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Messages - Tsuna

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Okay, thats very helpful. Assuming i get the same numbers. I did notice that altering some would change the type and also change the numbers that corresponded to that type. If i can work this out properly i may go back to the beginning and start with this new idea. The only thing on the menu this far i haven't been able to move is the players name. Only way i could do it was using the status line i got from the notes you sent me. But that required everything to move which knocked it all out of place. If i can extend the reach of each component i can use the status to move everything but only focus on the name, leave it there and rearrange everything around it i guess. If a value goes too far the the left and appears like its behind something im guessing its a box placed for the form position. Or just the same situation as my 1st example where it reaches the end of its acceptable area. There are a few lines i didnt understand where if i changed it from C2 to C1 or 50 to 51 (This occurred alot with these specific numbers) It would alter the player names separately for instance cloud would move left and barret would move right. This confused me but it also made me think that if i can access these and move each players stats independently i could even have them going vertically rather than horizontal. Kinda like FF13 (Hated it but i though the menu was pretty cool)

Sounds good, thanks for the help

Yeah i havent got a grasp of the move, add push stuff. Ive just been messing with numbers and found patterns to help me out. Uhh the code i have is 006C64C5 =28 i altered the address so the 1st number was the one i could change cuz it kept crashing. Right now it's an xor

Also with some like the word HP/MP and LV when the values goes above something it changes from say HP to MP. It's confusing me

2nd edit, i dunno if this example is the easiest to understand. when its 28, its says HP i can alter it to 30 which will move it left, but if i alter it to 31 The H the sorta dissapears behind something and im left with just the P

AHH another edit, this is probably better 006C6518 = 7B i guess i can take it 7F but i need it further to the Right. Use this one its more like what your asking

What do you use to change the coding, ive tried a few decompilers but it never gets me  anywhere

Ok ive got all that sorted, its saving now which saves soooo much time, i can put it in IRO and everything. Only problem im having without introducing my item menu magic etc issues is im trying to move the HP/MP values along the X-axis, i can move them but it'll only go to like 73 then it vanish's. Ive tried editing the adjacent values but it still vanishes. Are there rules in this that im missing?

So whenever i change a number and crash it it'll save, if so thats so handy, thanks DLPB. Did you happen to know if i can change the location of things on the menu without also moving in all other menus too or will i have to redesign every menu to fit around it?

Ill try that, thanks. You were right this is a long process, i was using cheat engine because it allows me to see whats moving as i do it. Does yours do the same?

Sorry for the triple post here but i dont think my edit re-bumps the topic. In addition to my previous comment im also having trouble saving my edits, i have all my numbers written down so i can copy/paste easily but i need to save it back into an exe so i dont have to do this every time. Im using cheat engine to do it

Working on this again, got it all figured out now

Does anyone know how to resolve an issue i have with this, i am able to completely design the menu to a state where it looks awesome and im happy but everything i move ie hp bar mp bar level etc also moves on every other menu like item magic and such resulting in everything not fitting. i need to only move in the 1 menu at a time.

This doesn't say anything is wrong. If you want you can get teamvieqer and I'll connect to you and are if I can fix it tommorow

And you said it worked through 7h before you changed the mods

In your route folder where ff7 is installed there should be like a app log or something. A text file that reports errors

Are they all from the catalogue or any custom mods? Does it close itself or just stay black? Try it in windowed mode and see what the error says

Sounds like an issue in the settings, are all the locations pointed to the right places?
Libary location should be: Mods/7H
FF7 exe: Whichever to do with the mods your using
Aali modpath: mods/textures
Movies: movies folder

What were the graphics settings that you changed?

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-21 14:42:44 »

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-20 01:34:03 »
If you just get teamviewer ill log into your pc (Whilst you watch obviously for safety) and ill look around and see if i can fix it for you

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-19 12:25:20 »
You know what do you have team viewer? I can try fix it for you later

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-18 23:39:55 »
Show me  pic of your iro files on the mods 7h folder

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-18 21:09:07 »
Do you have any custom IRO files for 7H

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-18 13:05:53 »

Solved my issue, it is related some custom mods i got from another site

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-18 00:07:54 »
Yeah, thing is i have installed this many times the exact same way and i never had trouble with it, then just 1 day this issue popped up and i cant fix it ...

7th Heaven / Re: Battle textures 7th heaven not working
« on: 2016-05-17 21:07:33 »
Actually i have the same issue and have for a long time, All my setting are correct, ive tried with just 1 mod at a time and it refuses to load textures but all other mods work. Yet if i run the game normally without 7H and no mods it also works fine.Cant beat a custom sweeper cuz it's magic never hits me lol

Completely Unrelated / Permission from program creators
« on: 2016-05-05 00:53:30 »
Hey guys I was thinking of doing a tutorial series on the whole process of getting a 3d model from the internet imto game using blender, kimera, textools and all the other things needed. I just wanted to ask permission to use these programs and link anyone who is interested to them. I'm also thinking of setting up a Facebook page linked to it where I'll be doing a polling system where people can vote for a model they like that they  have found and I'll create it and release it. For the small price of subscribing to the YouTube channel. Figured I could make it kinda fun and people can appreciate my own work too.

7th Heaven / Re: FF7 not starting up
« on: 2016-05-05 00:46:08 »
Have you changes any the iro  files you use? I modified my own mods and if anything was wrong I got that error too. Try starting the game normally with no mods, if that works try one mod at a time and use elimination to find the problem

Completely Unrelated / Re: Big thank you
« on: 2016-05-05 00:40:47 »
Yknow what I agree entirety. Thanks everyone.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2016-04-18 08:17:19 »
Okay I have a lot of experience working with unity but reversing a game or any asset files back in is one thing I could never do. If we can get it in I could all sorts of things with it.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2016-04-17 12:04:06 »
Just a thought. Instead of trying to reverse the PC version into unity we could do it to the android one ? Then use the same scripts to get the controls and other things back from the PC version

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