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Messages - G3neralRevan

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-11-29 02:32:36 »
Currently, each character gets a flat +5 to all stats per rank, with 8 ranks, so the overall bonus is +40. Then the chosen upgrade goes onto that which I've printed from the flevel below:

Spoiler: show

[{CLOUD}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Mercenary: +10 STR{, }+5 VIT/LCK
{CHOICE}Makonoid: +10 MAG{, }+5 SPR/DEX
{CHOICE}Shinra Trooper: +10 STR/DEX
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{BARRET}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Marauder: +10 STR{, }+5 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}Vigilante: +10 STR/LCK
{CHOICE}Heavy Metal: +15 VIT{, }+5 MAG
{CHOICE}Techno-Freak: +10 MAG/SPR
{CHOICE}Bomberman: +10 STR/DEX
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{TIFA}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Monk: +10 STR{, }+5 SPR/DEX
{CHOICE}Pugilist: +10 STR{, }+5 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}Brawler: +10 STR/LCK
{CHOICE}Oracle: +10 MAG/SPR
{CHOICE}Punchbag: +10 VIT/DEX
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{AERIS}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Flowergirl: +10 MAG{, }+5 DEX/LCK
{CHOICE}White Mage: +10 MAG/SPR
{CHOICE}Geomancer: +10 VIT{, }+5 MAG/SPR
{CHOICE}Slum Drunk: +10 STR/VIT/LCK
{CHOICE}Slum Drunk II Electric Boogaloo: +20 STR/LCK
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{RED XIII}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Cosmo Warrior: +10 STR{, }+5 MAG/DEX
{CHOICE}Guard Hound: +10 STR{, }+5 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}Red Mage: +10 MAG{, }+5 SPR/DEX
{CHOICE}Sample #13: +10 MAG/DEX
{CHOICE}Cosmo Protector: +10 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{YUFFIE}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Materia Hunter: +10 DEX{, }+5 STR/MAG
{CHOICE}Gil Bandit: +10 LCK{, }+5 STR/DEX
{CHOICE}Wutai Shinobi: +10 MAG{, }+5 STR/SPR
{CHOICE}Goddamn Punk: +10 STR/VIT
{CHOICE}Queen of Wutai: +5 STR/MAG/DEX/LCK
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{CAIT SITH}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Fortune-Teller: +10 LCK{, }+5 STR/SPR
{CHOICE}Yeti Pal: +15 STR{, }+5 VIT
{CHOICE}Materia Tank: +10 MAG{, }+5 SPR/LCK
{CHOICE}Top Cat: +10 DEX{, }+5 STR/LCK
{CHOICE}Tabby Tank: +10 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{VINCENT}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Horror Agent: +10 MAG{, }+5 STR/VIT
{CHOICE}Beastmaster: +10 STR{, }+5 MAG/LCK
{CHOICE}Berserker: +10 STR/SPR
{CHOICE}Quickdraw: +10 STR/DEX
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

[{CID}] - Rank Up
+5 All Stats & Choose Upgrade:
{CHOICE}Shinra Ace: +10 LCK{, }+5 STR/VIT
{CHOICE}Engineer: +10 STR{, }+5 VIT/SPR
{CHOICE}Wingman: +10 MAG{, }+5 DEX/LCK
{CHOICE}Airman Dragoon: +10 STR/DEX
{CHOICE}Top Gun: +15 STR{, }+5 MAG
{CHOICE}{PURPLE}[Check Character Stats]{WHITE}

Generally, most options buff strength and/or magic so that characters don't get left behind offensively but a couple were added that focus exclusively on defence (Cloud & Red now have pure defence options). Most of the options also tally to about +20 overall, but some go past that if the build runs against what's ideal for the character; Aeris' strength builds for instance.

Getting to talk with the man, the myth, the legend himself. Thanks Sega Chief, really appreciate your quick response and detailed answer, this will be incredibly helpful (looks like a lot of these were rebalanced for the better too, in addition to the 5th option). I'm gonna go nuts with my spreadsheet :) Thanks for creating such an awesome experience and reinvigorating this game for all of us, you're a champion

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-11-27 18:58:46 »
Hi all,

Looking forward to playing this mod soon, still waiting on updating my fricking laptop since my current one has Admin locks I can't get past...

Kudos to you SegaChief for making this huge effort and breathing so much life back into one of my favorite games, I really can't wait to play it again. However, given the previous limitation I wanted to ask the community who's playing the most up-to-date version some questions.

I've been taking a look at the documentation about character stat upgrades in the readme, and I've read somewhere about the docs not always being updated but I'm curious about Yuffie's stats. ...Is she meant to be a better all-rounder than the all-rounders? Her description says she's a glass cannon, with "low defensive stats" but she has the same base stats as Red XIII's, so she starts better than Tifa and Aerith on both stats, and she's better than Vincent and Cid on SPR. If she splits her level-ups between Wutai Shinobi and Goddamn Punk (options 3 and 4), she ends with:
STR 115,
VIT 107,
MAG 112,
SPR 105,
DEX 75,
and LCK 52. Aerith is the only other character I'm seeing who can break 100 on the first 4 stats (my math could be wrong or I'm not thinking of a proper stat combination with someone else), but if you go that route with Aerith, her STR becomes stronger than her Magic, which is fun, but perhaps not the best idea.

Granted, as I still haven't played firsthand I'm not sure how much trying to all-round gimps your characters, but from the playthroughs I've seen, your ATK and DEF stats are still really important, and I tend to prioritize them over SPD and Luck. Strategy and team composition obviously are required for every fight, and as I can't play the mod yet I'm not sure how much equipment changes these numbers I'm throwing out (it looks to be a lot, it's probably a lot). Materia and accessories, too.

I know Yuffie is meant to be the tricky evade character, so cutting her DEX may not be the smartest plan but her innate looks great every time I've seen it, does it replace the need for DEX?

I guess the main thing is that I'm confused by the descriptions of the stat boosts on her vs. the "all-rounders," as Cloud has to pick which defense he wants, closest he gets to 100 is 88/92 on VIT/SPR. Red can hit 87/85 if he goes for STR/MAG, he does fine if he goes just STR (107/105). If this were the original game I wouldn't bat an eye since Yuffie's stats there were just slightly below avg but never that far behind, so she could wreck (plus Conforming all the cretins).

Know the readme hasn't been updated since January of this year (or at least the version I'm looking at), but was hoping someone could shed some light on her stats, as it makes me think, well, RIP Cloud and Red.

(P.S. I realize this whole thing is moot if the stat bonuses are different now, and I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to Arrange Mode. If so, hopefully you've enjoyed this thought experiment with me, thanks.)

P.P.S. I'm probably attaching too much value to breaking 100, high average stats are cool, I've always liked Jack-of-all-trades characters.

EDIT: It looks like stat boosts are 5 per source, and that there are 5 ranks now available on level up. Would love to know what they are so I can update my spreadsheet, if anyone has the values. If Yuffie and Red's starting stats are still the same, would also love to know, thanks. Also, Cloud and Red's innates are sorta where they make up the difference for attacking stats. Shame about their defense, but what can ya do?


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