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Messages - DriveMeCrazy

Pages: [1]
I used the Default Preset with a few changes:
-Cloud Battle Model: Remix APZ -> Hi-Res Classic
-Vincent: Vincent ReModel with Gun -> Vincen'ts New Boots and Rifle
-Save Point: Final Fantasy X -> No Change

INFO: Bootleg Version 2012.04.20 Version .0038
------Bootleg Configuration Info------
INFO: Sun 04/29/2012 - 21:29:20.14
INFO: Bootleg Options: /C0 /S0 /P1 /R0 /O1000011010101000000001110011010101111111110011111111001 /N1 /A1 /V1 /H2 /L5 /M0 /K0 /E2 /T1 /Z1 /B0 /J0 /U1 /W0 /Y0 /Q2 /G1
INFO: Brat Code: /@01010601020000000000100000111
---------Bootleg System Paths---------
INFO: Destination Location: "C:\FFVII\"
INFO: Mod Path: "C:\FFVII\Bootleg0038\;C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\;C:\FFVII\Bootleg0038\"
INFO: Temporary Files: "C:\Users\Sam\AppData\Local\Temp\Bootleg_Setup\"

And yes I have all the mods necessary. I didn't apply any other mods outside of bootleg either.

have you run the game via bootloader? i used to have the same problem.. but it fixed randomly.. it just fixed and it runs fine now

Did you install any mods before or after Bootleg?
Are you launching the game with Bootloader?
Have you made any changes to the ff7_opengl.cfg file?

Bootleg appears to have installed correctly.

no.. just run bootleg, check what mod i want when asked, and wait until it finished.. thats all i did..
i never bother with  ff7_opengl.cfg because i dont want to ruin anything..
and i always start the game by bootloader..
hmm okay i'll try to fix it and tell you if i've found the solution.. thanks by the way :)

EDIT : ah yes.. i just remembered.. i've download black chocobo to convert my save file to emulator save file.. so i can use save state to see different scene with different answer.. and also to find a specific item.. like hunting ether that dropped by mono drive in train graveyard..
could it be that my avatar, save point, etc wont change because i use black chocobo converted save file?

yep i've installed it in different drive..
here is my bootleg config..
sorry to keep asking a same question

Code: [Select]
INFO: Bootleg Version 2012.04.20 Version .0038
------Bootleg Configuration Info------
INFO: Fri 04/27/2012 - 15:47:09.26
INFO: Bootleg Options: /C1 /S2 /P1 /R1 /O1000011010101010001111110011010101111111110011111111001 /N1 /A1 /V1 /H1 /L9 /M6 /K1 /E4 /T3 /Z5 /B1 /J0 /U1 /W4 /Y1 /Q1 /G2
INFO: Brat Code: /@01111011020000000001201101111
---------Bootleg System Paths---------
INFO: Destination Location: "e:\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\"
INFO: Mod Path: "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\;C:\Users\hardi\Downloads\;E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
INFO: Temporary Files: "C:\Users\hardi\AppData\Local\Temp\Bootleg_Setup\"

Validating Language Files . . .
Identified Compatible US Version.
Language Validation Completed.

Backing up Vanilla Data . . .
Completed Backup.

Preparing Sprinkles . . .
Sprinkles are ready.

Applying the official Final Fantasy VII 1.02 Patch . . .
Completed Final Fantasy VII 1.02 patch installation.

Searching for "Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.exe" in ""
Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.exe is missing!
Searching for "Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.part01.rar" in ""
"Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.part01.rar" is missing!
"Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.part01.rar" has parts missing!
Searching for "Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.part1.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Verifying The Remix in 4 Parts . . .
Verified 4 parts . . .
Installing The Remix . . .
Extracting "Final_Fantasy_VII_Remix_v2-5-1_Installer.part1.rar"
Completed Final Fantasy VII Remix installation.

Searching for "" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Aali's Custom OpenGL Driver . . .
Extracting ""
Completed OpenGL Driver.

