about Death Penalty & Chaos. Yes, if you apply the right mask on the proper byte, the game will believe they have already been picked up.

Will they only be gone from the lucrecia place or will they also be in your inventory then?

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-15 20:44:49 »
Quote from: RPGillespie
Quote from: ice_cold513
I wish for a planet where all the worlds living thing but humans can live in  peace for 1,000,000 year where no humans can go

Granted, but its on a collision course with the sun.

I wish for an inexpensive handheld SNES

granted but only the japanese versions

wish: I wish i could fly O_o

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Savemap
« on: 2006-02-15 14:38:40 »
then you could make it seem as if you picked em up already? (100th post, yay..)

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-15 14:37:19 »
Quote from: L. Spiro
You didn’t make a wish.

So I will regrant the above wish and keep it going.

Granted, but the only spell you learn is Self-Explosion which can only be done once and results in your death.

I wish for world will and free peace.

P. S. Part of the fun is to try to be as creative as possible, and when you wish try to make a wish that is hard to backfire.

Granted, but it will only be the small world in your head.

Wish: I wish for Final Fantasy remade so that you can be the main char inside a holodek or somesort

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-15 13:12:03 »
Quote from: Emerald Weapon
Granted, however nobody listens to you or respects you in any way.

I wish to be able to do magic.

Granted, you only have 1 more day to live though (no magic can prevent it so dont be a know it all and correct me :P)

Completely Unrelated / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: 2006-02-15 09:44:07 »
Quote from: ice_cold513
Quote from: smithie

Granted, as long as there's no free will

I wish i didn't have to go back to uni next week.

Granted but you got to work at McDonald's the rest of your life

I wish for a bigger Tv

Granted, but it doesnt work :/

I wish for a hamster!

FF7 Tools / Re: Yet Another Multi-Patcher
« on: 2006-02-15 07:49:35 »
Quote from: The Skillster
sounds like me.
I kinda lost interest in CS when CS:Source came out
But someone got me playing CS1.6 again and I really want to get back into it.

I played the game for 3 years, even was on CPL once (we didnt win but who cares, we were there 8)) but when source came a lot of players went to source or WoW (which i dont like personally) sooooo... i stopped playing it >.>

Troubleshooting / FF8 game save hack
« on: 2006-02-13 07:44:32 »
just go to and click on ff8, not the forum ;)

Archive / vincent mod
« on: 2006-02-09 18:46:57 »
sweet dude! keep up the great work!

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 8 bit pallete textures
« on: 2006-02-08 11:52:47 »
well, no that you mention it im kinda intressted in the entire topic, so if anyone has anything usefull to say about it, feel free to post it here.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 8 bit pallete textures
« on: 2006-02-08 11:47:26 »
Quote from: smithie

correct me if im wrong about any of that... im not a perfect machine of unmistakeable accuracy as much as i wish i was

You like t3h borg don't you ;P

anyway, in FF8 I used to have this problem, the menu colors would be shitty and not smoothly run over in eachother. now 8-bit etc works its gone and everything looks way better! just wanted to know why actually :P

Troubleshooting / Junon Crash
« on: 2006-02-08 08:37:00 »
yeah, post your save file here (by uploading it first) and i will play further for you till next save.

(almost broken the 3 month topic ressurection rule) :z

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 8 bit pallete textures
« on: 2006-02-08 07:23:23 »
Yeah i know this is n00b to ask but does anyone even know what exactly it does?

As far as i know of, no one has had anything but fail at 8 bit pallete textures so i'd like to know what it does...

Anyone have a screenie of ff7 or ff8 with 8-bit pallete textures enabled?

General Discussion / Hey everyone
« on: 2006-02-02 11:29:37 »
probably someone whom we did not help with a n00b question and now hes angry and is throwing words at us while irl hes prolly a 13 year old crying fat computer nerd

Archive / FF8 Black blocks
« on: 2006-02-02 11:28:06 »
its only turned off software wise, you can still put it on again with a tweak program.

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