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Messages - Shankifer

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I am not so sure that showing us that you are partaking in illegal activities is such a good idea. Not to mention, why are you showing us anyways?

Theres no way qhimm could be shut-downfor something like this right?
considering he's blatantly saying... "I have done nothing lately except grow all this pot, LOOOOOOOK"

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-06 01:49:56 »
I like Third person, but I think First person would just be interesting sometimes.

I also had a thought earlier, how are interactive objects going to be handled?

by interactive, I mean: Chests, pianos, squeaky floorboards lol

You know, all those things in FF7 you just kind of pressed a button at and things happened.

The basic question would be, is it still going to be a "Stand in front and press ____" and it happens or are we looking at a cross-hair targeting system? Also, are you thinking of implementing any animations for interactive objects, such as actually reaching out to the piano when it plays or kneeling to a squeaky floorboard?

"Save money. Live better" - Ironic much?

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-05 16:52:59 »
battlemage210 brought up a good point.

First person V.S. Third

I think I remember you saying something about doing an over-the-shoulder.
You think it would be possible to kind of pull an Bethesda thing and make it swappable? all controls still the same, just different camera positions?

that reminds me of silent hill 3 where you have a confessional scene, where you can choose to forgive or not to the person making a confession about her sins.

neither choice is the right one, and it was also inspired by real life experience of one of the devs ( )

i guess many games have events inspired by real life experiences of the developers.

It isn't that big of a mystery :P
If developers just sat around pulling ideas out of their asses instead of their heads, we'd have a lot of games with no connection to the real world whatsoever, no emotion, just mindless, crazy, nothingness. So be grateful that *most* devs now-days still appreciate what personal experience can bring to the table. Faked emotion is the worst kind in gaming/movies so when I play games that have great play, but no story/emotion, I feel a little disappointed, but when I play a game that has great play, and totally crap-emotions, I get ticked off lol.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Shwarzenegger VS. EMA
« on: 2010-09-05 16:38:09 »
well alcohol is dangerous. because it makes people more aggressive. some games also do, but that depends on the person.

They are (metaphorically) the same thing. Some people get enraged as they become intoxicated and want to fight, games, for some people, is a door to aggression.

It all comes down to the person that uses alcohol/games.

if parents took game ratings more seriously, we'd have less problems with that. the problem lies in the lack of attention to the kids, and tendency to addiction towards games.

Parents do take the ratings seriously (most of them I believe). What they don't take seriously is their child's ability to comprehend the fact that games are games. I think a parent should be more involved with their child's gaming. I know that sounds like a joke, but I seriously think if a parent would sit down with their kids and maybe just have their child explain to them what their doing, it would make the child think a little more. It would make the brain think critically and carefully as the events of the *Story* are recalled to the surface of the mind. Granted, I believe this is how most things should work. I think parents should actively engage themselves in more things with their children, instead of letting their children separate themselves from the rest of the world.

It's my opinion though, and I understand how this concept really isn't appreciated by a lot of children and adults alike.

Of course none of the things I brought up could ever be challenged and made into law, but i think they should be kind of encouraged, not just with family games, family movies, or family anything, but with all things.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-09-05 16:21:37 »
It wouldn't be possible to throw this logo along with the name Team Avalanche to make it look official (with kind of a flickering film grain effect, and a fade-in) after the Eidos and Sqaresoft logos would it? or before so people would actually see it? Just a thought. I think the color really throws off the main menu.

