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Messages - Hypzn

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-10-16 14:35:21 »
Whoever did the "arrange" mod is a lazy ass......  i have to fight 2 ferning blast by president shinra who have 3600 hp and  i have 0 ferning MP!!!!!!!
I TRIED GRINDING MONSTERS they drop 0 "tent" or "ether" so how in the ferning c ocksucking dicks am i gonna get mp to move forward? should i farm mobs with normal attacks til i go 100 lv to proceed or ferning what dude? get a ferning grip.  Yall make so many ferning mods its been what 25 ferning years since this game been out? "This supposed to be a good mod?"   How about u fix the overcomplicated stats oh no nono non instead u made it more complicated with retarded stats like what the fern dude. 

Balamb Garden of course! Why? And where are you from?

I saw the "GR" in your name and i was wondering if u are Greek like me.. thats all, i wanted to ask you by sending u a pm but i cant.

LeonhartGR where are you from?

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