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Messages - Kranmer

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Archive / Re: FF8's HP & Damage limits.
« on: 2009-07-08 17:30:55 »
i have only ever seen this 9999 limit patch but i aint sure if this is what your after

Looks really basic. And it's violating the EULA to offer the full executable like that. Should be an IPS patch or something similar.

i thought it was a patch (not a IPS but just a normal EXE patch) like i said i havent tried it but it doesnt appear to be the game EXE as far as i can see so is it really violating the EULA ?

Archive / Re: FF8's HP & Damage limits.
« on: 2009-07-08 16:04:44 »
i havent tested it either i just remember seeing the post a long time ago, I do have both the PSX and PC version but i am not going to install it just to check out if this patch works, But i am interested if it does work so if anyone does test it please let me know so next time i play the game (proberly a few years from now) i can use it if it does.

Archive / Re: FF8's HP & Damage limits.
« on: 2009-07-08 15:48:33 »
i have only ever seen this 9999 limit patch but i aint sure if this is what your after

wow sounds like you have some pretty good idea's,
i would also like to see 1280x960 game size (not just because my mointer only supports that but because it seems a pretty common size) or maybe it should be done like otokoshi said and make it in a very high res and people who cant support the format would have to have scaled down settings, or if you have lots of time just make one for each res.
but if your gonna make the game 4xRes the videos would have to be 1280x896 (and so on),
Seifer is working on sharpened videos and i am working on smoother video's (i lose a little detail but i think the overall picture quality is still better then the original but this is my own opinion and NOT a fact) if anyone hasnt seen any of my videos yet i uploaded 3 of them here they also have PSX audio which is 44100Hz which i believe is higher then the PC's audio on the movies(also peoples opinions on them is welcome but please be contructive and dont just say they are bad please give a reason and maybe even idea's on how to make them better)
also they are in Xvid with MP3 audio, (in H264 they looked very slightly better but since that isnt supported yet, Xvid seems to do a pretty decent job but if anyone wants to sugest another codec that can do good quality and filesize and is support by aali's driver please let me know)

Hi, I am getting a weird crash on the newer driver that didnt happen on the older ones with the opening movie.
here is my APP.LOG for the old driver while it was working and then the new APP.LOG with it not working (crash dump also included)
The video plays fine on 0.5 but on 0.6+ it seems to be having problems (this doesnt appear to be the same error as before when i was trying to get aac working since it does work on the older version)

Glad to hear it worked for you Dko

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-22 15:54:03 »
i have just been reading up on the ADPCM codec and your right the quality drop rate is quite high so i guess that one is out,
I have been working on different codecs all day and i have found the the AAC codec can be used just not with H264 video (which is kinda the whole point),
It works fine if you use it with Xvid or Divx (and proberly others to but i am not gonna waste my time trying 100's of different video codecs as well).
So if you really need AAC audio you could try using a different video codec but it would become a question of which one ?

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 22:04:26 »
ok thanks for that Aali. Its good to know atleast it wasnt my fault (i wasnt sure if it was or wasnt but now i know for sure). And its not really a problem that nothing can be done about. All i have to do is use a PCM codec that doesnt crash which isnt a problem for me. i Also understand that other features proberly come first and somthing like this might not even get done at all since there are more important things (like the program palmer your working on is proberly way more important then somthing small like this)

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 19:40:04 »
Ah well it sounds like you have most things sorted out then seifer. but can i ask why your so obsessed with AAC ? wouldnt Mp3 or AC3 do just as good ? (i know they dont work yet but i was just wondering out of curiosity) i mean i know AAC is a high quality codec but will it improve the sound that much on a old audio file or is it because you plan to add higher audio into it that you need AAC ?

ok Aali just uploaded the crash data here. It has the APP log and the crash.dmp and i also included the video. It just appears to be whenever i use any audio apart from PCM uncompressed or PCM ADPCM i get this crash.

Also Aali if you dont mind me asking do you have plans to add AAC support in the future or not ? (please feel free not to answer or to tell me to stop asking stupid questions because most people tend to)
Or is Mp3 or AAC already supported but just not working for me ?

