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Messages - Kranmer

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great thanks for this Aali. I will test this later today when i get back on my computer with ff8 installed. But now i cant wait until i can test this later today. Also which EXE's does it work with or does it work with 1.0 + 1.2Geforce and 1.2NoneGeforce ?

Releases / Re: [FFVIII] Multipatcher 1.2
« on: 2009-07-28 08:04:59 »
What is the changes from 1.1 to 1.2 ?

RepeolRR i dont have this patch but i just had a look at the LGP files. make a copy of 00.LGP from this project and rename it char.lgp and make sure its in the right place and it should work.

Archive / Re: FF8 - Enhanced Video's
« on: 2009-07-28 06:39:32 »
yes H264 is completely broken in releases after 0.6.2b (0.5 to 0.6.2b work with H264 without audio or with different audio). But H264 isnt the only codec that doesnt work, Lots of more codecs dont work like Snow, Theora, MSU and lots of other codecs (although some of them arnt supported by ffmpeg anyway but Snow and Theora are) and there are also some audio codecs that crash as well like AAC seems to crash the program and so do other variations like flaac and Apple lossless etc. I spent around 9 days working on different codecs and encoders and have found that so far Xvid, H263+ and Sorenson are currently the best codecs for encoding the videos with compression (a few lossless codecs do work but the comparisson isnt even worth talking about since you would end up with a 350mb+ opening alone) until H264 is supported, Also i did managed to once get X264 working with the latest driver but the things i had to do to get it working seemed to be random and the quality sucked but the video did work which was kind of strange and it wouldnt work with audio either.

Releases / Re: [FFVIII] Multipatcher 1.1
« on: 2009-07-27 20:52:18 »
great work Phun. i just had a look at this and its great. but i needed the geforce version so i looked at your code and found the same points (i mean they are at different addresses but its the same part of the code) on the geforce EXE and it seems to work alright (i havent tested it fully yet but i quickly ran it and it seems to work). Also i think i will make a loader for this since i dislike patching my EXE (for my personal use i am already making one but dont worry i wont release it publicly)

could you post the last few lines in your app.log file to see what happens before the error

here is my binary that doesnt require the cygwin DLL (proberly because i didnt use cygwin i used MinGW)

i have just built this and it works great (on XP SP3 anyway), i dont seem to be getting any errors in the app.log now looking for files that are there in flevel.lgp, thanks alot for this Aali it will be especially usefull now palmer is at the import+export stage.


LGP 0.3b binaries compiled by me can be gotten here

FF7 Tools / Re: Palmer
« on: 2009-07-23 22:21:39 »
well i had a go resizing and adding a filter and i had the same problem as seifertemp (to be expected) then i tried a few idea's and i managed to get a somwhat alright result here

i 200% sized the image and added a blur filter and a noise filter and it seems to look alright (proberly over blured slightly but it is only a test to see what can and cant be done)

twipley it would be best to reencode the movies into a standard format like Divx or Xvid (H264 doesnt work on versions after 0.6.2b and a few other lossless codecs dont work on any version like the DXA format etc) and that should fix your problem.

thats strange. i am using XP SP3 and Print screen seems to work fine with Aali's driver (i have tried both windowed and fullscreen) and it seems to work fine for me (i am not using any mods and i have no other programs open but i press the Print screen button on my keyboard and copy and paste it into paint fine)

Troubleshooting / Re: FF8 Crash Disc 1
« on: 2009-07-20 09:03:24 »
well if it is a corrupt movie file you may need a new disc or you could try a few things first, you could try changing to low quality setting in FF8config and see if that will get you past it (it has worked in the past for some ppl). You could try making a image of the CD at 1x and seeing if any errors appear and if they do you then need to use a program to repair damaged discs (somthing like badcopy or along those lines) if none of these work then i would also sugest the same as Terid_K

an app.log should appear everytime in your game folder when you run the game.
if it isnt appearing that alone means there is proberly somthing wrong. your not using vista or win7 by any chance are you ?
have you also tried using different versions of aali's patch to see if you get different results ? it might be worth a try. you could also try doing a fresh install of the game and not using anything but aali's driver to see if it makes any difference.

what does your app.log say about the crash ?

NeoCloudstrife do you still get the crash if you run the game without FF7music ?

