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Messages - Aramiyou

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SecuROM doesn't use up an activation, if it's the same hardware. Change out your mobo and cpu and they might, though.

I've activated it on multiple computers and I haven't lost any activations.

From the screenshots and videos, it seems the game doesn't keep the original aspect ratio intact when you run in widescreen? Can anyone confirm this? That's possibly a deal breaker for me, as I don't like being forced to play with stretched graphics.
You can change it in the video options.

first time meaning one time only or first time meaning at every start up
One time only.

Can anyone else confirm this? That's odd as they have looping points.
Seems to loop just fine for me though sometimes the music doesn't play.

It's not true, you have to log in the first time you start it and after that, you can play it offline.

Anyone know how to use current PC saves with this? I've got it installed but putting the save folder in random places doesn't seem to make it work.
The saves seem to be in:
C:\Users\NAME\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII\user_xxxxxx

What's the easiest way to play this with a PS3 controller? Shocked they don't have native controller support...
Xpadder should work.

We'll have to get a side by side, Because unless they just upscaled them from the PSX, they should be better, if they just upscaled them... The f*ck SE??!
I might make a comparison video in a bit, I'm just changing all the audio files at the moment.

How do the new cut scenes compare to the old ones? Are ours better? Or are theirs?
They aren't bad, they're obviously better than the originals. I'd say the ones on here are still better though.

When they said you could give your party a boost, they weren't kidding.

Edit: Okay, so the cutscenes are easy to replace with better ones, just have to put new ones in the movies folder. The ones that come with the new version run at 15fps and they're 1280x896.

So... basically no change so far? Except we don't need FF7 music.

Pretty much. I am kinda disappointed by the achievements but I was hoping for stuff like "Complete FFVII without using materia" so I was being fairly unreasonable anyway.

It is a pretty good version of FFVII though. I wonder if they fixed the Magic Defence bug.

Yes, as I previously stated they are using vgmstream to play the music. Vgmstream should work with any OGG that has its loop points properly set in metadata, such as those my installer uses. It should be an easy fix to swap in whatever files you want and rename 'em. These ones, for example (Final FanTim's remastered OST) are already about ready to use, they just need renamed.

I can confirm this, just swapped the default Bombing Mission for another version and it worked fine, just had to convert it to OGG.

Edit: Well here's the video, works just fine.

What the f*ck? they still didn't change the OGG midi's to the actual music?
Unfortunately not, let's hope mods will still work to fix that.

Few more screenshots, getting achievements and bad translations still present.

Easy way to confirm the music, check this file (I think this is it, anyway):

Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Square-Enix\data\music\lb2.ogg
If I'm not mistaken, this should be One-Winged Angel. Let us know if there's lyrics.
I checked it, there's no lyrics.

Here's a few screenshots of the launcher, options and online profile including achievements.

First video is here:

Sorry about the video quality, seems Fraps doesn't work very well with it (or my computer is getting outdated)

But you were allowed to load it up?

Think that means the exe mods are still in business!

Any differences from the original?

Loaded up just fine, had to go through the launcher but it didn't seem to care that I'd changed the exe.

There's not a whole lot of difference, it seems a lot smoother, probably because it runs at 60fps. The music is quite different though, certainly better quality than the original PC version but I'm not sure it'll be to everyone's liking. I'll get some screenshots and maybe a video if you're interested?

It depends what they have done.  If they have used checksum protections, the mods (esp the ff7.exe mods) will be kaput for now.

If not, at least the non ff7.exe ones have a good chance of succeeding. I am looking forward to seeing if the mods work.  Whoever gets this game can they please use a hex editor on the NEW ff7.exe file (ff7_en.exe). Change 524ec9 to 52

When you start the game the "Continue?" should now read " CRntinue"

This will tell me if there is some sort of check in place etc.
Backup the file before editing.
I just got the game.

I tried it out and it worked, it came up as Crntinue. One thing though, the line was 524ec5.

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