Installing Bootleg System Files . . .
Completed Bootleg System.
Locating Data Drive . . .

Using Data Drive H:\

Building system files . . .
Updating Registry . . .
Completed Registry.
Updating shortcuts . . .
Completed Shortcuts.

Searching for "Avalanche High Res.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"

Installing High Res Team Avalanche Overhaul . . .
Completed Avalanche High Res Overhaul.

Searching for "Avalanche GUI v2.0.8.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Updating Avalanche GUI . . .
Completed Avalanche GUI update.

Generating Bootleg Mods Folder . . .
Completed Generating Bootleg Mods Folder.

Generating Boot Modes . . .
Completed Modes Generation.
Installing Hardcore Mod . . .
Searching for "Gjoerulv-1.0.5.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Updating Normal Mode . . .
Installing Gjoerulv's Hardcore Mod . . .

Extracting "Gjoerulv-1.0.5.rar"
Finalizing Hardcore Mode . . .
Completed Hardcore Mode.

Searching for "Aeris_Patch_23_March_2011.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Aeris Revival . . .
Extracting "Aeris_Patch_23_March_2011.rar"
Creating Aeris Revival Modes . . .
Integrating Aeris Revival with Normal Mode . . .
Building Flevel.LGP.
Installing Aeris Revival in Hardcore Mode. . .
Integrating Aeris Revival with Hardcore Mode . . .
Building Hardcore Flevel.LGP
Completed Aeris Revival.

Patching Kernel . . .
Mode Switching is Enabled, Updating Current Mode with Normal Settings . . .
Kernel Patches Installed - Menu
Completed Patching.

Searching for "MO.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing DLPB & Kranmer's Menu and Battle Interface Overhaul Project . . .
Installing Menu Overhaul in Hardcore Mode . . .
Updating Normal Mode with Menu Overhaul . . .

Installing Menu Overhaul in Hardcore Mode . . .
Completed Mode Update.
Completed Menu Overhaul.

Cleaning Mode Folders . . .
Completed Cleaning.

Searching for "ff7music_install_15113.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FF7Music . . .
Located OSTRe.7z in local folder.
Completed FF7Music.

Installing additional audio tracks . . .

Integrating Remix Soundtracks . . .
Completed Integration.
Completed Music Installation and Integration.

Searching for "FMVRes.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FMV Restoration Cut Scenes . . .
Completed FMV Restoration Cut Scenes.

Installing Enhanced Movies . . .
Searching for "ff7_enhanced_movies_1.part1.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Enhanced Movies 1 in Parts . . .
Completed Enhanced Movies 1 in Parts.
Searching for "ff7_enhanced_movies_2.part1.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Enhanced Movies 2 in Parts . . .
Completed Enhanced Movies 2 in Parts.

Searching for "eidoslogo.avi" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Eidos Logo . . .
Completed Logo.

Searching for "" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Rhumba's Opening Movies . . .
Extracting ""
Completed Movies.

Copying LGP Files . . .
Preparing BATTLE.LGP . . .
Preparing MAGIC.LGP . . .
Preparing CHAR.LGP . . .
Preparing high-us.lgp . . .
Preparing chocobo.lgp . . .
Preparing world_us.lgp . . .
Completed LGP Preparation..

Updating Remix Files and Adding Texture Slots . . .
Repairing Damaged Battle Models . . .
Remix files updated and texture slots added.

Installing Field Art as PNG to Mods Folder . . .
Searching for "" in ""
Searching for "FacePalmer.part01.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Verifying FacePalmer Files . . .
Verified 20 parts . . .
Installing FacePalmer Field Textures . . .
Completed FacePalmer.

Deglitching field textures . . .
Completed Deglitching.
Completed Field Art as PNG.

Installing Strayoff's Condor Minigame Upgrades . . .
Modifying condor.lgp . . .
Completed Strayoff's Fort Condor Remake.