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 18:23:51 »
ok now i am looking into the audio. And you were right that the PSX audio was way higher in quality. But there is 1 small problem. Listen to the opening on the PSX AVI then the PC AVI, notice the difference. Thats right the PSX version doesnt have the music. it must store the music somewhere else (coz i am sure i remember the music when i played FF7 on the PSX originally). So we might have to use the PC audio or extract the PSX msuic then dub it over for the sound.

Also i am now looking into what codecs i can make work with ff7 but mostly its only PCM uncompressed or either of the ADPCM codecs i have. I tried Mp3 and that crashed giving me the usual windows error report but the mod name for the crash was "msvcr90.dll" where as with the AAC i get the same type of crash but the report shows that its "ff7_opengl.fgd" mod that crashed. its weird that different codecs cause different crashes. so i am looking further into this. And with the PSX audio i can try more codecs since its higher quality it will most likey have more support but i cant be sure of that.

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 17:51:37 »
hey siefer i just tested PSXMC freeware edition and when converting the movie to AVI it does add frames. So i think we have located the problem. either try using PSXVIDEO from
or use PSXMC and just cut the end few frames off.
I used PSXVIDEO and the video was 1min 57secs
when i used PSXMC 2min 7secs

I own the PAL game (original not a copy or a image) since i live in the UK (and it also says PAL on the front of the box)

It may just be a problem with PSXMC alltogether.

EDIT:- ah i see you have found the problem. You replied while i was writing this.

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 17:03:44 »
ah ok i havent really looked into ff7 videos that much fior PSX. but i have just put my FF7 CD into my PC and used "PSXVIDEO" and the videos to me seem to be the same length as the PC ones. it could be the converter your using or somthing like that.

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 16:52:57 »
yes i shaved the file down to the same amount of frame as the original PC video's. all your video's so far (the fire and the opening) have both had long spots at the end of the file. i am not sure what added them but one of your encoders or converters may have done this or maybe the PSX videos are just longer (i have the PSX orignal PAL version of FF7 but i remember converting the videos used to be a real pain with "PSXvideo" so now i stick to PC formats)
i made the video match the PC frames exactly (i opened virtual dub and check the frames then deleted the extra frames which seemed to be added to your video. Your fire video was the same and the black screen at the end of the video went on way to long. And i wasnt sure if it was your encoder adding the frames or if it was your original conversion or if the PSX videos actually did run longer (but i doubt this last one)

Also on a side note, since PSX PAL and NTSC are supposed to have different video resoultions would that make any difference ? i wonder if it would be better to convert from PAL or NTSC ? (i cant remember exactly but i seem to remember somthing about PSX videos being different frame rates and different resolutions depending on region)

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 crashing at random encounters
« on: 2009-06-21 15:49:14 »
reaper the driver makes the saints patch obsolete by running custom resolutions. to do this you extract the files from the custom driver edit the file ff7config and change the resolution to whatever you want it to be (for me its 1280 and 1024 because thats the max size for my moniter) then save the file and run FF7 again and it should run at the desired resolution. if it doesnt make sure you have run the right registry entry (and make sure you run FF7CONFIG before you run the driver DO NOT RUN IT AFTER otherwise it removes the settings)

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 15:42:36 »
hi seifer. I know its a poor codec but since the original audio aint that great i really dont think it makes worlds of difference. I have only currently tried using AAC, DIVX and Mp3 audio but none of them have worked so far, It only seems to work correctly with PCM audio codecs so far (although i cant say none others work since i only have a few audio codecs installed). Also let me know if my video makes any difference for you.

Archive / Re: Resizing ingame screens (image and movie)
« on: 2009-06-21 09:08:56 »
hey seifer i aint sure but i dont think the slowdown at the end of the video's is aali's problem but i think its yours. Try this video. Its a remake of yours (yes i kept it in Mp4 format renamed to AVI) and see if the slowdown still happens for you.

