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Messages - MoCheese

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-05-07 19:02:39 »
Dark Cave hype is real, looking foward to it as I only started playing this mod at V1.4 so it's new content for me. It should also be a chance to obtain some goodies aswell.

My sentiments and situation exactly, got ants in my pants in anticipation for the Dark Cave and all that awaits inside!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-27 23:19:38 »
Another option is to have it unlock once the different clouds merge in his subconscious and he regains his memory. Easy i know but could make sence. This could be combined with cloud having a lesser passive from start until he awakens his "true" passive

I really really like this idea actually, it makes sense in a story based way.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-23 13:29:21 »
Red and Yuffie have the weakest Lv.4 Limits because they only hit once, whereas the others hit multiple times. Vincent's Chaos is also pretty weak because it doesn't have the benefit of a hard-hitting elemental attack like Galian and Gigas. The .EXE patch I'm making will let me tune these up a bit.

While it would actually be quite awesome if you could mod and change some of the more useless limit breaks in the game, that wasn't what I meant(but am now looking forward to!) What I meant was the boss fights that guard these limits breaks. I don't know if others agree but I thought these two fights in particular stood out as needing a buff.

Ah, so that's the thing. I'll set Contain to drop a star short of being Mastered so that multiple copies are available.

Nice, thanks a bunch!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-21 00:46:21 »
Took a while but I'm back with the report. I'm sure some of these have been reported and/or fixed already, so if they have been, apologies.

- The enemy Valron in the Rocket Town area forests locked up for me once. Not sure what did it but he was flying, went to the ground then the battle just held there if that helps. They also try and cast something they do not have enough MP for even at full.

- I found the above bug trying to find Zieg, who I still could not find after an hour+ looking around all the forests of the land. Could still be a case of horrible luck but I think I'm gonna have to request a double check on this one. However, a buddy of mine managed to get not 1, but 2 MP Plus materias from the teammates in the Crater. I do not know if the prizes are randomized or where you send whom where matters. I can ask and see if he remembers if it would help if this is a bug?

- W-Magic and Mime also drop 1-Star like Underwater instead of mastered. Should also mention Mime comes greyed out, insinuating that we can't use the ability until we level it up. We can so no worries about it being usable, it's just a visual glitch. One last thing about Mime, it comes with an "MP+96%" bonus. You don't actually get the bonus MP stat wise, just in writing on the materia itself.

- The fight you get from handing in the Earth Harp locked up on me a few times. I'm trying to avoid spoilers so I don't want to say but uhh..
Spoiler: show
If you cast Resist on your team and Command then uses Manipulate, it locks up. Also if you inflict Berserk on Command it can lock the game up sometimes as well. If it doesn't lock then Command, when berserked, will only attack its teammates instead of you. Can't imagine that is intended?

Spoiler: show
 - During the battle for Cloud's level 4 limit break, if you W-Magic cast Bio and it poisons, then follow with Resist, the enemy will get stuck in a never ending loop trying to cure it. This forces a reset of the game.

- During the fight with Netz, if you kill "Byte" the game locks up. You can kill "Bit" no problem. Also as dazheel mentioned somewhat quickly they become immune to damage with no indicator or seemingly intended way to deal with it. Is that intended and if it is, is there some way to deal with them?

- After beating the bosses from handing in the Earth Harp and Guidebook, I went outside to save and came back and found a second Underwater materia. Also when I picked it up it said it was a W-Summon.

Can confirm another dazheel report. Yahcobo locks up immediately for me as well. No clue what the issue is here.

- Questions and comments now. The man in the cockpit of the Highwind mentions Cid can repair the gun in Wall Market if he leads the party, I tried this with several different party configurations but to no avail. Am I missing something?

- Vincent's level 4 limit battle and maybe Red XIII's could use a bit of a buff in my opinion. Could be good discussion, see what others think.

X) Planet drop (no issue found?)

- Planet works fine, what I meant was we can get multiple Planets through AP but only one Contain as it comes mastered. I don't think Contain is stronger then Planet overall so Contain should be able to be mastered if Planet is I think.

Think I got it all. Thanks again.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-14 20:03:10 »
Wish I had a team ;-;

Well the compliment still stands :D

-) I can make all the parts of Carry Armour vulnerable from the start; the AI phases should hold up, as they take priority over each other.

-) Ziegfried is the same as a Mystery Ninja encounter; I heard that the encounter rate for these is supposed to increase as you get further into the game. Stick to the Junon, Gongaga, or Rocket Area forests. If it turns out something's up and he's not showing (I'll sweep the flevel for the trigger in case it's flipped twice for whatever reason) I could add it as a late-game event that only shows up if he isn't fought by then, so that MP Plus can be dropped.