Searching for "FL-WME Beta.exe" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's World Art . . .
Completed FeliX Leonhart's World Art installation.

Installing Battle Art as PNG to the Mods Folder . . .
Searching for "FL-BSE" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art . . .
Extracting "FL-BSE"
Completed FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art installation.

Searching for "FL-BSE v0.1.1" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art Update . . .
Extracting "FL-BSE v0.1.1"
Completed FeliX Leonhart's Battle Art Update installation.

Searching for "Magochocobo png battle files.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 1 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 1 installation.

Searching for "corel prison and bonus.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 1.5 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 1.5 installation.

Searching for "Magochocobo ff7 battle pack 2.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Pack 2 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Pack 2 installation.

Searching for "magochocobo_ff7pack3.rar" in ""
magochocobo_ff7pack3.rar is missing!
Searching for "magochocobo_ff7pack3.part2.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
 is missing!

Completed Battle Art as PNG.

Installing JeffDamann's Battle Art . . .
Completed JeffDamann's Battle Art . . .

Installing Battle Art as LGP to Battle.lgp . . .
Searching for "Magochocobo Battle Scenes (lgp use).rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Scenes . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Scenes installation.

Searching for "Battle Scene enhacement lgp" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing FeliX Leonhart's Battle Scene Ehancements . . .
Completed FeliX Leonhart's Battle Scene Ehancements Installation.

Searching for "magochocobo_ff7_pack 3 lpg.rar" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Magochocobo Battle Scenes Pack 3 . . .
Completed Magochocobo Battle Scenes Pack 3 Installation.

Completed Adding textures to Battle.lgp.
Completed Battle Art as LGP.

Searching for "data.7z.001" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Grimmy's Upscaled Magic Textures . . .
Completed Grimmy's Upscaled Magic Installation.

Repairing Glitched Magic Textures . . .
Completed Magic Texture Repairs.
Installing Phoenix Rejuvenation Project additional field models . . .
Installing Phoenix Rejuvenation Project Chocobo Race models . . .
Completed Phoenix Rejuvenation Project.

Installing AC Potion Vials . . .
Completed AC Potion Vials.

Installing Anifiga's Sephiroth model . . .
Completed Anifiga's Sephiroth Battle Model.

Beheading Field Models and Unaveraging Alphas . . .
Completed Head Transplanting.

Installing Grimmy's PRP Addon . . .
Completed Grimmy's PRP Addon.

Installing Bloodshot's High Quality Motorbike . . .
Completed Bloodshot's High Quality Motorbike.

Bootlegging Rebuilded Field Models . . .
Completed Squallff8's Rebuilded Models . . .

Assimilating Additional Field Models . . .
Installing Bloodshot's Field Models . . .
Completed Bloodshot's Field Models.

Installing Dahfa's Field Model: CQGA - Aeris at 5 Years . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: DIFF - Aeris at 10 Years . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: BLDE - Man 1 . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: BMEE - Girl . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: BOHE - Snow Woman . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: BPDC - Wrestler 2 . . .
Installing Dahfa's Field Model: AYFB - Barret Navy Uniform . . .
Completed Dahfa Field Models.

Installing Bloodshot's Classic Cloud Field Model with Sword . . .
Completed Bloodshot's Cloud with Sowrd.

Installing Grimmy's Huge Materia Models . . .
Grimmy's Huge Materia Models Completed.

Installing Bloodshot's Additional Classic Battle Models . . .
Completed Bloodshot's Classic Battle Models.

Installing Grimmy's Joker, Death Dealer Battle Models . . .
Completed Grimmy's Joker, Death Dealer Models.
Installing StickySock's Vincent's New Boots . . .
Completed Vincent's New Boots.

Installing Aaiki14's Bunny Girls . . .
Completed Bunny Girls.

Installing Megaten's Hi Quality Aerith Models . . .
Completed Hi Quality Aerith Model Installation.

