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Messages - 7114james

Pages: [1]

I seem to be having some problems, when i go to open the game it has a warning saying ''OpenGL renderer appears to be the Microsoft software renderer, Your graphics drivers are probably not installed correctly, Expect extreme lag'', then there is an error messgae saying ''No useful indirect path found, check APP.LOG for more information'', after all that it opens but half of the screen is white, once it gets to the New Game screen it doesn't have a background, after a game is started there is no opening cut screen and i cant see my characters till the first battle takes place, when the battle takes place a lot of the screen is white. I really don't know what to do, I thought i followed the instructions well but it seems not, don't know if it will help but this is the steam version of the game and I have carried out the Game Converter part.

If anyone can help it will be very much appreciated.

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