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-18 23:21:09 »
ok i have added audio this time but after i had uploaded it to youtube and to mediafire i noticed i had forgot to remove the letterbox before the end so i will have to go back and do that later, But the audio should be pretty much timed right to go with the video, the audio was taken from grimmy's HD opening and just reedited to fit with my opening (like rearranging the sound after the train goes past to make it fit with the shorter scene etc)

Also the videos below are the same as above and have the letterbox all the way through the video, I have uploaded both Xvid and MP4 versions (i uploaded both because MP4 seems to give slightly better quality but i added the Xvid ones since MP4 isnt supported yet in game). I also experimented with a blur on the video on the Blured with audio links to see what happens but to be honest i didnt see much difference (on the text where cloud speaks i could but the rest of the video was pretty much the same) but if anyones interested take a look and if your not just ignore them.

Not blured With audio (MP4=58mb and Xvid=30mb)

Blured with audio (MP4=58mb and Xvid=25mb)

well you could try looking in your virtualstore folder, vista somtimes saves things there is UAC is on, if UAC isnt on and and app.log still 0kb then you proberly have some really weird problem, You could try using a program like sandboxie and seeing where your computer is saving the file.

its strange that your app.log is empty, even if the driver isnt working it should say somthing as long as the actual game has run once, your not using UAC are you ? and i have heard you can enter files into the registry as admin if they dont by going to system32/regedit and running it as admin then importing the reg file or you could just check your registry to see if the correct enteries are there,

hey neocloudstrife you should check your APP.log to see if its working right and then post it here (the app.log is in your FFVII directory).
And like hellbringer said vista and windows7 need to be run as admin.

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-18 16:17:23 »
ok i have tried to remake grimmy's vid using the 3 vidz i uploaded before and grimmy's own video and here is the result (no sound yet since i used different parts i couldnt just use the original audio's so i will need to edit that it later)
i only used the FF7 logo scene from grimmy's HD opening on that video the other parts are taken from the video's i uploaded earlyier today, there isnt much changes but there are a few small ones, the stars now dont flicker with artifacts, the zooming out from the clock now fades rather then switches, After cloud says his name and the train goes off if now fades to midgar without the glitch from before (in my previous version i mean) and i tried to make the fade to the original FF7 cutscene more natural but i still dont think it looks quite right.
Also grimmy what video source did you use for the FF7 logo part ? i havent seen it before and when i searched around the net i couldnt find anything like that either so i am just interested in what its from.
hellbringer616: i might PM the guy some time and ask him what his source was or maybe i will just leave a comment later asking if i remember.

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-18 01:24:36 »
well i had a quick look but couldnt find any of the videos in HD (i only spent 20mins looking) so i decided to get the normal vidz then just upscale and see what happens and i am quite impressed with the results of how the original video can look when scaled up to 1280x960, i have uploaded them below incase anyone is interested (all in MP4 format to keep the quality high).
Also hellbringer is that video just a upscaled version or is it an original HD video ?

CC Ending Video upscaled to 1280x960 at 15fps
(no audio since it was ripped from .PMF)

Tech Demo Upscaled to 1280x960 at 15fps

Tech Demo Upscaled to 1280x960 at original 29fps

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-17 18:50:24 »
yeah a HD source would have been great but does one even exist ? (i have never seen one but i havent ever really searched that hard either so i have no idea if one exists or not) the highest res i have ever seen is 640x480 which i would guess was what grimmy used (a guess not a fact) for some parts of the video

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-17 18:01:53 »
Prince Lex - yeah that might make it look better, Without the original video i wouldnt be able to do it perfectly but i can do a alright fade (it glitches a little after the fade and this is to keep the video length, i can make it so it doesnt glitch after fade but the video would but shorter then the original by a few frames or if like i said above i had the original video i could use that instead of looping the video for the fade. (also i could always just add a few frames at the start of the video i suppose to keep the original amount of frames and use the current fade without the loop)
Anyway here is a quick draft of what i think you mean, if the fade happens to quick i can also slow it down if you think that would look better.

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-17 10:47:41 »
i have tried making the transaction between the new video and original video a bit smoother and i think it looks alright but i would like to ask for your opinion on the matter.
(its the last scene where it goes from the new video to the old train station video at around 1:48 the rest of the video is the exact)

Releases / Replacement FMVs for FFVII
« on: 2009-07-16 22:46:49 »
i am really quite impressed with these videos (especially the prelude), It mustve taken you quite a while to make some of these mustn't it ?
the only thing that looks out of place on these is the old video parts (i realize these need to be put in to make things look right like the train on the opening) but isnt there some way of making the transition between the new and old videos look better then suddenly cutting from one to another ?

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