Installing Costa07's New Vehicles Models . . .
Installing Costa07's Bootlegged Buggy Model . . .
Completed Costa07's Bootlegged Buggy Model.
Installing Costa07's Submarine Model . . .
Completed Costa07's Submarine Model.
Installing Costa07's HQ Highwind Model . . .
Completed Costa07's HQ Highwind Model.
Completed Vehicles.

Installing Pirate Ship and Tank Vehicles Models . . .
Searching for "" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Extracting ""
Completed Pirate Ship and Tank.

Installing Slayersnext Cloud Swords . . .
Completed Slayersnext Cloud Weapons.

Installing Slayersnext Aeris Weapons . . .
Completed Slayersnext Aeris Weapons.

Searching for "Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack.7z" in "E:\Square Soft, Inc\Bootleg0038\"
Installing Mike's Models . . .
Extracting "Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack.7z"
Installing Mike's Flame Limit V2 . . .
Installing New Style Phoenix . . .
Installing HQ Masamune . . .
Completed Mike's Models.

Installing Kela51's ICE Magic Textures . . .
Completed ICE Magic Textures.

Installing Millenia's Cloud Weapons Manual . . .
Completed Millenia's Cloud Weapons.
Integrating Mike's Cloud Weapons . . .
Completed Mike's Cloud Weapons.

Installing Grimmy's Cloud and Sephiroth Prelude Credits . . .

Installing Avatar Preset - Milo Leonhart's 10th Anniversary Photographic Avatars . . .

Installing Customized Avatars . . .
Installing Barret Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Vincent Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Chocobo Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cid Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cloud Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Aeris Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Cait Sith Sith Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Sephiroth Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Proud Cloud Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing RED XIII Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Tifa Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Installing Yuffie Avatar - Transparent by Bloodshot . . .
Completed Customized Avatars.

Installing Armorvil's Bootlegged Sound Effects . . .
Completed Bootleg SFX Patch.

Installing Alternate Menu Background . . .
Completed Alternative Background.

Flavouring with Bootleg Sprinkles(tm) . . .
Bootleg is served with Sprinkles(tm).

Installing Kranmer's Multi DLL Loader . . .
Completed Kranmer's Multi DLLs.

Installing Kranmer's Any CD Loader DLL Version . . .
Completed Kranmer's Any CD Loader DLL Version . . .

Installing Kranmer's Menu Overhaul Style Switcher . . .
Completed Kranmer's Menu Overhaul Style Switcher.

Installing Kranmer's Always Run Toggle . . .
Completed Kranmer's Always Run Toggle.

Building LGP files . . .
Building battle.lgp . . .
Battle.lgp completed.
Building char.lgp . . .
Char.lgp completed.
Repairing magic.lgp . . .
Building magic.lgp . . .
Magic.lgp completed.
Building high-us.lgp . . .
high-us.lgp completed.
Building chocobo.lgp . . .
chocobo.lgp completed.
Repairing world_us.lgp . . .
Building world_us.lgp . . .
world_us.lgp completed.
Completed LGP Building.
Installing LGP Files to Game Folder . . .
LGP File Copy completed.

Completed Final Installation.
Completed Generating MOD Folder.

Removing setup files . . .
Completed Clean up.

Completed Bootleg: Fri 04/27/2012 - 16:13:04.47.

oh my.. it happen to me again..
i use bootleg0038 and select save point,avatar, potion vial, etc.. when i run it, all i had selected before have no effect..
my avatar is classic one,, my save point, and all is classic one..
why is that happen?
sorry my english is bad.. hope its understandable ..

No files are duplicated.  Reinstalling Bootleg overwrites the existing files.
A fresh install means a brand new installation of FF7 from the CD-Roms.
Using a fresh FF7 install is the optimal way to install Bootleg.
You can also create an FF7 image by zipping the contents of the game folder immediately after installing the game.
Bootleg will extract the files from the FF7 image during installation.
This prevents any conflicts that might arise from reinstalling Bootleg.

well okay thanks alot..
i just rerun the bootleg,, because avatar change from anniversary one to classic one.. i dont know why it happen.. so i change the setting in bootleg and rerun it.. is there any way to change it without having to rerun the bootleg?