Now i have also managed to add sound by changing the headers of the Mp4 file to H264 then dubbing sound over in virtualdub using the IMA ADPCM codec (tried mp3 codec but it didnt work right in ff7 but this could be my problem) and it seems to come out alright so you can try that here if you want to take a look

does the ? mean you want to know or that you dont understand ?
Well if your interested here is how you do it. First open "My Computer" and open your list of HardDrives and CD Drivers,
Next select a partition and right click it and click "RENAME"
rename the partition one of your partitions to FF7DISC1 (or FF7DISC2 or FF7DISC3 depending on which disc your on)
now you should have a renamed HardDrive Partition,
Now open Regedit by clicking on run and typing "regedit"
Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII"
and where you see "DataDrive" change the value to the drive you renamed to FF7DISC1.

For example here is what i do.
First rename C Drive to "FF7DISC3"
second change registy entry at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII" Datadrive to "C:\"
then close regedit and run FF7 and hey presto you can play it without the CD.

If anyone cant understand what i have said please feel free to ask for help and i will do what i can. Also i havent seen anyone post this method before but if anyone has posted this before i am sorry but i am not trying to rip you off i just came up with this on my own. And if no one has come up with this before there shouldnt be a problem.
I came up with this a few years ago to use it with saints patch because i really dislike daemon tools (well i did back then but now its pretty decent).

oh Seifer Almasy it is possible to play FF7 without daemon tools or any kind of virtual image and without the original CD and without a NoCd patch. (and by this i mean a way of playing it without needing any external software at all)

Archive / Re: FF7 Patches reverting on their own
« on: 2009-06-15 17:33:46 »
if it saves to the virtualstore folder that usually means that you have UAC on in vista. This could be the reason for your troubles. (i mean your original trouble not the random crashes)

why do you even need the NoCd crack this game can be played many ways without the original CD (legally as well since the NoCd crack is apperently illegal) in your CD drive (like using daemon-tools or one of the other methods which dont even require daemon tools to be installed)

Seifer Almasy, yes camstudio doesnt seem to be very good for this game (seems alright software like you said for desktop recording) but while running on FF7 it either records to slow or way to fast (i know its possible to adjust speed by reencoding the video but i was trying for doing it on the fly. Oh well i might just plug my PC into my TV and record on my HDD/DVD recorder which will proberly stop slowdown completely or i might just put up with fraps since the slowdown isnt to much and i can always fix the problem by reencoding the output.

menu's seem to work fine now (now slowdown at all now thanks alot). I also had the same problem with fraps but a friend of mine e-mailed me earlyer and told me to try camstudio-2.0 which is also freeware so when i get a chance later on i will try installing that and giving it a go.

obesebear i know 30fps in standard and 15 fps in battle is standard. but is 28-29fps in cities suposed to be standard ?  and i am very sure that 23-24fps in game menu is not right (i know this because without the driver i get 60fps in the in-game menu). so thats my problem. the game is playing at decent rates its just the in-game menu running slow and a little bit slower in cities with the driver on then without the driver. (so just to make it clear world map and battles play fine just cities and in game menu is slower). Although i will try running the game on 1 processor tonight to see if it makes any difference so thanks for that advice.

I am also getting the framerate problem. i have 29fps in cities. 30fps on world map. 23-24fps in menu and lower when exiting the menu and 15fps in battles which drops from time to time but tends to stay solid. thats with driver 0.6. without the driver i get 29fps in cities. 30fps on world map and 60fps in the in-game menu.
I have AMD5000+ processor, Geforce 9600 GSO overclocked to 1900mhz and 670mhz GDDR3, 2GB RAM (i have tried the latest geforce driver and still as the same effect so i went back to 185.65 which works better for me then the offical driver 185.85 and i also have the AMD dual core optimizer). I am also using windows XP Sp3 incase this also makes a difference.
The framerates arnt unplayable its just a bit of a slow menu thats a little anonying for me.

really ? i could have sworn version3 of my trainer worked. hm i supose its back to the drawing board then. i will have to work on it sometime (not like its really needed but i am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to small things like this).Thanks for letting me know it doesnt work (it obviously worked for me on both my PC's but that could be bacause i use the same EXE and the same patches i will have to experiment more and maybe try different OS's)

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