-) Giant enemy crab? Best to apply the flevel patch; that was removed from one of them.

-) Multiple Planet Materia? Should only be one drop, with more coming after you Master it. Is the drop farmable?

-) I'll set them to drop as Mastered; it's exactly the same, but looks nicer.

-) I've noticed a few times that sound effect volume seems to either drop significantly or rise a bit. Identifying the sources of them though will be tricky. If I do some tests I could maybe try adding a line to each event that uses a persistent sound effect that stabilises it as a catch-all.

-) Yeah, it was intended to refight it as many times as you want (the scorp will never die). As for key item placements, I've forgotten to move them around for the new build which means I need to move them all to places that are unmissable. Unless I implement a thing I was thinking about.

- Keelhaul may have just been me being an idiot and overstepping what I said a tad. Would be good to hear some others thoughts on it.

- I'll keep trying to find Zieg on Disc 3, might just be a case of not enough Cid Luck. I'll report back.

- Good that the crab was reported earlier. That came as quite a shock the first time(Good thing I saved frequently)

- In regards to Planet, yeah that's what I meant. Sorry I wasn't clear. So it is intended to get the one from where it is obtained and then leveled to Master to be split? So the only one Contain is a balance deal?

- Sound effect thing was just me being curious. No worries there.

- And good to know about Scorp. Thought I had borked something.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-14 11:15:57 »
Well I've been watching and reading this topic for a long long time, long before 1.4 came out, and now that I've played through most of the mod its time to share my thoughts and bug reports on it. But before I do that I really want to congratulate you and your team Sega Chief for creating this incredible mod. This mod truly is a piece of a work and you should all take a lot of pride in how this thing is turning out. Wonderful work!

Few comments, questions, and bug reports in the random order that it comes to me.

- I agree with the earlier sentiment that the Hojo fight needs a little rework. I think it should be a really big fight so the health numbers are fine in my opinion, but he needs a few new moves for sure. As it stands, Resist makes the fight rather simple.

- I also want to share my thoughts on Keelhaul. I thought the idea of the fight was ok in theory and it certainly makes sense for Curator, but to only damage one piece at a time was somewhat time consuming. The fight took me over 25 minutes, not that I did myself any favours mind you. Made a few mistakes (like having Counter-Manipulate on for some dumb reason)but I did go after the elemental weaknesses and it still took quite a bit of time. Not sure if this is where you want it, but hey, my thoughts here, I think this fight could use a bit of a switch up.

- A friend told me about Siegfried after I had long passed it the first time. I came back in Disc 3 with the Highwind to try and find him but so far he has not been found. Can he be found on Disc 3?

- Talking to the Sleeping man brought up the Debug Crab fight, not sure if that's been mentioned and/or fixed.

- Is there a specific reason why we can only obtain one Contain materia but multiple Planet materias? My guess is some sort of balance reason but I thought I'd ask anyways.

- Three materias that I noticed (Final Attack, Phoenix, and Bahamut ZERO) all come unmastered with 0 AP just like how Underwater works. They're still only 1-Star and therefore cannot be leveled so no worries about that. Not sure if that's a bug or unintended but there you go.

- This may sound like an odd question, but was the wind sound effect always so loud? I'm referring to the wind noise like when you are on Da-Chao or right before you fight Hojo. For whatever reason the wind sound effect was extremely loud in my run.

That's missing? Damn, I must have forgot to place it. That means I'll need to move it elsewhere. As for the Core, I think that was supposed to be moved to the X-ATM fight for Barret's thingie but it's still sitting in the Dark Cave sideline. I can sort something out, though; had an idea.

Piggybacking off of this question and answer, I can also confirm Tseng did not drop Pulse Ammo and that Love Buster did not drop the Micro Engine either. Now, I have defeated The Curator(Good googly moogly what a battle...) and he dropped the Micro Engine, however this was on a separate file I made so I could move on and come back later. Was the Micro Engine moved somewhere else other then Curator? Did I need to continue on with that file where I defeated him to keep the Engine? Was Love Buster not dropping it a bug?

Also in regards to the X-ATM Core, if you go back and talk to buddy who informs you of the side quest in the first place, he'll mention that the town has a new worker or helper or whatever and you'll hear the Scorpion closing in just like the fight previous. Wait a little longer and you'll get into a fight with it yet again. Is this intended? You can do this over and over again it seems.

Sorry about that length of this first post of mine, and I'm sure I'll have other comments and questions as I remember them, but until then fantastic job here!

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