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Messages - Borde

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Oh, actually I think that  that field has been identified as part of the secuence where Cloud gives the Dark matter to Sephirot. As for the reason why Aeris them is there, it remains as a mistery.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2006-01-15 08:17:25 »
ESPerion, sorry to tell you that there is no way (yet) to convert a model to P format. Alhexx is working on it, but there seems to be a long way to go yet.
Findecano, the world-map models should be updated too. The problem is that you can't install it in the German version. You should have the US version of worldmap.lgp in order to use the patch perfectly.

Archive / Question
« on: 2006-01-14 19:08:31 »
Sorry TheUnknown911. Switching models is an easy task. Switching animation files can be tedious but I supose isn't that hard either. But what you are asking for also involves switching limit breaks and the kind of weapon and armors used. I think none of both things are possible right now.

By the way ice_cold513, how can the menu image be inserted? Didn't know it was possible already.

Archive / swapping weapon models around...
« on: 2006-01-14 08:13:39 »
I never tried using LGPTools to view P file, but I can tell for sure that Biturn will display correctly any P file you throw at it. I'd suggest you to extract all the files of battle.lgp and check them using biturn.

Archive / Windowed?
« on: 2006-01-12 09:09:35 »
You can use FF7w. If you run it with your desktop set a 16bit depth of color, you shouldn't notice any glitches (or that's what I think).

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FFVII on PSP - Again
« on: 2006-01-09 06:48:21 »
Yes, you can use Bosch to run Windows 95, but did you read about the speed? It's completly horrible. And that's plain Windows, no DirectX involved at all. If FF7 ever gets to run in an emulator on a PSP,  you can be pretty sure that it won't be on a PC emulator.

Archive / Aerith
« on: 2006-01-07 23:49:30 »
Nah, there is no way to bring back Aeris (nor in the JAP version), but I think that if you get her with savegame editor you can still switch her with other party members. The problem is that you must remove her at certain points because else the games crashes.

PD.: I almost cried too :-P

Nop, Zack got killed way befor the begining of the game. As I said, watch the Last Order. Is a perquel that explains (well, more or less) what happened in Niblehime. It leaves no doubt, the MP killed Zack and they verified it. They left Cloud alive because he didn't seemed to be a hazard in his state.

I think I should say something about Zack's "battle model". There is a hi-res model because Reunion created it. He removed Cloud's hair from the head model, removed the flesh from Zack's head (field model) and added the hair to the list of P files for Cloud's head.
I should also say that there is no portrait for Zack. So, if you got him on your party, I have no clue of what would be displayed on the menu. There doesn't seems to be any text lines for him either.
As far as I know, Zack is dead. I think he gets killed when Cloud and he are arriving to Midgard by the Militar Police.
I suggest you to watch the Last Order, an OVA that was distributed with the collectors editon of Advent of Children.

Releases / NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-01-02 09:12:12 »
Sure. It shouldn't cause any problems.

That's a good question smithie. I'd like to see what happens if you turn off pixel doubling (or quadrupling, in the case of Saint's patch)

I think there is no program yet that allows you to reinsert images in levels. I was thinking about making one someday. But i must admit that, if you can't change the resolution of the backgrounds, it would be pertty useless.

Troubleshooting / Does FF7 engine support shinniness?
« on: 2005-12-30 10:40:35 »
Yes, that's what I meant, dynamic lighting. I've studied OpenGL for a subject and it had full support for ambient, diffuse and specular lighting. Well, I supose DirectX 5.2 wasn't advanced enough to use the last one. As Skillster stated, no FF7 model has shinniness. I supose I'll have to modify my little program to draw precalculated lighting on the models (like in the battle models). In fact it doesn't look that hard :-P

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Xenogears 3d model.
« on: 2005-12-30 10:22:54 »
Great work Akari! Those images look really impresive.

Releases / NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2005-12-28 20:10:54 »
mmm... strange.
It doesn't happen for me at least. Anyone had a similar problem?

Releases / NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2005-12-26 15:11:46 »
Sorry Kini, there are no guides available yet. I want to make one, but I'm too busy to do it now. But I promise you, befor the end of january I'll release a tutorial. Hope it will be of some use...

General Discussion / Final Fantasy Recommendation
« on: 2005-12-25 17:36:12 »
FF6 (or 3 for US) is really great. There are very few games that I've enjoyed as much as FF6 (basically only 3: FF7, Half-Life and Monkey Island). Strongly recomended.
Other non-FF RPG games, SNES has a lot of great titles such as Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma and (as stated) Chrono Trigger.

Releases / NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2005-12-25 12:50:00 »
Merry X-mas to everyone!
With this last additions we have 72 models done. Since the final patch should cover 224 models, we are around 32% done.

FAQ: How to build FF7PC Models (by Borde)

Troubleshooting / Does FF7 engine support shinniness?
« on: 2005-12-21 17:39:11 »
Thanks Otokoshi, but no, it's not what I was looking for. The light is already right, but I'd like to know if you can redefine the material to make it look shiny. It would be nice to make some parts of the models look that way (for example the metalic parts, the boots, etc.). The problem with the lack of shinnyness is the fact that black models look plain black (with no shading at all).

Troubleshooting / Does FF7 engine support shinniness?
« on: 2005-12-21 11:42:17 »
I've realized lastly that all models i do look matt. I don't remeber very well what happend with the original models (It's been a long time since the last time i played through the entier game). Is there any way of making a model "shinny" or the lighting engine simply doesn't support it?

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-12-19 09:29:24 »
Well, there is a little problem here: files inside battle.lgp have no extension. That's why when selecting a battle model you can select any file. The problem is that battle.lgp contains P models, TEX files and animation files and you can't tell which type are they by their name. You can use Biturn to know easyly what kind of data contains every file.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-12-18 09:44:13 »
Well, I supose It's right if I answer here.
Great Sephirot, If you are using win2k or XP remember you should put that file in "system32" instead of "system". If it doesn't work, try puting it in the same directory as Kimera. If it doesn't work either... well, sorry, I don't know how could be solved.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FFVII on PSP - Again
« on: 2005-12-17 09:44:05 »
Right James Pond.  PSP hardware has nothing to do with the original PSX hardware nor with PS2 one. Their code is completly uncomptible, just like happens between XBOX and XBOX 360. The only way to run it on a PSP is via software emulator and, as stated earlier, the only currently available PSX emulator for PSP is in an extremly early stage. I wouldn't expect to see FF7 running on a PSP for a long while.
I think PSP is powerful enough to run a PSX emulator, but it should be a really optimized one.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-12-16 12:50:16 »
Errr... well, don't know if I understood you well.
Let's see, if you use HRC resizer to change the size of Cloud it shouldn't make his feet larger unless you use the SD-style mode. As for the right % to make it the same size of the model found at the Reunion's patch, I don't know. Maybe it should be about 110%. Don't know. Seriously, the only way to find it is by trial and error.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / PSX - FF7 PSP
« on: 2005-12-16 12:39:39 »
Well, usually you need a system lots of times faster than the original one to emulate another machine. Just look at SNES, nor even ZSNES was able of runing it's games decently on anything slower than a 100MHz computer (and I think that the main procesor of the SNES ran at about 3MHz). With HLE you can get a bast improvement, though. Even the Dreamcast was able to run PSX games pretty well using Bleemcast. But Bleemcast was mostly written in SH4 assembler and that's a LOT of work. I don't think anyone would bother doing such a thing without getting paid for it.
As for the movies, don't worry about it. If there ever happens to be a PSX emultor for the PSP powerful enough to handle FF7, I'm sure it will simulate a the CDROM driver from images so you won't need to worry about paths and so.

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