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Messages - ESPerion

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.3
« on: 2011-03-31 11:15:58 »
i turned off UAC, patched everything again, but kernel.bin still appear to be unaffected while scene.bin is definitely changed. aside from finding a patched scene.bin and kernel.bin somewhere i'll be missing out on this damn nice hardcore experience. oh well :p thnx guys! oh yeah and omega is jux insane xD

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.3
« on: 2011-03-30 13:34:44 »
this's too strange. scene.bin has the proper patched data, but the "patched" kernel show old unpatched data in wallmarket after every single patching effort. but technically kernel.bin doesn't need to be patched to enjoy the mod right? sorry if this's becoming tedious to you guys =.,=

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.3
« on: 2011-03-30 10:39:11 »
thnx for the quick reply :D
i did the kernel update in hojo (admin mode - win7), still no go. i only messed with kernel.bin in wallmarket beforehand n didn't touch scene.bin so i wonder what could have gone wrong... technically i don't need to have virgin scene & kernel BINs to use the patch right? the enemies all show in hojo & PrC, so scene.bin should be ok.. and kernel according to my understanding dont really matter if i just want the extra enemies and bosses right? oh and what is UAC :-s

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.3
« on: 2011-03-29 17:43:20 »
this is a very promising mod to me. lol why promising? cuz i can't seem to get it to work properly. after patching up everything, now enemies appear where they aren't supposed to. like 3rd form Hojo instead of safer sephiroth. and ancient forest monsters appearing in the northern crater. gold dragon encounter crashes every single time. etc. but when i open scene.bin with hojo, all the monsters are setup to appear where they should. so did i do something wrong?

Troubleshooting / An idea for clouds Ultima Weapon.
« on: 2006-03-02 08:54:41 »
funny thing is u know how ultima "darkens" when Cloud's HP goes down? swapping in Buster for example and the dang stick also darkens likewise. interesting tidbit.

Troubleshooting / Ifalna v1.40 Bug
« on: 2006-02-23 00:00:17 »
that's a window behavioural issue, inheritted since windows 95. happens when ur app didn't even have a chance to free up resource it uses after termination.

Troubleshooting / Can someone make Onyx Weapon?
« on: 2006-02-22 23:58:31 »
not really... seeing as we have more than one Ultima weapon, we can do something about that.

maybe make the final ultima weapon fight into ur sick onyx weapon fight.

but i reckon u demandings guys should try to do it yourself instead of always asking others >__<''' at least give it a try or something, there're tools around.

Archive / A complex, but fun, idea.
« on: 2006-02-02 03:14:41 »
interesting indeed. but one of the thing about ffvii materia system is that it taxes the use of materia... the stats mod is one thing (which doesn't really concern anyone) but there're others... Emerald weapon's attack is of notable mentioning. also if you want, for example, a w-elemental attacks, you will need 4 slots on ur weapon.

still as it is the system offers quite a lot and often u find a nasty combo coming up that u didn't think of. well, it's not like square is ever going back to the materia system... <sigh>

Archive / Weapon Modifications, Menus, Stats...How???
« on: 2006-01-17 13:51:47 »
could anyone please enlighten me with the data format of kernel.bin? i wanna edit some weapons' stats but don't know where to start... ~__~ any help really appreciated. since kernel.bin is pretty small and contains a fair bit of data, i'm guessing that it's compressed in some way, ne? o_O;;

to Great Sephiroth: cloud's ultima is rtcz, masamune is sick.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2006-01-15 20:36:57 »
unfortunately as Borde pointed out, we can use biturn to convert .p to 3ds and go from there but we can't convert it back to .p ... so maybe not yet. 'side, one should learn to do with the current hi-poly reunion patch ^o^.

that, and i'm also not sure about the poly limit of the ff7 engine... among other stuff. so 'til then, AC Cloud's gotta wait in the corner. or like others are trying to do, u can swap parts in and out (yuffie's leftie in with some changes) to fashion ur own AC Cloud :p

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2006-01-15 01:29:25 »
to Method:

AC Cloud has the fluttering cape thingie.. which won't be animated in FF7 as there's no bone for his cape. if i can figure out how to use all these tools, i reckon i can do an AC Cloud since my major is 3D Anim.

but the 1st thing is to figure out how to do all this... anyone cares to tell me how to import those .p model files into maya 'n export them back? ^^;;

Archive / swapping weapon models around...
« on: 2006-01-14 14:39:08 »
much thnx borde ^o^~ this's way better than pulling hair looking at obscure windows.

*EDIT: well got around it and replaced yoshi blade with masamune... cloud holding masamune doing omnislash is pretty nice, other than that masamune phasing thru the floor when cloud puts it on his bak .. which is minor.

now i jux need to find and change the stats of the weapons... ^o^~ thnx again for the tech support.

Archive / swapping weapon models around...
« on: 2006-01-14 05:04:41 »
hi i'm using lgptool to find the model of weapons (namely buster sword and organic sword) to swap them around but i can't seem to view the polygon (the xxxx files) properly to stand a chance... please if anyone has the time to answer to my question i'd really appreciate it  ^^''

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