Edit: also Putting a Version name in, either in the opening credits, OR in the main menu in gray lettering. I think that would be very beneficial for people who have the TA Mod for a long time and forget what version they have :P
for troubleshooting purposes

Completely Unrelated / Re: Shwarzenegger VS. EMA
« on: 2010-09-03 19:50:37 »
Meh, I didn't think what you said was that harsh. The game industry creates more jobs than anything Governor Schwarzenegger could hope to throw together. The game industry feeds thousands of mouths, not only the ones of the country who makes it, but also those of places that sell it. Someone has to be out there to market these games and count out change for customers. This government takes gaming too lightly, It has become an essential part of our economy. I cannot imagine life without them to be honest... it seems even if you ban them, a new way would come about to get them. Not to mention the resale value of all your MA games would skyrocket :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Shwarzenegger VS. EMA
« on: 2010-09-03 19:31:24 »
i can see it now... groups of kids with black circles under their eyes... waiting in the alleys behind game stores. As you approach the door one breaks from the pack and nervously asks if you will buy him a copy of the new Call Of Duty. He's got $80 and he's telling you to keep the change because he is that desperate. Poor kids... makes me sad to see them like that...


Ahhh, this basically made my day, envisioning this. I thank you for this  ;D

Actually, most countries already severely limit the type of content which goes into their games. Such as Germany banning the sales of Command & Conquer: Generals due to the fact that it contained the Battle for Baghdad while the German government was against the American invasion of Iraq. As it stands now, the only reason retarded kids get their hands on violent video games is because of their even more retarded parents. I.E. 12 year old kid wants Rated-M game, parent buys Rated-M game not looking at the content. Kid plays Rated-M game with their own limited mental capacity to comprehend good from bad. Kid proceeds to recreate Rated-M game in reality because some equally retarded bully picked on kid. Kid gets caught and blames Rated-M game for actions.

It's not the gaming industry's fault that there are kids that take games too far, and the same can be said of movies. In fact, the real culprit here would be the parents who buy their children games well beyond their mental abilities. If your child can't understand the difference between reality and fiction, then it's your fault, not the games. The ESRB clearly labels what games are recommended for what ages, that rating is placed there for the parents to read, and it's not their fault if the parent is too retarded to pay attention.

The fact that people in general just can't take a little responsibility. That's like a kid molesting their teacher then saying "He/She raped me!" you know what I mean? Let's not point the finger at the gaming industry, I think a rational solution would be to bring the age limit to 18, and force a bold disclaimer, which most games do. Something along the lines of: This game contains violence. Read the ESRB rating, that says MATURE, for those of you who failed the vocabulary section of your life, Maturity: a term in developmental psychology to indicate that a person responds to the circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner. This means that in order to be eligible to play this game, your child, or yourself, must recognize that these depictions are fictitious, and that he/she/you is/are playing a GAME. Real life is cruel and unfair. So if you're going to kill/rape/steal, please blame it on something other than games (maybe yourself!). Thank you!

Yeah... I think it would get a couple soccer moms to say no!  :evil:

Completely Unrelated / Re: Shwarzenegger VS. EMA
« on: 2010-09-03 18:23:25 »
Haha bad decision, government is dumb. Let me show you their math.

Money+debt=less bad

More money + Less debt = even less debt

Some kid kills peopl and "GTA *MADE* me do it!"+ General lack of good decisions from a majority of the  underage (-18) population= Games make kids do bad things.
Kids do bad things>Debt
Games=Kids do bad things
Games+Ban=Kids do good things (or stop doing bad things)

Games=Stemmed from movies
Movies+ban=no bad. all good.

Society=Crumble. ^.^

Of course that was all for fun, but I think they see the movie industry as more secure, because they can restrict releases in certain places, which they haven't done yet to games, but it looks like it may be coming soon (what will walmart do without games? :O )

Of course just as (after 4 years) those crazy kansas-ian church-goers and that marine's father are finally going to court about saying his son died because god hates gays (actual statement, not mine, I support homosexual rights, no participate :P) and whether they impeached the limitations of the freedom of speech. Same ideal issue going in with the gaming thing. Free speech.

Completely Unrelated / Shwarzenegger VS. EMA
« on: 2010-09-02 21:51:07 »

Anyone been keeping updated? thoughts?

Games are, now days, like alcohol used to be.
Remember? Government thought it was dangerous, people loved it, government banned it, people went apeshit, government allowed it again.

