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Messages - ChaosSaber9999

Pages: [1] 2
Troubleshooting / Re: char.lgp
« on: 2013-10-25 17:55:56 »
Kimera isn't the problem the lgp.exe is giving me the issues when I put the lgp back together also why would it have a button saying to open char.lgp database if it isn't mention to be used for that honest question not trying to be a smart-ass or anything also when I try to open battle models it keeps giving me errors

Troubleshooting / char.lgp
« on: 2013-10-24 23:56:33 »
Hey guys dont know exactly where to put this but i just got kimera running and i did a simple change by adding clouds sword to his hand and i tried to reconstitute the files as the char.lgp and i keep getting an error that .A is an invalid file name i thought it would be fine thinking that the 0 byte file wouldnt mean anything but i tried to boot ff7 and i get an error on loading my game can someone help???

Completely Unrelated / Re: help wanted
« on: 2013-08-19 00:56:01 »
I had posted my problem on the topic and everything that they suggested ive looked for answers through google the whole 9 yards and nothing worked hence the desperation i wanna get in on modding but as far as characters at the moment i'm screwed

Completely Unrelated / Re: help wanted
« on: 2013-08-18 22:27:25 »
I hope im not breaking any rules by asking that but i wanted to do some model editing and cant find any other ways of doing it

Completely Unrelated / Re: help wanted
« on: 2013-08-18 22:13:39 »
Just wanna do some model editing make funny characters and stuff like that for personal use only thats all i cant get kimera to work for me so i need to find some other way of doing it i saw sackboy cloud somewear and i wanted to make my own funny spoof characters

Completely Unrelated / help wanted
« on: 2013-08-18 21:47:11 »
Hey there everyone i need some help finding a scripting file so i can import the re release character models of ff7 i have the plugin to export as a m3ds file so i can work it over in milkshape 3d but i cant find a place that i can download the proper import scripting files please help sorry im poasting from a mobile phone so it accidentally poasted twic

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-10 20:54:29 »
Yeah i tried that i mentioned it in one of my earlier posts that i tried both files and regular and admin permissions

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-07 17:59:27 »
Im running on windows 7 and kimera wont open at all it just gives me the message component "Mscomct2.ocx" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file missing or invalid

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-03 23:55:12 »
That link is actually the second page i looked at and tried but it didnt work also the msstdfmt.dll and the msvbvm60.dll are already registered on my computer i did that before i even thought of posting about my problem i just dont get it i hear it works for other people but it seems nothing im doing is working

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-03 16:47:26 »
The module"(filename)" failed to load make sure binare is stored it the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependant .DLL files specified module could not be found. I dont know how to debug it if thats the problem

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-02 05:53:59 »
Thanks in advanced

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-02 05:48:53 »
Hey guys I've  looked at every possible way to register MSCOMCT2.OCX i put it in my system32 and sysWOW64 windows files run the command prompt regular and as admin and nothing has worked to register the file do i need to download a new one or what?

General Discussion / Re: Sword breaker
« on: 2013-07-25 17:46:05 »
Okay cool i thought it might be limited on use like some other materia thx

General Discussion / Sword breaker
« on: 2013-07-17 06:27:14 »
Does anybody know if and how long of a omnislash mime counter(command) link you can do?

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-07-14 21:28:32 »
just curious can you tell me what enemies you can steal armor and weapons from i.e hard edge can be stolen from soldier 3rd class in shinra headquarters i just dont wanna risk staying in battle with enemies that could kill me in a couple hits for an item i dont really need not that the guessing game isnt fun and all but for someone that doesnt like to save between every fight it could be devastating to lose trying to steal from an enemy that i could only get an ether from or something

Completely Unrelated / Re: Odin glitch
« on: 2013-07-14 19:24:07 »
steel bladed sword was the attack that was used and no i havent recreated the scenario because i havent run into many attack from both sides battles for quite some time also it was in the mural room of temple of the ancients

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-07-14 17:34:50 »
well i used odin and he attacks with gunge lance it only hits one enemy and only recognizes one other enemy as alive after use so in short after odin you cant kill all the enemies but it says that you win its weird

Completely Unrelated / Re: Odin glitch
« on: 2013-07-14 17:21:04 »
The weird half human creature with horns that you encounter in the temple of the ancients

Completely Unrelated / Re: Odin glitch
« on: 2013-07-14 10:36:22 »
no screenshots i was just caught off guard by it freaked me out to see a giant doorbull looming over odin like that

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-07-14 03:17:23 »
Okay that explains it I thought it was like undead status and you could heal with poison or something like that like in other final fantasy games oh well thanks

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-07-14 01:04:31 »
How or can you heal someone wearing the fleshlust accessory?

General Discussion / Re: Random
« on: 2013-07-11 05:36:03 »
Oh yeah oops derp moment

General Discussion / Random
« on: 2013-07-10 23:49:36 »
Can anyone tell me why you don't have the materia that young cloud has in the flashback at least somewhere in your inventory

Completely Unrelated / Odin glitch
« on: 2013-07-07 03:01:17 »
I cast Odin with enemies on both sides and I saw a giant doorbull behind Odin anyone else see that kind of thing?

General Discussion / Re: quadra magic
« on: 2013-07-06 22:17:01 »
Well it's a fun and easy way to deal with the weapons but I don't feel like going through the trouble so thanks for the info anyway

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