Running Bootleg does a complete install.
Installing Bootleg over and already Bootlegged FF7 is only partially supported.
If you've previously installed Menu Overhaul or modes like Aeris Revival and you attempt to run a subsequent Bootleg without those mods, you may experience issues with the game.
Reinstalling Bootleg should work as long as your aren't trying to disable Menu Overhaul or Mode Switching with the second install.

so if bootleg does a complete install, then there would be double copies of the files in my FF7 dir..
and it waste my memory? or is it just copy and replace it?
and would you mind to tell me what is fresh install?
sorry for the stupid question

if i have a new mod, can i run bootleg just to install that mod without having to installing the other one that already installed in my game?

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 17:53:30 »
Look if you got the real copy then it will have installed properly, then you have to install aalis driver.  Then install this mod...

And you have to make sure the files like ff7.exe are the originals.  If you are unsure, start over.  Install ff7 and aalis driver again.

i have installed aali's driver and it works fine.. so i assume i have the real copy..
so back to my first question about save anywhere mod..
is it possible that i already have activated it.. but to save, i must press some key? like when i change my battle screen, i press ctrl+f5-f8..

sorry.. but im newbie in this kind of thing..

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 17:29:51 »
Well then you see, you need to understand:

1.  Pirated game is illegal.
2.  Pirated game is not supported here
3.  Pirated game may not work as intended with my mod or with aalis driver.

I will add this to the first thing of my post.  I thought it was common sense, but it seems sense is not at all common.

well.. okay
thanks for your information..
at least now i know that pirated version cant run the mod..
by the way how to know the difference between original and pirated? how to see if my game is original or pirated?
because i dont know.. i simply buy it without asking the seller

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 17:12:33 »
read the FAQ at the start and the readme on the license page.  Then make sure you are using original files from the CD.

well im not sure if i am using the original files or the pirated filles..
but, the other mod i selected like battle menu work fine in my game

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 17:02:26 »
Run the installer.  Select the option.

i already install it multiple times with only save anywhere checked.. but nothing happen when i run the game.. nothing change..
is it possible that my antivirus block it? i have turn off my antivirus but still nothing happen when i install it

theres something i'd like to know..
if i download and wanna use bootleg 0038, what should i do with 0037?
uninstall 0037, and reinstall the 0038? or just install 0038 normally and do nothing with 0037?
and if i want add some mod, if i run bootleg again, what will bootleg do? install all that put in bootleg folder, or just install my new downloaded mod? i want to rerun bootleg but im afraid that it will double my file and waste my memory..
i cant speak english well, but its understandable right? sorry :)

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 16:40:45 »
Kranmer's DLL's work well with the Menu Overhaul.
These hacks allow you to toggle always run and the menu style:

FF7AlwaysRunKranmer.dll                         Kranmer         Toggle Always Run                       Qhimm FILE

Multi                            Kranmer         Menu Overhaul Style Switcher FULL       Qhimm FILE

well i found the dll a bit complicated.. so maybe i think its okay not to run as default..
about save anywhere.. can you please tell me how to activate it?
thanks by the way :D

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-23 11:08:13 »
M004d isn't supported for a start-off.

does mo005a support it?
is it okay to install mo005a and clear all, and check only save anywhere, gypt, and default run instead of walk? with mo004 still installed in my computer..

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-04-22 11:00:30 »
can someone help me?
i install m004d and when it ask me to checklist things..
i check run as default, save anywhere, and ability to skip cutscene..
the installation process finish without any problem..
but when i play the game, i still walk as default, cant save anywhere and nothing change..
what is wrong with my setup?
thanks :)

Pages: [1]