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Messages - BlitzNCS

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FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-11-22 22:38:39 »
well due to my laziness, i've been hiding away from the PSX side of things. however i REALLY like wallmarket and so i must confess that I have FF7 on PSX and would like to test whatever you need. however, right now, i only have copied discs, which cannot be made into ISO's due to their crappiness. IF you can wait a day to a week, i can get my originals returned to me and make an ISO :D

EDIT: I have reclaimed my Discs and am ready to begin the ISOage :D

I believe some rotationg and repositioning is kimera is in order, but, overall, some pretty impressive Modding skills :D

Yes, i believe so.

Having a few problems with textures at the moment, that and im lazy, so heres a work in progress kimera screenshot:

As you can see, the only thing left to do is the Feet :D

By the way, would it interest anyone if i Continued to Upgrade Another little project of mine that appears in this picture?:

Like what you did here :D

Take your pick:

         Original                             Cool                                Requested

Hope they suffice :D

You ought to modify it just a little so his top spike stands a bit taller. Maybe not necessarily as high as in the original battle model, but close. Also if you're looking for nitpicking, his lower body, where the bottom half of his belt is, seems too small. His upperbody just suddenly expands outwards and looks strange. His suspenders seem a bit off as well.
Minor nitpicking  :-) Looks really good, much better than anything I could ever pull off with my lack of 1337 skillz.

thanks for the suggestions :D
should have some gameplay pics up later today or tomorrow.

EDIT: I need someone who can Get a Tex File of my textures for me if i send them it. for some reason, whenever i do it, it always is untextured ingame. kind of annoying. i wonder how apz did it...

If you truly want to help people, wouldn't it be better to release a tutorial written by yourself?
So that anyone who wants it so badly will be able to make it themselves instead of relying on others to do the work for them.
possibly, possibly... however, pirating $200+ 3D modelling software, which is essentially what you need to do (not saying i did that  :wink:), is slightly more illegal than a few dissasembled models... i dont know...
if he really wants to release then please let him release it, why are you trying to prevent him?
most people are gamers not programmers, they dont even know what char.lgp is.

Btw neocloudstrife, im having trouble with the khdump.exe. I drag the kh.iso and the kingdom.idx into the khdump.exe, then it starts dumping and shows the list of mdls files dumped but after its done the khdump.exe closed and i cant seem to find the mdls files anywhere. Do you know what the problem is? Should I instead use 3d ripper and a ps2 emulator to rip the models?
there should be a folder somewhere. if teh thing came up dumoing the models, search for a folder nearby named "Dump_kh2".
PCSX2 currently does not support 3dripperDX, you get a 2D mess :/

You're right, and i agree, however, i dont want everyone to have to go through what i went through :/
I mean it took me FOREVER to make this, since i was overcome with wanting apz' model :P and i dread to think of what people do if they Dont have the capabilities to make their own :/ at least they can settle for a "second-best"
maybe i'm the one who cares...
...but i dont think so. so for now, illegal or not, i think i'm going to release it :wink:

well, i'll see how it goes after i import it. if it all works perfectly, theres no reson i shouldnt start on sephiroth at some point :D and i guess that goes for Most FF7 models availaible in KH2 :D

Well, With a Lot of time and hard effort, i managed to create This:

Within the next couple of days, i should have some screenshots of ingame :D

However, i am ACTUALLY considering to release this as a patch to people. Granted, it's no-where near as good as what it was inspired by, but i just had to show anyone who may click onto this :D I'm pretty sure it would make people happy  :wink:

Anyway, feedback is appreciated :D and comments on whether to release it or not..?

The thread which started my project:

Thanks a LOT apz freak! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Archive / Re: QUICK FAVOR PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 2008-11-08 16:28:50 »
This is getting a bi of topic now, besides, im only pointing out the obvious. I'm pretty Sure hacking Codes for PS2 games and distributing them online is illegal, and i've done that tons of times  :-P

Archive / Re: QUICK FAVOR PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 2008-11-08 15:18:23 »

I have both games Legally. its still illegal.
All you have by Buying any game is the Lisence to play that game. you dont own any of the material in the disc that comes with it, nor do you have the right to decompile and extract anything for commercial use or any distribution whatsoever. its on every instruction manual and box of a game that you buy. :|

Archive / Re: cloud lgp question (minigame bike)
« on: 2008-11-07 21:30:34 »
I think its in the minigames folder in Data, might be wrong though
And sorry, i dont have a save file for you

Keep up the good work!

