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Messages - Nightmarish

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I think you shouldn't tone down vincent quality. Over 9000 quality required!!1  :-P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Hi guys
« on: 2012-08-24 20:54:14 »
Don't really know you but since you have a vincent avatar i think you should come back  :o

Completely Unrelated / Re: How hard do you need it?
« on: 2012-08-24 20:52:05 »
Don't need it too hard, just hard enough not to bore me.
For example, Demon Souls is a game i bought and i quitted playing it after 1 or 2 bosses because you have like 80% chance of dying in every monster. If you die, you re-roll. No save points or whatsoever i short period of time. Tires me.

« on: 2012-08-23 21:02:02 »
I've seen some development on Vincent from Timu.
Also on Cid by Felix.

Dunno where they're at or if they plan to finish it.

Love the head/face!

Tempus, great job. It's so nice you're fired up and keep delivering.
Love the models/textures!


It's a redone version of APZ Cloud.
I also can't wait for the new Cloud as i don't fancy the face of this one that much, looks too much as a little kid  :|

Team Avalanche / Re: Midgar Remake
« on: 2012-08-19 20:16:12 »
Looks sweet.
Now bomb that reactor :p

Might buy this in steam if every good mod in here can work in it.
Would rather have it one click away than to get my iso copies from the external hard drive, mount them, and have all the hassle I always have to install a old game.

I just think the character booster is so lame.
Is just made towards the no-brainer gamer of these days. Is that hard to do 20 battles and get over-leveled for a boss?

Well, would be really fun if we had to fight the Summons to have them join.
Kinda like, if we beat them they turn into Summon Materia.

I would like to have in VII some dungeon like the "omega ruins" and have there omega weapon or something.
Or expand the KoR island a bit to a hard dungeon.

Releases / Re: [Project] FF7 Re-animated
« on: 2012-08-12 08:54:16 »
I am very excited with this mod.
Even though it won't be *very* noticeable it's a *woow* mod.

Seriously, that train car looks perfect :|

Graphical / Re: DoC Vincent retexture project
« on: 2012-08-08 20:07:34 »
Legs should be higher i guess. Thats the only prob i see.
Shoes are right sized:

Releases / Re: [Project] FF7 Re-animated
« on: 2012-08-01 12:20:41 »
This is just awesome man. Keep it up!

Team Avalanche / Re: Midgar Remake
« on: 2012-07-31 21:38:43 »
Wow, awesome train car!
Every little model we could get done would be awesome, would push this remake project a bit towards the finish line :)

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Tifa's weapons
« on: 2012-07-31 21:35:22 »
I'd focus on doing all the models first and then worry about the textures.
Leave the "hands" for last, they are harded.

Graphical / Re: dragon buster from LOD
« on: 2012-07-31 21:33:10 »
Isn't it possible to add some kind of flame to the sword ingame?
I mean something like the sword burning while being held?

For example, the regen buff in orange active on the sword :P

lol. It's one thing to see Dante of DMC in Resident Evil.....but what about Cloud Strife versus the Zombies??

I like the second model.
Wouldn't it be possible to use in FF7?

Releases / Re: Costa07's Models
« on: 2012-07-30 09:26:41 »
New texture looks better indeed!
I would make the gradient on the silvers less heavy though. It looks a bit weird in some parts, especially in the bottom part, going from bright to black.

Graphical / Re: [WIP] APZ's New Canon Cloud
« on: 2012-07-27 19:15:14 »
Don't like the fact he looks younger, a face closer to the videos ingame would be better but.. this model is better than no new model.

Graphical / Re: dragon buster from LOD
« on: 2012-07-26 19:25:11 »

blade is done. time to work on handle hope you guys enjoy

The texture is a bit different i'd say..

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