While I think that it would be within rights to make the proper age 18 because right now at 17 unless you have a State-supplied ID it is very difficult to prove you're 17.(Tried it with a permit once... don't recommend it  :P)

Aside from that Teen is hard to verify.

I believe that if they restrict the AGE, that the sales of games will not increase or decrease. If they choose to restrict it more-so, then there might be a problem. Not to mention if the games lose their protection under the first amendment, there will be thousands of lawsuits against game-makers.

I do not believe this will pass.

I also cannot believe that the f*cking terminator, of all people... who just played a cameo in the Expendables... is saying games are too violent. Seriously... if you take away games, movies will be next, then either music or literature. I doubt it will make it past games but still... I do not understand the reasoning to California's argument.

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-02 18:53:54 »
I'm really liking your system. I kind of forgot what it was like to have a unique battle setup, as I listed a bunch of games with nice battle styles. Yours really had me thinking while I was reading and I really like it.

Controller setup really doesn't matter to me, about an hour into a game, controls become second nature to me :P

I think the Combat System has been covered pretty thoroughly.

On to the second biggest deal of the game. Moving around. Creating the environment.

A few questions that could shed some light on the idea if answered:

Are you planning on starting the game like it actually started?

Will the world map be an obsolete way to get from town to town? If so, have you considered what to implement instead?

Will all towns/feilds be the same (recreated to look like the original)?

Are you planning on implementing any new areas?

What will moving around be like in The Highwind/ The Tiny Bronco/ Chocobo/ Hovercraft be like? New or old?

Just a few questions to keep things rolling, and that I have had nagging in my mind. If you have an outline or something that you want to throw at me to say "Shut the hell up" I understand  :P

I just have so many questions, and I kind of want to keep the ball rolling, keeping this thread active so it stays fresh   ;)

I also am looking for ways to suggest improvements for/help continue this project  :D

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-02 08:52:58 »
The only FF12 I played was for the DS so I'm not sure how similar it is in that aspect. I don't think I'm being as clear as I want to be with this lol, but I'm unsure how to put it.

General Combat - Normal attack maneuvers and combination based on buttons/keys used (Also, note to Senti, I would suggest making the game Controller compatible)

Materia Aspect - Fighting Pause when you hit button or key to bring up materia menu, menu should take up quarter of the screen. In menu, select skill/magic/summon to use. 2 ideas for targeting - 1. (This idea is new as I was thinking of "Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits") All magics/skills should have an AoE, and the range (length and width of scope) should be judged on level. 2.Specific targeting using the "Arrow-over-head" method and selecting as many enemies as magic/skill was meant to hit. Summons should hurt all, and encompass entire feild in their attacks.

AI Fighting - (When not controlling certain members of party - ) Prior to going into battle (i.e. like when player is setting up skills and whatnot) Player should be able to set the general terms for his party members (including Cloud) with such values as "Upon: Enter Battle, (Character) Casts (Support Magic)" or "If: (Party Member) (Health/MP) reaches < (percentage) use/cast (healing potion/spell/elixer/etc)". Another thing would be to set styles such as "Beserker, Medic etc" for preset usage, unless you want to force players to set them up themselves. Another aspect to AI fighting would be deciding whether you want to make like Infinite Undiscovery and have Party stances such as "Focus (attack one enemy), Spread (each Party Member attacks random enemy), Etc." or to set these kinds of stances for each character along with their general terms.

AI Materia use - Similar to KotOR, you can set characters to use materia under certain terms, but if, for instance, there is a boss like Ifrit, who you want to constantly cast Blizzard on, Materia pause menu should let you select 3 to 4 materia attacks that you want your AI's to use in order (similar to taking control, casting them, then switching back to Cloud). To clarify, I'm Playing as Cloud, fighting Ifrit, I open up Materia menu, I select Blizzard and fill up 3 empty materia queue slots (meaning it will use the spell three times, which also means a cancel button could be implemented), Staying in the Materia menu, I switch (using designated key/button that would allow you to switch in battle) to Barret, select Blizzard 3 times, Stay in Materia menu, switch to Tifa, select 3 Blizzards, Switch once more so I'm back on Cloud (Because the option of exiting on Barret or Tifa would exit you into assuming that character) and exit the Materia menu and wait for all my blizzards to cast, then continue on with the battle. This would also work without casting anything on Cloud, filling up the AI's queue and coming back to cloud to take Aggro while the team hits hard.

