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Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 06:32:18 »
Sounds like you did alot of work on it. Do you have anyplans for it? or would you rather just get on with other stuff.

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 05:57:45 »
Not entirely sure I know what you are asking.

If you were to develop a game not dependant on the ff7 resources out of the code you have already made. How feasible would the idea be if you left the development of the models and world up to the online community.

A FF style online game with no links to FF that will not result in you getting your butt suied.

So basically, would this be feasible or not?

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 05:15:09 »
heh, is it possible that it could be gained by both ways?

I dont know much about genetic's (if anything), but would't genetic's be more on the physical side rather than psycological?

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 04:49:27 »
Ah okay, i had heard of that project before. but didn't know that it was going to be multiplayable.

Why not develop a seperate game altogether and not let the code go to waste, or is it much too dependent on ff7 resources? You could even take the suggestion that i gave before about letting the online community develop the content.

It would be a very cool game, but im kinda curious as too just how many players such a game could handle.

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 04:29:39 »
Code: [Select]
Actually I’ve already done it.

Was it an actual FF7 Mod, or just a mini game type thing?

Also did you do it with asembly? because i always thought networking and that would be insanely difficult, please explain it a little bit. PM me if you would rather not give away anything you dont want known.

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 03:30:20 »
The worst thing that can happen is him so send us viruses through e-mail. Anyways its better than the gray chocobo, and flying to the moon to save Aeris.

Lol, with an email address like weedman. you never know when his flying high.

Archive / Multiplayer Modification
« on: 2006-01-26 02:24:24 »
Forgive me for saying this, but that sounds like a load of bullshite.

From what ive seen the best modders of FF7 exist on this website alone, and none of them can match up to anything near what you are suggesting. So please explain just how it is you expect to achieve this wondergaming miracle?.

Install reunion patch last, either that or your download is corrupted... in that case simply re-download. (NOTE: If you are using the wrong 1.02 patch the hi-res patch will not install/work)

Also you should not be using the chocobo patch. The Hi-Res patch includes it in it. And once you get everything working install dziugo's patches.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Unknown Element
« on: 2006-01-19 21:02:09 »
Quote from: The Skillster
Oh two things - First I hope you have full TAB functionality, I would hate to have to pick up the mouse while editing them stats (I like to just tab from one box to the next entering stats as I go along).

Also, where did all the enemy attack data go? I thought you were going to include that too? :(

TAB is set up correctly, this is something i like to use also.

Attack data will be on a seperate form(no button for it yet), there is quite alot of it so im leaving it till last, also i want to get the basics out for download before i start so that you can edit the elements correctly.

Originally i was only going to do the elements and attacks, but i got carried away and decided to do it all.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Unknown Element
« on: 2006-01-19 08:05:03 »
I don’t know where you got 0x20, unless yours is some Corvette from some other location in the game.
I got mine from the RAM of the game while running rather than from files, but the data is not changed from the file to RAM.

My mistake :oops:, i was looking at the ghost ship entity rather than the corvette. The confusion element shows up correctly on the corvette.

01h - Double Damage
02h - Double Damage

Is that a mistake? is one of them suppost to be unavoidable instead of double damage? In scenester 01h shows up as Double Damage and 02h - unavoidable which is wrong seeing as 02 is really double damage.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Oddity???
« on: 2006-01-19 05:09:16 »
I just did a huge overhaul to all my code so that none of this ByteToNumber shits required anymore.

I now do the sensible thing and just read in the numbers as they are. (who said this wasn't a learning experience?  :wink: )
for e.g.
Code: [Select]

thanks for all your help, i've learnt alot about data types that i didn't understand before. Before __int8, __int16, __int32 was just all the same to me... now i know better.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Unknown Element
« on: 2006-01-18 20:11:43 »
Thank You, only the elements were listed in the wiki.

Code: [Select]
In the case of Corvette, you have 0x26.
This means instead of an element, the Corvette is weak to attacks that have the Confusion status implied.

Maybe i didn't understand something but where did you get 0x26 from?
The corvette was weak against 0x20 so shouldn't it be weak against death?

- edit -

could you put up the list of elemental effects as well? I would like to know if there is any extras to the following that were listed on the wiki.
Code: [Select]
00h - Death
02h - Double Damage
04h - Half Damage
05h - Nullify Damage
06h - Absorb 100%
07h - Full Cure
FFh - Nothing

also heres a screeny of the editor so far... yea, yea i know the interface is shite. I also adding in the stuff provided by L.Spiro, as you can see by the death element.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Unknown Element
« on: 2006-01-17 19:45:38 »
This is from T.F's battle mechanic's guide under elements.

Code: [Select]
Hidden :- Unknown.  Unlike the others, Hidden is the name I've given it.
            Very few attacks have this element.  Any that do can be protected
            from by linking any non-Element Materia with the Elemental
            Materia in a character's armour.

He hasn't provided a hex code for it so im not sure if its the same as element 32, but i think that it may be.

I'm surprised that there is actually a creature that recieve's double damage from this element. And i wonder if any of the summon's have this hidden element attached. I guess i will include the ability to set a hidden elemental effect to a creature with my editor. The only problem is that it wouldn't show up in game so it would be unknown to anyone other than those that read these forums.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Unknown Element
« on: 2006-01-16 21:41:51 »
I've put a check within the scene editor that im making to check for unknown elements. Simply as a type of error checking.

However i didn't ever expect to actually find one.

Does anybody know what element type 32 is? or 20h in hex.

Its not listed anywhere.

