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Messages - Lutherian

Pages: [1]
Hi there, is there no solution to my "Access denied" problem with Bootleg ?

Sorry but I already tried that (I've been posting and trying a lot of things before this, but thanks anyway and you have a lovely avatar)

I still can't run bootleg... access denied...

*forever alone*.

Do you know when does the next version of Bootleg is planned ? :(

Yep ! Now run BFE and then, if everthing if ok, click on "Run Bootleg". I cross my fingers...

Check that all your mods with an exe (Avalanche GUI, FF7Music etc) aren't blocked :

Right click > Properties > Unblock.

Sadly, it didn't solve my problem but I'm pretty sure it will help you.

1. Don't go with "Mode Switching - All Mods". There is a bug associated with it that will be fixed in the next release (0039). For right now, choose either "Norma Vanilla" or "Gjoerulv's Hardcore Mode" and wait until 0039 release to go back to Mode Switching.

2. Under the Textures tab, uncheck "Battle Scenes as LGP". You only need the PNG option checked.

3. Under the Avatars tab, make sure "Avatar Preset" on the right-hand side is set to "Custom" or else it won't install properly. Another bug that will be fixed in the 0039 release.

4. I believe "Aeris Revival" has slight issues when Menu Overhaul is also installed. Just be aware of that for Discs 2 + 3 when she is around.

5. Is your new mod folder actually named "Bootleg0038" and is it actually at location "C:\Jeux\FF7\Bootleg0038" with all the proper mods downloaded? I just want to make sure you didn't simply copy my image link location without knowing what it means to do so.

1> Ok, fixed it.
2> Ok, fixed it.
3> Ok, fixed it.
4> Ok, fixed it.
5 > Yes, Bootleg is actually in the same folder of the mods.

C:\Jeux\FF7 is where I installed the game (Maximum, no drivers DirectX 5 and stuff).
C:\Jeux\FF7\Bootleg0038 is where I putted Bootleg and all the mods, in their original filename, in their zip and rar and stuff.

I just tried again, and it didn't worked either.

EDIT : I forgot to mention that I reinstalled the game this morning.

Can you post a screenshot like I did? I want to double check something with your settings.

Here you go :

Oh and my OS is Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate.

Figured I'd update on my issue

The problem turned out to be in ulgp.exe. I had my set up files going to a directory location with spaces in the same, and ulgp did not handle that correctly. Posted on the page for that tool, and it's apparently going to be updated to fix directory resolving. Moving my set up directory to something smple (like w:\temp\) has resolved the issue and bootleg now fully installs.

Thanks for the help

Sadly, it didn't helped me there, 'cause I too have the "Access denied!" thing when I run Bootleg (I tried "C:\Jeux\FF7" too)

Can't figure what is going wrong there...

Thanks for answering (I just saw the correct topic to post such questions, I'm sorry).

I did install FF7 in "C:\Jeux\FF7", but then, I tried to install it to D:\Jeux\FF7, and it's the same :(. I even followed your screencaps ( by installing the mods in "C:\Jeux\FF7\Bootleg0038".

Maybe I'm doing something wrong here :
1- I run Bootleg.exe by clicking "Run Bootleg" in BFE. It's ok, right ?
2- I can leave both "FF7 Install Image" fields empty ?

About the FF7 Install Image, when I launch Bootleg, it says it can't find ff7.exe... because he created another directory "FF7" witch can only fail : C:\Jeux\FF7\FF7...

 I don't know what on Earth is happening there.

Hi everyone,

I'm astonished to see such an amazing work done for Final Fantasy VII. Thanks for everything and for Bootleg.

I just finished downloading every mod Bootleg needed for everything I choosed, then, everything goes wrong :

Here's my system :
OS : Windows 7 64-bit.
C:\ : System.
D:\ : Data storage.
Antivirus / Firewall : Kaspersky PURE (the same problem happens when I kill him)

And my BFE config :

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me.

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