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Messages - Borde

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Mmm... it stays forever in a black screen or just flashes and exits?
By the way Spike, did you rename the files?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-09-21 11:21:43 »
-Scnix, I think that somehow you ACFE.A file got corrupted. Try using this one:
-DjidaneElric, does your comptuer reboot even if you don't install the Reunion's patch? XP allways is problematic with FF7 but I never heard It simply rebooted the system.
-Nice to see someone else doing models ice_cold513  :D
-Melanthius, does that crash happens allways? yeah, I know it sounds wired, but I've found places where the game crashes once and in a second try it works.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-09-21 09:01:53 »
I'd like to clarify that the NPC recosntruction project is meant to be used with Reunion's patch. So yes, both SHOULD be compatible. If anyone finds some kind of incompatibility please report it.
To install my patch, simply copy the files in every floder of it to the CHAR directory that you created to use the Reunion's patch (If you erased it simply extract char.lgp again) and then compile the files again to char.lgp.
By the way EmperorSteel, there is already at least one tool to change the size and (in a limited way) the shape of the models: Kimera (my little program :-P). You can find it in the programmig section.
Hey, sorry ice_cold513, I don't understand very well what you said. Are you working in a model?

Mmmm... I see. Now I understand the problem everyone is having. I thought that world_us.lgp and menu_us.lgp were the same file for every version. Now I see I was wrong.
Well, no problem. I'd post the US version files here, but I think it would be illegal. Instead of doing so, I post here 2 IPS patches to convert menu_sp and world_sp to US versions:
IPS patches can be aplied using a wide range of programs. Personally, I use SNES Tools 1.2.
After using these patches you should be able o install at least the Reunion's patch.
By the way Sk-F, yeah, James Pond is right, I meant the files in the directory cd insde the data one.

Troubleshooting / Final Fantasy Game mod maker ?
« on: 2005-09-20 19:08:11 »
There are programs to change 3D objects, textures, 2D images, the music, the text and the stats of the characters and enemies. However, I think there is still no way to edit the walk-mesh nor the scripted secuences. So well, you see, you can edit some things but changing everything is still far from possible.

You sould have no problem at all with a US version. If you try renaming the files and installing the 1.2 patch I think it SHOULD work too (at least, it works for me). Try it befor buying a new version.

You can play with AA on with higher Resolution patch :-P. Yeah, not very helpful.
As for the 1.2 patch, I've always used the US version and I play in Spanish (there was no Spanish TNT patch by the time I played the game). I had to change the name of the following files in order for the game to run:

 in cd\

 in menu\

 in minigame\
 in wm\

Hope that works.
EDIT:Looks like I've been proven wrong. Sorry.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-09-19 22:40:31 »
Well, i think it's time to post some W.I.P. in order to prove that I' still alive :-P. Those guys are from the train:

If you don't know who they are, here is a picture of their original models:

There are still 2 more characters in the train. I'll release a new little pack when they are done.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-08-31 10:24:16 »
Eigaar, I plan redoing all the other NPCs... until I get tired. I think that Reunion said he wasn't interested in the other NPCs. Nothing surprising, he has already done more than enough.
If you want to do a page about the project, I think it's fine (I'm not going to do a page about it anytime soon). Don't know if Reunion will have any objections.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-08-29 09:54:43 »
Well, actuallly... I've been at home :-P. I've been playing Resident Evil 4 and testing emulators on the GC and... well, I basically took a break.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-08-28 17:18:28 »
Thanks for your advice Fice. Yeah, I've read the way that algorithm works, but I didn't undesrtood it very well. Now I think I know where my code was wrong.
There you have a new release. Simply a bug-fix release, sorry. No new features added. I'll try to do something interesting next week.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-08-28 16:58:27 »
Here you have a little update for my part of the project. 3 more models added (yeah, not very much after such a long time but, you know, I'm lazy and so). With this all the models until you get to the train should be hi-res.
Included models:
I also included the avalanche team.
By the way, does anyone know how to make a short character (such as Wedge) stay at the same level as the other characters? I mean that he looks as if he was floatting and that's pretty anoying (at least for me).

