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Messages - Sir Canealot

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 [26] 27
General Discussion / Beware
« on: 2001-04-13 16:07:00 »
HEllo Moggraider. This is Joey. Local ideot. Just tell him to shut up.

General Discussion / FF10 Tech spechs
« on: 2001-04-15 15:41:00 »
Well joey give reasons that it will be out on 8cds! Please I would like to hear them!

General Discussion / FF10 Tech spechs
« on: 2001-04-13 16:05:00 »
I think most people with the PC to run FFX(If a pc port comes along) Will have a DVD. So I dont expect to see a 8 cd version.

General Discussion / FF10 Tech spechs
« on: 2001-04-09 15:40:00 »
They have got rid of MP again? WTF is worng with them? MP has worked great in over 8 final fantasys(Includeing ones on game boy ect) and the one where they take mp out is crap!

General Discussion / Me......
« on: 2001-04-17 14:28:00 »
Joey although sounds strange his name stands for shut up Joey. Shut up and throw your self into the kettle.

General Discussion / Me......
« on: 2001-04-16 05:40:00 »
Bah I have to go again now.
See you all tomorow.

General Discussion / Me......
« on: 2001-04-09 03:14:00 »
Sorry guys im leaveing to *sniff*
I probley wont be around till tomorow morning at least! *sniff* I dunno how you are going to cope with out me but what the hell back to the cow *Produces a cycle powered helicopter out of his bag and flys out the window*

General Discussion / What the...? (Take a look, everyone)
« on: 2001-04-03 17:31:00 »
Hey joey can you bring a copy of FFIX PC back from the fantasy world you live in please? I would like one....

Sigh Joey you quit becuse of other people?

Whats wrong Joey you silly flagu? Cant you borrow a computer off your petty square?
No you cant becuse you have nothing to do with them Joey mhahahahahahaha!
Now go and drink some p*ss boy.

LOL dagsverre!

Yea thats more like it.
Lets see what crap the Vaunted Joey posts back to that lot!

BAH! We should all stop swearing at Joey. That giveing him attention that is. And the more attention we give him the more crap he will post. What we need is short sharp and brutal phrases to say to him that are A:Not very nice at all or B: Dont make any sense.

So Joey! You are a flying cake of depression!

General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-04-14 20:36:00 »
That layout looks to damn bright for me. I hope you can put it back to the tried and tested Grey colour sceme.

General Discussion / Windows sucks. No really.
« on: 2001-02-28 20:24:00 »
HAHA If bill go ahead with it there will be a patch/crack out for every mayjor program in about 10 seconds after XP relace.
This is the most stupid idea ever. What the point? And about that MP3 on You could also get a crack for that as well! haha nice try bill

PC-Zone a magazine here in the uk(Who are very harsh on scoreing) gave it 95%!
And it out VERY VERY Soon!

General Discussion / All your base are belong to us
« on: 2001-02-21 17:13:00 »
Seens that before thats hilarious!
I might start sneeking in "all your base are belong to us" into my school work.

:D  :D  :D

The SaiNt he lives in the same city? Them shut him the hell up!

And downloading? I aint downloading any thing right now. There nothing to down load. I dunno the ftp adress of the place with the FFIX mp3s there no demo or any thing out right now.

Yes Rubish. Just like this post here for instance.

General Discussion / FF9 ePSXe
« on: 2001-02-19 03:30:00 »
Right. You cant use the great Null sound driver for that FMV. Use the crapy Internal one. As for the deamon tools dont use it. Copy the cd to your hard disk as a bin file with cdwin then goto file in ePSXe and select load ISO or some thing. TADA  :)

General Discussion / FF9 ePSXe
« on: 2001-02-17 16:36:00 »
I got it working on TV-out due to one of my cunning plans. Now im running in 800/600 on my TV and it looks AMZEING! And the sounds ok if you use that NULL driver. But my Game pad is screwing up right now so I cant play it  :(

General Discussion / FF9 ePSXe
« on: 2001-02-16 21:41:00 »
I tried FFIX on ePSXe earlyer and it runs like crap. Crap sound, crap pre rendered backgrounds, ok FMV and the characters and battles for some reason also look crap. And the great thing is? It crashes when I use my TV-out!
Im waiting till I can borrow my bros psx again or a pc port comes out before playing this again.

General Discussion / FF9 and all of its complaints
« on: 2001-02-23 17:25:00 »
Use ePSXe.

General Discussion / FF9 and all of its complaints
« on: 2001-02-17 16:02:00 »
It rules

General Discussion / FF9 and all of its complaints
« on: 2001-02-13 21:28:00 »
What bug? There is no bug in Final Fantasy IX.
And why use the code from snes games?
I can see em useing code from FFVII and VIII but why snes games eh? Show us some proof. Bug could you be talking about the imfamouse dagger on the lake crash by any chance? If so you will need to patch it since you are useing a pirated version .Unfortunately you will be too stupid to do that. Have a nice day. And any way is there is a bug and your a programer fix it already!

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