To check this element out for yourself it exist on scene192 in the first slot of the Corvette Entity, and is set to the effect double damage.

I've checked with Leviathan, Sceneedit, scenester & myff7editor and none of them can pick up what type of element this is suppost to be. They all show it up as a blank element, only mine shows it up as unknown which i wouldn't have ever noticed it otherwise.

*Cast Life3 on self somehow*
I dont know about you's but i cannot just let "*******" (Something bad will happen if mention who) have the last say on this thread.

So here goes. *take's frisby out of mouth and throws at ******, it does nothing * . Damm  :evil: i knew i should've picked better weapon proficiencies. Ah well, maybe things will go better when i get that frisby of mega-death+5.

Naturally i'll take the only reasonable step and take my own life.

*smithie performs seppuku with a frisby on self :z * - , click to see how  8)

General Discussion / chocomog missing on disk 3
« on: 2006-01-13 00:56:10 »
Im pretty sure thats incorrect, doesn't an extra one appear latter on in disk 2 or 3.

--- edit ---

whoops read that wrong, i thought he was talking about disk1.

As far as i know you can collect two of them from the farm, one on disk one and then one latter on. It's best to collect things as early as possible because alot of stuff will dissapear latter.

Go to gamefaq's and download the guide on items that can only be collected in parts of the game.

Archive / FFVII Slows down during gameplay
« on: 2006-01-11 20:12:02 »
Well at least 100% cpu usage is normal! Thanks!

even a game of cards will send mine up to 100%

btw its good to see a newbie that doesn't take offense to everything i say *cough* but2005 *cough*

Archive / FFVII Slows down during gameplay
« on: 2006-01-11 19:20:37 »
laptops have problems with everthing..

If the slow down is in relation to the fan speeding up and slowing down, you can disable the automatic cpu slowdown(or tone it down) in the bios to fix... but stay the hell away from it if you dont know what you are doing.

In some older machines the temperate readout itself can sometimes cause problems and decrease speed by up to 20% and needs to be disabled, with my bios i could disable it without disabling the automatic cpu slowdown ... so make sure yours does the same before disabling, and once again stay away if you dont know what you are doing.

Hehe... there is good reason why under your name it say's newbie.
... Just like theres good reason why it says crazy under mine.

No one here seriously pays attention to these rumors and bs post because we have all heard them before ...7 years ago. its more for comic relief :wink:.

Quote from: Qhimm
Um, I hope you don't think that "+32" will properly handle the FF7 text?

It only needs to be simple, its just to display the names of monsters form the files you read.

I was almost going to do it the way cyberman said, thats what i meant by

Code: [Select]
and currently the only way ive worked out how to do it is long and tedious and quite frankly im ashamed  of it.

but then i thought better of it, maybe later when im out of other things to do. I dont think there would be much use in game for multicolored monster names.. except maybe catuar or bosses.

btw - you really need to change your portrait, every time you respond i think im going to get punched in the head.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Oddity???
« on: 2006-01-11 02:12:10 »
- no need to call pow(), simple multiplying can be faster

The reason for pow is that some take up four bytes, 256 * 256 * 256 * 256. just multiplying will only go up to 2 bytes ... wont it?.

- don't call data->GetLength() multiple times (in every cycle loop), when it can be called only once .. you can see speedup especially in case of larger arrays of data

Never considered that.. .thanks for the heads up. Speed is not really something i consider in such a small app.

Code: [Select]
- why using floating point number 'double' when the result is an integer ? also using floating point for a loop counter and indexer is a nonsense.

Not anymore it isn't, you now have to be either a double or a float. If either of them aren't it doesn't compile. I assume they changed it because ints wouldn't return the correct result above a certain point. I used double instead of float because float returns 4.294967E+09 which is less understandable to  me... also it was about 4:30AM when i went to post that. lol. (EDIT- no it wasn't i was thinking of my prevous post, it would've been about miday  :o )

this code is in C++ syntax because I don't understand the language you're using properly

Its just Visual C++ 2005 - windows form app, Replace '*' with '^' basically. From the MSDN: ^ Declares a handle to an object on the managed heap.

Thanks for your help, i should be able to make a better method based off your second example. Its given me a few idea's.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Oddity???
« on: 2006-01-10 07:19:08 »
I suppose its really just a matter of preference as to how i display it then.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Oddity???
« on: 2006-01-10 02:58:11 »
Code: [Select]
String ^FileEditor::BinaryToNumber(array<Byte> ^data)
String ^strTmp;
double dblTmp;
for (double i=0 ; i < data->GetLength(0) ; i++ )
if (i == 0)
{ dblTmp = dblTmp + data[i]; }
{ dblTmp = dblTmp + (data[i] * (pow(256,i)));}
return strTmp = dblTmp.ToString();

Okay thats my current conversion code to convert from a byte array to a number. It works pretty well, squished it up a bit to take up less space in post.

However i encounter something very odd in one file in particular which hopefully someone will be able to give me an explanation for.
In file scene247, on the leg of emerald weapon, the stats for gil and exp come out at 4294967295 which is == to 256^4(power of) -1, in other words it comes out the max possible number that can go in this place. e.g.

Ap: 65535 - max number for bytes
Exp: 4294967295 - max number for bytes
Gil: 4294967295 - max number for bytes

Now whats got me weirded out is that if you open the same file with scenester or sceneedit you get the follow stats and i dont know why.

Ap: 65535
Exp: -1
Gil: -1

Are my values wrong or are they'rs? Im pretty sure mine are right, but i thought it best to check in case they are not. keep in mind that you never recieve these rewards in game because they are only on the leg.

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