/long explanation that hopefully makes more sense  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-02 06:34:22 »
Yes, I do like the way that the random battles are in CC, you're running around in non-combat mode (can't attack or cast spells). Screen pausing a moment as enemies appear, you drawing your weapon and readying for battle and enabling the use of combat magic. Of course, like I said before, would keep it more toward the original with the materia and such, including the limit breaks, though those would require pausing the enemy and ally units on the battlefield to perform properly, it wouldn't require much changing those from what they are now. I'm not quite sure what you mean by a KotOR, you talking about the Star Wars game? If so, I've never played that one, played JKJO and JKJA though.

Yeah Star Wars lol. KotOR has a style in which you can literally pause the game, select attacks for all of your party members (you can switch between three of them either paused or unpaused). The only difference is KotOR lets you select all attacks, whereas I'm only talking about materia, and only for one character.

Also, on a note of ways to make AI parties seem more helpful when you aren't switching often, check out Dragon Age: Origins. The way you can give characters a "Job" with a list of if-then statements such as "If _____ health <50% cast heal," these statements can work for any aspect of combat too, as there are many variations for the spells to use and the reason's to use them. You can even set them to change fighting style.

Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to cover yourself just in case. not trying to be a prick, just speaking from experience.  :)

Be careful with what you do and what you post here due to copyright infringement stuff.

Just a heads up, best bet is to keep questions vague  ;) ("Can I get a 3D map? 4096x4096 ect)

I really don't have an answer to your question, just trying to catch a possible problem before it hits big and you get disappointed with your experience on qhimm. :)

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-01 05:25:01 »
Actually, this is one of the things I was thinking about myself, originally I had thought of doing them all on the field like FFVII:DoC, but then I got to thinking if it's done similar to the original and Crisis Core, it would be a bit easier as it would increase the randomness of random battles, as well as keep the use of several of the materia which modify random battles (preemptive strike, etc.) As well as reducing the number of models required on the map at a given time if you fade out any other NPC models, allowing a smoother frame rate without the extra graphics being rendered.

Hmm, I've never played Crisis Core because I don't have a PSP lol. But after watching a few battle-scene vids I like the style you are thinking. I wonder if it would be smart/plausible to use a KotOR style for Materia usage to slow things down for people who need time to think lol. I don't know if you've played the fan made Team Avalanche yet or not, but I think that would be  cool way to incorporate random battles.

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-09-01 02:10:48 »
I can bounce  :mrgreen:

So what is your plan on the Walking around/Spring into battle idea?

FF7 was so split down the middle because of the way it was. You're thinking of Real-time, so what kind of transitions would you think of using for that?

I think the battles of FF7 are one of the most important concepts of the game, that's why I bring it up first.

Are we looking at DoC running around then "oh hey there's bad guys..." or kind of like Walking around, scene stops as your enemy approaches, then into battle we go?

Just trying to get a feel of your position on the battling system.

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-08-31 20:56:21 »
3ds WOO ^.^

from August - July I have access to Maya which I know pretty well. So I would be willing to do a couple simple monsters or something. but that's for another time. I'm gonna check out UDK. To help pull some ideas together it might always be a good idea to compile a list of things you want/need to do in this remake

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-08-31 20:43:49 »
Quote from:  U.S. Copyright
Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it.

That says to me: Square cannot say "He took my idea!" or "He took my title!"

Quote from: § 106A. Rights of certain authors to attribution and integrity
(3) The rights described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) shall not apply to any reproduction, depiction, portrayal, or other use of a work in, upon, or in any connection with any item described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of the definition of “work of visual art” in section 101, and any such reproduction, depiction, portrayal, or other use of a work is not a destruction, distortion, mutilation, or other modification described in paragraph (3) of subsection (a).