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-08-23 09:19:58 »
Mmmm... that's strange. That message meaans that the file has been modified. Maybe that Animevamp patch did it. I suggest you to try Reunion's patch before animevamp's one.
By the way, I don't know if Reunion has a dedicated page, but I don't. Sorry.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-08-21 16:00:35 »
I also like the SD aproach Cyrus XIII, but it looks like that there is a lot more people (Reunion, for example) who likes the realistic one. If you want SD models, you can try using a little tool I posted at the Programming feedback forum. The FF7PC field model resizer lets you change the size of a model and make it SD-like automatically (don't expect the result to be very acurate, though). Try playing with it a bit. It's simple. You have also a nice FAQ made by ice_cold513 in the pack.
By the way, I've been very lazy lately :-P. I'll try to release 3 more models next week.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-28 21:27:06 »
You are right chocomog. I thought I had fixed it, but I didin't. Oh well, I'll do it for the next release.
There are also 2 more bugs that I must solve:
 -Adding polygons on a multi-group p-file (any textured file) will cause the file corruption. I've solved this problem already so the new version will be fine.
 -The vertices order on poligons is wrong sometimes. That's a bad thing because the game thinks that they are facing inside the screen (and thus, won't draw them). I don't really understand how must the vertices be sorted, but I think I can solve it easily.

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm "bussy" testing my ViperGC :-P.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-15 12:57:05 »
Version 0.5 it's out.
Now you can insert polygons (specially useful for closing objects after removing polys).

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-13 11:18:26 »
Reunion, I think that the old patch style was less problematic.
By the way, here is the last model I've been working on:

Aerith, I think there were some shots at the higher resolution patch therad.
There is also one at the forth page of this thread.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-12 23:29:10 »
omega, there is something odd here because the steps you are following seem correct to me.
Could you post a file with the log created by the installation? You know, the thing things it writes while it is installing such as "file x replaced succesfully" and so.
I supose you are already doing it, but just in case, did you extracted the original char.lgp?
By the way, crimsondante my idea is to redo all the field models left. But let's be serious: only one person cannot finish redoing every single character contained in char.lgp. Well, maybe one can but, for sure, not me. I know that sooner or latter I'll get bored. But that's not bad. I'm not a especially brilliant modder. I'm completly sure that there's a lot of people out there who can do a better job (Reunion, for example). They just need to try it. Rebuilding a field model is not very different from playing Lego. But you know, Lego isn't allways that simple...

Archive / FF7 - Reactor RELOADED Project
« on: 2005-07-12 17:38:32 »
:o  Creating a full new FF7 model out of the nothingness...
That would rock, truly. I whish you all the best luck!!!

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-10 15:31:49 »
¿? That's strange, it works for me.

FF7 Tools / FF7PC field model resizer
« on: 2005-07-10 15:28:44 »
None that I'm aware of. But who knows?

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-10 15:12:44 »
I think it was time to post the (little) work I've done with the NPCs. I leave you here the Avalanche Team: Jesse, Biggs and Wedge.
And here are two shots:

By the way, did you know that Wedge and Biggs are Luke's best friends at Star Wars? :-P

rmco2003, RPGillespi and Changeling. Sorry for not answering you for so long, but I wanted to have something to show. These models have been made using pieces of other battle models and edited with my Kimera program. Try to play arround with it a bit, it's pretty easy when you get used to it. You can see the result of your mess using Bitrun :-P.

Oh, one last thing, I did a little new tool to resize models and make the SD If you will in a very easy way. You can find it at the programming feedback section.

FF7 Tools / [PC] HRC Resizer
« on: 2005-07-10 14:47:58 »
Well, while Reunion figures out how to solve the clipping problems with the hi-res models (or you want hi-res SD models like me :-P), you may use this program to adjust the size of the models in order for them to fit better on the background.
Here you have:

Updated with ice_cold513 FAQ. Thanks for writting it!

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2005-07-08 19:40:30 »
Now I see why there is a type mismatch error. Well, actually it's a problem with the error handling routine (stupid visual basic...). Anyway, I've been playing arount a bit with the hiam file and it worked right when I saved it. However, I've been changing the code recently and maybe that solved the problem. Well, anyway, expect a new release soon.

Jejeje! yeah, I kwno, It's just that I'm a bit lazy :-P

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