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Messages - Ragna

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Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-12-03 18:29:35 »
In the Spanish version of FFIX it is called "guillotina" (guillotine).
It might be compatible with its animation, but I don't know what made the translators go to that interpretation.

Releases / Re: Final Fantasy VII OST Symphonic Remaster
« on: 2013-09-12 14:56:37 »
Now is magnificent.

Releases / Re: Final Fantasy VII OST Symphonic Remaster
« on: 2013-09-09 18:10:34 »
Well I think it definitely sounds better than your synthesized version, though...

Anyway, you've done a great job!

Releases / Re: Final Fantasy VII OST Symphonic Remaster
« on: 2013-09-09 15:56:46 »
You mean like the versions I've put on youtube? Yeah, I could do that at some point. In the meantime, you could get the tracks off youtube using a youtube-mp3 converter.

Also, One-Winged Angel doesn't sound "bad", just "different". The original choir used had only 2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors and 2 basses, which is very small. This new version has a much bigger sound for the choirs because of the larger size. Actually, the original choir is the one that sounds "bad" (when you listen to the choir on its own, you'll know what I mean!). I know the one I've put in the track isn't perfect, but that's the best I can get it without hiring a full choir to come and perform it while I record them, lol. I thought it sounded weird at first while I was working on it and nearly ended up using the original choir, but eventually the new one grew on me after I got used to the different sound it had. Besides, the original choir really did sound terrible alongside the rest of the instruments in it. The original version got away with it because the entire thing was midi/synth rather than real instruments, so the choir sound fit in well.

Sorry but I meant the original PSX choir. You can extract it from the 3rd disc/iso with PSound.

Releases / Re: Final Fantasy VII OST Symphonic Remaster
« on: 2013-09-05 21:13:16 »
Would you upload a OST style version (all tracks, length)?
Also One-Winged Angel sounds bad, use the original vocals.

Edit: Didn't want to be a jerk, I was in a hurry.

FF7 Tools / Re: [1.5.1] Makou Reactor - a FF7 field editor
« on: 2013-08-01 20:23:32 »
Great, great, great program there! It does open all possibilities for field editing!!!

But I'd like to point out some useful (and not REALLY hard to implement) features for PSX translation support:
Custom font char table definition, as well as reading font graphics from window.bin, also, configurable char height and per-char width.

That would help me a lot, since I'm translating the Japanese International version, and I have changed
the font size (and rendering code) to be 16x16 instead of 12x12.

Oh, and this might be dreaming but... what about a small field interpreter to test fields?  ::)

Those bolds are my only petitions, thank you!!!

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2013-01-03 14:54:41 »
While it is pretty evident that SS96 has the best shadows, it still needs some
dirt in the pipes and the boxes and almost everywhere.  Well done anyway! :)

Q-Gears / Re: FF7 asm
« on: 2013-01-02 20:16:47 »
Geez, I was hoping it were the JPi version.
I'm trying to make some asm modifications to it in order to
improve some cosmetic aspects of the game while translating it.

The mapping might still be possible in some places though, but...

Q-Gears / FF7 asm
« on: 2013-01-02 17:07:55 »
Hi, I've seen there's some info on the asm source for FF7 in this project's
"reversing" section, but from what version of the game is it: JP, JPi, US, EU?

Solved Problems / SOLVED: FF7 bugs/glitches, fixed?
« on: 2013-01-02 16:45:25 »
Has it been ever fixed the W-Item glitch?
Has it been ever fixed the incorrectly called "Aerith Ghost" field glitch?

For the latter it would be just removing a line of the field event code, which sets the initial position of the child to 0,0,0.

FF7 Tools / Re: [1.5.1] Makou Reactor - a FF7 field editor
« on: 2012-12-31 19:25:03 »
Great, great, great program there! It does open all possibilities for field editing!!!

But I'd like to point out some useful (and not REALLY hard to implement) features for PSX translation support:
Custom font char table definition, as well as reading font graphics from window.bin, also, configurable char height and per-char width.

That would help me a lot, since I'm translating the Japanese International version, and I have changed
the font size (and rendering code) to be 16x16 instead of 12x12.

