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Messages - Isidore

Pages: [1]
Hello Tirlititi
I'm so sorry to bother you again with that, but as you can see in the pictures, there's still the same problem  :|

I've done several tests, using three different ISOs (including one made from the original FFIX disc), and on two different computers, but I still got the same problems : missing names and letters of supporting abilities, and changes in the inventory section that don't appear in the game. (and it also seem that changing the starting equipment set make the game crashes when you select the new game option)

The rest (changing effect/names of combat skills, commands, editing enemies, texts..) seems to work right.

That's a mystery to me as I don't understand what i could have done wrong...

So the problem should be the iso. Okay I will try again with another one.
Anyway, thank you for your help ;)

Unfortunately I don't think it's the problem, because I only save at the mog and never use the save states  :|

Hi Tirlititi !
First I have to say thank you for great work on Final Fantasy IX :)

Sadly, since the latest versions of hades workshop, several problems appears to me.
Here's a little list

- When i try editing stuff like supporty abilities, some names will be messed up in the menu (but appears correctly in the editor)
Ex : "Niv+" --> ".+"
"Galenterie" --> "ure"
"Orphee" --> "e"

- Editing items seems to be pointless as the changes won't appear in game (but it does in the editor) (like getting swords usables by Djidane, or changing effects of some items)

- Changing abilities in "Stat" > "Ability list" doesn't seem to work either, as the changes won't appear ingame. 

I've tried many ways, like editing the .bin file directly in the editor, or with applying a .ppf file, but it sill doesn't work... I'm playing on the French version, and I've already tried your program last summer and everything worked perfectly ...

FF8 Tools / Re: Carbuncle - FF8 kernel.bin editor
« on: 2012-11-24 12:29:37 »
Actually i'm talkin about writting symbols, such as "é", "à", "ù" ^^

FF8 Tools / Re: Carbuncle - FF8 kernel.bin editor
« on: 2012-11-23 15:09:20 »
Hello :)

Do you know if there's a way to add new characters to the char tab?
I tried but i didn't seem to work...
Or maybe i'm not doing it the right way...

Pages: [1]