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Messages - BrandeX

Pages: [1]
edited above

Oop, to restate: I am only using the default "Standard" install choice which auto removes Menu as it's non-Steam compatible. For the rest in "Standard", do I need to launch via ff7+.exe or is Steam launcher sufficient for that?

Is it necessary to use the ff7+.exe to launch the game that is installed with Reunion when playing with the Steam version, as it only installs Beacause?

So, Beacause is finished now then? I see the post on page 1 is marked completed with an update of Jan 22nd. I am not sure where/how to acquire the re-translation however.

Have you had any contact with the Luksy fellow since 2 weeks ago?


Check out the FF7_GC.log and see what it's doing. If you can't figure it out, post it here. 7H has an auto-update feature if it's enabled in the Settings. OP will be updated, just not sometimes immediately after a new version is released.
No log file is generated, the best I can tell the cmd window is simply closing after pressing enter.

update: tried the standard version of the convertor, same issue. Log file is generated with that one, but it just stops at the installation found and nothing is printed afterwards.
The log after just pressing enter:
FF7 GameConverter, Version 0.11
Creator: Kompass63
Editor: EQ2Alyza

Start running at    Date: Sat 10/04/2014    Time: 12:52:35.84
Active code page: 437
ActualPath D:\Downloads\FF7_GameConverter_0.11

You are running "Windows 7 Ultimate" on a 64 Bit Operating System (AMD64)
Real Management 64Bit NATIV

This patch is not yet applied.

Steam is installed in "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII"

Installation path found at...

"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII"

If an installation path IS found, press ENTER.
If an installation path IN NOT found, TYPE IT IN and press ENTER.

That's it, window just closes.

Running FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe  doesn't result in a "FF7.exe" in the game directory (Steam), "FF7_en.exe" is still there and loads the launcher when clicked.
Every time I run FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe it indicates the patch is not yet applied, and auto finds my Steam directory.
The CMD window quickly closes with no other error message after pressing enter.

Also OP links to, it is up to v1.39 now.

Pages: [1]