Archive / Re: QUICK FAVOR PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 2008-11-07 20:31:38 »
Call me a Noob, but i'm PRETTY sure its illegal to send an LGP to someone :/

Archive / Re: New cloud Model Being imported!
« on: 2008-11-07 17:23:26 »
Bump because i really need help with this

Archive / Re: New cloud Model Being imported!
« on: 2008-11-04 15:16:39 »
Lol, its okay, at least ya replied :D
Seriosuly though, i do need help. i cant move any further without knowing whats going on here. if it helps much, when i view the ".tex", its all skewed, although the texture ingame seems to be more screwed up than skewed :/

Archive / Re: HELP PLEASE
« on: 2008-11-04 15:14:51 »
LGPtools does that for me sometimes, too. the button "replace" simply refuses to work properly. what i would do is dump all the files using LGPtools, copy the files you wanna use, rename them to barrets models, and and recompile the LGP, then replace the original wth your modified one :P. worked for me. as for the size, there is a setting on kimera to make individual models smaller/larger.

hope that helps

Archive / New cloud Model Being imported!
« on: 2008-11-03 16:51:12 »
Ok, so without much help from this community, i FINALLY got clouds head ino FF7. although i think for some reason the UVW map got messed up, or maybe its just the textures didnt import properly. either way, this happens when the "RTAC" or the texture file is in .tex. when it has no file ending, no textures are applied



so, a little help here?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-11-02 15:46:16 »
I don't remember this ever said in the game. :)

those look like 2 letter refferals to bigger words. for instance "At" being attack? who knows :P

lol hell yeah :D

BTW apz if you still exist, could you send me the 3D model for the belt? i cant seem to make one :/ and also maybe the texture if you have it, i cant seem to perfect mine. i can perfect the soldier logo, but the rest....yeah...

Archive / Re: FF7 Battle charater swapping question
« on: 2008-11-01 13:58:00 »
i guess thats possible, since vincent has WAY more attacks than sephy. so odds are it wont freeze :D

Look, dude, he aint gonna give it out. no point in begging. want 'em? go make 'em. its REALLY not hard. check my above posts :D

Archive / Re: FF7 Battle charater swapping question
« on: 2008-10-29 15:26:50 »
Then you and i are one teh same page, my friend :D

wow. can you add new battles using meteors script editor? i really need to learn to do that!

but yeh fighting cloud would be pure awesome

Archive / FF7 Battle charater swapping question
« on: 2008-10-29 14:45:51 »
ok, so i know character swapping isnt always perfect. however, i'd like to ask this:

would it be possible to make Allies into fightable enemies in FF7. for instance, could i swap the models, skeleton, and animation files of Safer Sephiroth for the ally version of sephiroth, or even perhaps any other character, like Vincent, for instance.

I tried Changing the models of vincents limits, but the outcome was similar to that of what we PS2 hackers usually come across. There was no animation for the AI to use, so the game waited for "galian beast" (aka. sephiroth) to do his intro attack. unfortunately he doesnt have this attack, and thus the game waited and waited and waited forever. so i was wondering if making allies into enemies would have this same effect and constantly wait, if it even loads in the first place.

also, if i LGPswap, say, tifa, for, say, rude, without using tifa's anims and skeleton, would i be able to still use the command menu and attacks and magics fine?

you said it :D

would it be alright if we could have all the custom textures? it would save a great deal of hassle

anyway, its a LOT easier to do this than people probably think. i'm using fireworks MX, and "AC3D", not even 3dsmax, and already i have this:

Now thats not bad for about 2 hours total work, right?

plus, i'm an ultran00b. so if i do it, anyone can. also, can i get some suggestions on how to improve on mine? (i know obvious ones)

also, thanks again to apz for his brilliant work and ideas :D

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-10-16 16:59:35 »
Hey, sorry if this has been brought up, but i noticed that MP needed for attacks cannot exceed 255, or FF, even though the Limit should be, and it states in the program too, that it should be 9999. can you fix this easily?

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