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Messages - knives

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Archive / Re: And now wearing glass armor..
« on: 2006-07-26 20:49:21 »
All hail reunion.
Master of FF7.

Creater of field swapping models.
Creater of his program that will rape everything and anything in FF7.

I highly await your program.

Once I patch my FF7.exe file and double click it, it doesn't run the game.
I have the TNT patch installed btw.

Archive / Re: Sephiroth Mod?
« on: 2006-07-26 01:34:53 »
Ask ice_cold then?

But I'm sure he doesn't want to be bothered to upload anything that is incolplete...

I just had this.

I loaded it up with GYPT, skipped the commet cutscene but wacthed the other one.
Durring the cutscene bogenhagen starts to speak, and finished speaking after the cutscene.
If you skip the cutscene, it's as if he never started speaking.

Archive / Re: Sephiroth Mod?
« on: 2006-07-24 20:18:40 »

Archive / Re: Sephiroth Mod?
« on: 2006-07-24 09:46:54 »
If you need any help on that, I'd be glad to learn some stuff like model building etc., or maybe just be a tester if you don't need help. (summer is boring ATM)

Completely Unrelated / Re: The importance of doing backups
« on: 2006-07-22 04:27:50 »
Im sure there is a way to get it back.

In my law enforcement class people (pedophiles) have massive "collection" on their PC.
If they think they are going to get caught, they delete it. All of it.

But the cops still have MANY ways to recover deleted information.

Im sure there is a way to get your file back.

try this site

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-22 04:19:32 »
so knives does NPC do the same thing as Reunion but better?

reunion just does the battle models
Cloud, tifa, barret, Aeris, Red13, Yuffie, caitsith, vincent, cid and sephiroth. and a few others who appear in a battle.

the NPC does all these plus MANY MANY more.
The reunion relies on them being in a battle one point in the game, while the NPC remade the models from scratch.

to answer your question.


Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-22 01:49:34 »

Follow these instructions, but replace reunion patch with the NPC one.

Yeah I was thinking of 10X cut orsomething along those lines.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-22 01:09:42 »
You can't use Reunion and NPC P, you have to pick one *cough*npc*cough*

maybe you can use the animation from X4 cut to do some type of super combo or something.

Just an idea.

Maybe All creation would work?

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-21 21:39:58 »
I don't understand...
You'd rather have the normal blocky looking one than the new "realistic" one???

And yes, it will make the second circled cloud be your player, not the first one.

Troubleshooting / Re: Clouds Buster Sword
« on: 2006-07-21 21:21:44 »
the new NPC patch has it out.
You can run around with your sword on your back.
It's under game tweaking if you want to check it out.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-21 20:08:24 »
Yes, I did the same thing as I did for the reunion patch. (I reinstalled the game so all the files are original)

alright I got it.
The folder was named Char with a capital C.
I renamed it char with a lowercase and it worked.
who knew...

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-21 19:58:43 »
hurray the first error!!


All of the files are original...

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-21 19:30:14 »
Great job on the patches.
Im downloading them as we "speak"

EDIT: or not, the website is being stupid.

Oh and you have to show a better screeny of your sephy patch than just the main menu  :-P

Archive / Re: Cloud High Quality
« on: 2006-07-19 19:05:54 »
Worked like a charm!
Thanks a million APOSEIGd15.

Archive / Re: Nvidia background problems, clueless now...
« on: 2006-07-19 18:55:49 »
Same thing here.
Just reinstall the game and do not apply the resolution patch.

Archive / Re: Cloud High Quality
« on: 2006-07-19 05:04:20 »
I did that, but when I go into a battle, it just freezes...

Archive / Re: Forgotten City movie problem...(update)
« on: 2006-07-19 00:58:27 »
i got passed it.
The file is on it's way.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Logic Game
« on: 2006-07-18 23:16:45 »
Stuck on the one that says "sept" :/

Same here...

if using the break 9,999 damage mod and the bombs did MAX damage (30k ATM)

you could do...

116,640,000 damage!

FF7 Tools / Re: Yet Another Multi-Patcher
« on: 2006-07-18 22:33:47 »
Can't get the Skip Cutscenes to work.

Here is the code I use

@echo off

rem |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|
rem |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gypt Instant -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|
rem |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= by dziugo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|
rem |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [email protected] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|
rem |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|

rem ====================================================================================================
rem ================================== Configure these if you need to ==================================
rem ====================================================================================================

rem ========================================= Hotkey: Ctrl =========================================
set skip=83
rem ====================================================================================================

rem ====================================== Hotkey: Escape ======================================
set lights=68
rem ====================================================================================================

rem ======================================= Hotkey: Alt ========================================
set quit=81
rem ====================================================================================================

rem ====================================================================================================
rem ==================  Don't touch anything below unless you know what you're doing!! =================
rem ====================================================================================================

echo %1 -patch %2 -in %3 -out %4 -fulldebug 1 -nopause -skip %skip% -lights %lights% -quit %quit%

Anything wrong with that?

NVM, to skip you have to hold ctrl then press S...

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