Oh, and this might be dreaming but... what about a small field interpreter to test fields?  ::)

Got an error no matter what option I give: Fatal error (basic_ios::clear).
I'm running Win8 x64.

Yes, of course, you can find it here:

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-10-27 17:33:27 »
It would be good to have separate animation lists for both PC and PSX versions.  :roll:

Troubleshooting / Re: Can't get METEOR to run
« on: 2009-10-26 15:18:08 »

I'm having trouble getting METEOR to run. It just gives me the typical 'This program has encountered an error and needs to close' message. Trying to run it on other compatibility modes doesn't help. I'm running Windows XP with SP2, and .net framework 3.5, along with the VB power packs used to run WALLMARKET.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going wrong?

I don't think hardware is a problem. It should not.

There are 3 options, from my point of view:

1. Make sure the program downloaded well.
2. See if your antivirus is blocking the access (it should not, however).
3. You might have a virus that corrupts every EXE you try to run (it happened to me once).

Hope it helps.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Fave. Final Fantasy Game!!
« on: 2009-10-20 18:09:51 »
And that said... if I had to choose between a remake of VI or VII, I'd go for VI. Really!!

I would also rather see VI remade, but for a different reason...

I didn't say my reasons. lol

I think "VI" has better characters, story, and event scenes.
However... if they do it, it might be for the DS.

I'd like to see it on a 360 or PS3.  :roll:

Which are your reasons?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Fave. Final Fantasy Game!!
« on: 2009-10-20 17:01:26 »

And that said... if I had to choose between a remake of VI or VII, I'd go for VI. Really!!

I'm translating FF1 to Spanish, however I have 2 problems right now.

1. I can unpack the package files (DPK, PCK, NPK).
Thanks to some Japanese guy (see this).
However, I cannot pack them again.
The package format seems simple, though I've never
wrote such kind of program and don't know where to start...

2. Each text file uses its own table and font image.
   The font image file: SAVE_CLEAR.GIM (PSP common image format)
   Text file: SAVE_CLEAR.MSG (same format as FFs ADVANCE & CTDS)
   Font information file: SAVE_CLEAR.FIF (unknown format, always 108bytes header?)

There comes the problem. The FIF file contains information about
the font, such as width, and probably tile information and shadow
relation between each letter. The font image contains letters in
the first rows, then in the latter rows are the shadows for each.
Sorry I should provide an image of it, but I'm not on my PC. >.<


Any clue on those formats? I'd like to know if someone ever
tried something with this game. SE made things really weird
with FF1 and 2 on the PSP...

If you are willing to help me I can provide you with some file examples.
This work could help others to translate this game to other languages.

Thank you!

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Spanish 1.02 EXE
« on: 2009-09-30 16:16:30 »
Thank you, everything's right now.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Spanish 1.02 EXE
« on: 2009-09-30 14:07:45 »
Yes please, upload it.

Everytime I download it from that link, this PC won't let me
copy/move/run/open it in a hexeditor, even if I disable AVG.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Spanish 1.02 EXE
« on: 2009-09-29 18:43:10 »
Is it possible that your file is infected?

It does not display the FF7 icon, and AVG (yes, I know...) is complaining.

I deleted the file after the download just in case.
Please confirm this, as I have no antivirus in my own PC right now.

Troubleshooting / FF7 Spanish 1.02 EXE
« on: 2009-09-25 18:34:11 »
Where can I get this patch?
The links in "The Great FF7 FAQ" are dead.

I've searched the net, but found only the English version.
I need it to test something with the file... >.<

Q-Gears / Re: Project State
« on: 2009-09-08 15:42:12 »
I'd like to know how are you doing the scripting system and help as I can.
We shall write a clean and "powerful" scripting system!  :roll:

I have some experience with Ruby, Python, Lua (a bit), and C#/C++.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-08-04 15:09:35 »
I'm getting an error saying that "MSTDFMT.DLL" is missing or not registered.
I have it in the same folder as Kimera, and in system & system32 folders but
it won't work. Is there any way to solve this and run the program?

Nevermind, already solved thanks to another topic made by someone. lol

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2009-08-03 15:58:23 »
You are getting that error because you don't have the needed
.NET runtime installed, or if you really have it, the program is
corrupted and you may even have a virus...

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