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Messages - godlik3

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did some test and the key item "key to sector 5" dont work when you add it instead of looking for it but it shows up in your key items but it dosnt work so is that a glitch or am i wrong?

asa i've added the corrections for 0xc23. please check and report back. tomarrow i'll see about getting the stuff needed to work with 0xc22 correctly as well as the bronco/chocobo switch.

do let me know when the new version is out please and thank you. also quick question i have my sound cutting in and out on some parts of the game, do you thinks its my computer it self or my iso's?

or is there a patch that fix that?

there is something like that its in the location tab , in the world map section.

what editor did you use..?
what changes did you make?
what changes did it make in your file if you don't know that can you provide both  the unmodified and modified saves so i can see what changed?

im pretty sure that what ever editor you used changes also other stuff . cause like i said the model displaing depends on what world map your on , and that seams to be based on what your global progress is.

i used Final Fantasy VII SavGame Editor_CruCiA editor and when i used it it had a check box by the bronco and i had to check the box and it reappeared and then i went back to yours and it showed it again. sorry i didnt double save it like i should have but i was tired. i was able to use the bronco because i just finished wutai area and i was trying to move the buggy and then my bronco was gone, i kept trying to place the bronco but it didnt work then i had a idea to use another editor and i check the box for the bronco and i saved it and it was there. so i thought ill give you a idea and make the vehicles in ff7 a check box sysytem so something like that dont happen, just a idea.

well i just got it and i had use another editer to make it reappear. i had to check a box to make it work maybe you should add something like that?

not sure , could be several things. im sure its something simple like forgetting to save, not coping the file or something like that. besure you have the file signed or it will not work on your psp. see above post. also i don't have a psp so im not sure if you need to put the save in a certain spot or not.

i fixed it and i have ff7 for pc but i found out how to edit it but ty

also why cant i place the Bronco anywhere with out losing it? on the computer any help?

i edited my save file but it doesnt change when i load the game up so what did i do wrong?

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