This is saying basically, that any reproduction (not COPY) portrayal, or other use is not a desruction of a work of art as long as the work of art that is being depicted is a one of a kind. which is what it means by "(A) or (B) of the definition of “work of visual art” in section 101"

As for your ideas of going about it, using the first would be best if you wanted to just reassure yourself to not get hounded for it lol.

As for helping you on in the project, I would be happy to do simple work such as modeling simple things, making images to use for backgrounds. Developing simple textures (I've made a few for easy-modding games like fable, and Morrowind before, just fuzzy on the conversion thing and I would require UV Maps :P) like weapons, grounds, walls, and so on. I would also gladly help with any dialogue or event ideas. I really need to check out the program you're going to use though and see how difficult this would be. I think asking TA for some models would be an okay idea. They look good and they're already planning on distributing them freely in the release.

Happy to help however I can :P

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-08-31 20:09:55 »

Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game. Once a game has been made public, nothing in the copyright law prevents others from developing another game based on similar principles. Copyright protects only the particular manner of an author’s expression in literary, artistic, or musical form.

Seems sufficient to me.

On a side-note, Senti, I would love to hear more about what your lists of wants and needs are for your project :D

True... and if that's the case though... holy hell... Profit maximization 101. lol

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-08-31 19:31:32 »
Chance of getting sued is pretty low atm considering Eidos has dropped FF7 off their radar, and Sqeenix is releasing Final Fantasy 14. The legal issue would only lie in the name as well. As long as all the Models were NOT created by Sqeenix (or any other game/company for that matter, meaning he could use all TA's models if he asked nicely and offered credit MAYBE ;D) in theory, the release does not need to have a checker.

If there are any Sqeenix illegal-work-hunters lurking these forums, please be sure to correct me if I'm wrong in what I say  ;D

The copyright law means that you can't take something that someone has made and use it. Like stealing, I can't break into a person's house and steal a painting. I could, however, create a replica of the painting myself. Same concept with the model thing.

Doing this project would be infringing on less (if any) copyright laws than Team Avalanche. Simply because they are modifying Final Fantasy Seven's actual game files.

You'd think Sqeenix would give Qhimm-forums a break considering we troubleshoot a game that they probably don't even troubleshoot anymore lol.

The cheapest 1366 mobos can handle 12GB of RAM and cost about $130

Key word "cheapest". You know this computer has top of the line everything, which is why I estimated prices to be high. I shop on newegg often, built my own PC which kicks ass for about 300 bucks, but that's another story.

My big question is, Why SSD?

SSD is going to limit your computer space so much because the average budget can't afford a high GB one, so they throw an 80 in it. The gaming experience would be the same on a an average HD. There should be no reason that any game would require that kind of HD to access the information that quickly, considering the Processor (which is already overpowered for this PC) would take care of all that work with ease. 80GB SSD, I'd rather have a 2TB 3.0GB/s HD for the same price. :P

Did anyone else notice the actual aesthetic design of the case is kind of sucky too? for that kind of money you'd think you'd be getting something that looks powerful or at least has to do with FF14

General Discussion / Re: Entertaining an idea
« on: 2010-08-31 18:52:46 »
Not going to agree with the whole "FF7 must be installed" deal with you on this. Considering it will be completely made from scratch, I think all the rights other than the ideas for the game belong to you, and unless it is a moral thing for you, you should feel free to distribute it freely. Just a thought.

For the project in general though, I absolutely love the idea!
In fact you inspired me to pick up an old project in Morrowind for creating a FF7 Mod lol.

I simply cannot stop thinking about how epic your project is though, even in the idea. Imagining it is making my brain melt.

I feel like I want to say more lol, but I just don't know exactly how to put it :P

I'll wait for some response from you, then see what I have lol.

Definitely very interested though. I'm game for helping out too, where i can.

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